@@ 1,315 @@
+// Command urltool manipulates URLs on the command line and prints the updated URL.
+// See its usage (-h, -help) for more information.
+package main
+import (
+ "bufio"
+ "errors"
+ "flag"
+ "fmt"
+ "net"
+ "net/url"
+ "os"
+ "path"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+func usage() {
+ fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, `Usage: urltool [-h|-help] [URL...] [MODIFIERS]
+Modify one or more URLs and print the results.
+ -h, -help
+ Print this help text.
+ -nh
+ Disable URL parsing hacks (domain.tld and user:bar@domain.tld parsing).
+ Set the URL's scheme.
+ set the URL's opaque value.
+ -u USER
+ Set the URL's username.
+ -pw PASSWD
+ Set the URL's password.
+ -U[=true|false]
+ Strip user info from the URL.
+ Set the URL's host.
+ Change the URL's host port (after taking the host from -H).
+ -p PATH
+ Set the URL's path (or join to it).
+ -j[=true|false]
+ Force joining the URL's path instead of setting it when relative.
+ -fq[=true|false]
+ Force a ? to appear in the URL.
+ -sq[=true|false]
+ Strip query string before appending to it.
+ -q K=V
+ Append a ?K=V value to the query string. May be repeated. If no '='
+ is found, an empty ?K= is added.
+ -f
+ Set the URL's #fragment.
+ -r
+ Parse a URL relative to the input URL and use the result (after all
+ other modifiers).
+ os.Exit(2)
+func main() {
+ code := 0
+ defer func() {
+ if rc := recover(); rc != nil {
+ panic(rc)
+ }
+ os.Exit(code)
+ }()
+ out := bufio.NewWriter(os.Stdout)
+ defer out.Flush()
+ if isTTY() {
+ defer func() { _, _ = out.WriteString("\n") }()
+ }
+ argv := os.Args[1:]
+ if len(argv) == 0 {
+ usage()
+ }
+ newline := ""
+ for len(argv) > 0 {
+ urls, rest, err := parseArgs(argv)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
+ code = 1
+ }
+ for _, u := range urls {
+ _, _ = out.WriteString(newline)
+ newline = "\n"
+ _, _ = out.WriteString(u.String())
+ }
+ argv = rest
+ }
+func parseArgs(args []string) (urls []*url.URL, rest []string, err error) {
+ for len(args) > 0 && !strings.HasPrefix(args[0], "-") {
+ us := args[0]
+ u, err := url.Parse(us)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse URL %q: %v", us, err)
+ }
+ urls = append(urls, u)
+ args = args[1:]
+ }
+ var (
+ nohacks bool
+ scheme SetString
+ opaque SetString
+ username SetString
+ password SetString
+ stripUser bool
+ host SetString
+ port SetString
+ newPath SetString
+ joinPath bool
+ forceQuery bool
+ stripQuery bool
+ query queryArgs
+ fragment SetString
+ parseRelative SetString
+ )
+ f := flag.NewFlagSet("urltool", flag.ExitOnError)
+ f.Usage = usage
+ f.BoolVar(&nohacks, "nh", false, "disable URL parsing hacks (domain.tld and user:bar@domain.tld parsing)")
+ f.Var(&scheme, "s", "set the URL's scheme")
+ f.Var(&opaque, "o", "set the URL's opaque value")
+ f.Var(&username, "u", "set the URL's username")
+ f.Var(&password, "pw", "set the URL's password")
+ f.BoolVar(&stripUser, "U", false, "strip user info from the URL")
+ f.Var(&host, "H", "set the URL's host")
+ f.Var(&port, "P", "change the URL's host port (after taking the host from -H)")
+ f.Var(&newPath, "p", "set the URL's path (or join to it)")
+ f.BoolVar(&joinPath, "j", false, "force joining the URL's path instead of setting it when relative")
+ f.BoolVar(&forceQuery, "fq", false, "force a ? to appear in the URL")
+ f.BoolVar(&stripQuery, "sq", false, "strip query string before appending to it")
+ f.Var(&query, "q", "append a ?K=V value to the query string")
+ f.Var(&fragment, "f", "set the URL's #fragment")
+ f.Var(&parseRelative, "r", "parse a `URL` relative to the input URL and use the result")
+ if err := f.Parse(args); err != nil {
+ return nil, nil, err
+ }
+ // Wait until here to check how many URLs there are, since the user might be passing -h or
+ // -help.
+ if len(urls) == 0 {
+ return nil, nil, errors.New("no URLs given")
+ }
+ for i, u := range urls {
+ if nohacks {
+ // Skip the following URL hacks
+ } else if at := strings.IndexByte(u.Opaque, '@'); u.Scheme != "" && at != -1 && u.Host == "" && u.Path == "" && u.User == nil {
+ // Try to account for user:pass@domain style URLs
+ user := u.Scheme
+ pass := u.Opaque[:at]
+ u.Host = u.Opaque[at+1:]
+ if sep := strings.IndexByte(u.Host, '/'); sep != -1 {
+ u.Host, u.Path = u.Host[:sep], u.Host[sep:]
+ }
+ u.User = url.UserPassword(user, pass)
+ u.Opaque = ""
+ } else if u.Scheme == "" && u.Host == "" && u.Path != "" {
+ // Try to account for "foobar.com" as a URL, since that's technically a path
+ if sep := strings.IndexByte(u.Path, '/'); sep != -1 {
+ u.Host, u.Path = u.Path[:sep], u.Path[sep:] // Keep leading slash
+ } else {
+ u.Host, u.Path = u.Path, ""
+ }
+ }
+ // Scheme
+ if scheme.IsSet {
+ u.Scheme = scheme.Str
+ }
+ // Opaque
+ if opaque.IsSet {
+ u.Opaque = opaque.Str
+ }
+ // User / password
+ if stripUser {
+ u.User = nil
+ }
+ user := u.User.Username() // nil-safe
+ pass, _ := u.User.Password() // nil-safe
+ if username.IsSet {
+ user = username.Str
+ }
+ if password.IsSet {
+ pass = password.Str
+ }
+ if user != "" || pass != "" {
+ u.User = url.UserPassword(user, pass)
+ }
+ // Hostname
+ if host.IsSet {
+ u.Host = host.Str
+ }
+ // Host port
+ if port.IsSet {
+ if _, err := strconv.ParseUint(port.Str, 10, 64); err != nil {
+ return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid port number %q", port.Str)
+ }
+ h, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(u.Host)
+ if err != nil {
+ h = u.Host
+ }
+ u.Host = net.JoinHostPort(h, port.Str)
+ }
+ // Path
+ if newPath.IsSet {
+ if joinPath || !path.IsAbs(newPath.Str) {
+ if u.Path == "" {
+ u.Path = "/"
+ }
+ u.Path = path.Join(u.Path, newPath.Str)
+ } else {
+ u.Path = newPath.Str
+ }
+ u.Path = path.Clean(u.Path)
+ if strings.HasPrefix(u.Path, "/../") {
+ u.Path = "/"
+ }
+ }
+ // Query string
+ u.ForceQuery = forceQuery
+ if stripQuery {
+ u.RawQuery = ""
+ }
+ q := u.Query()
+ for k, v := range query {
+ q[k] = append(q[k], v...)
+ }
+ if len(q) != 0 {
+ u.RawQuery = q.Encode()
+ }
+ // Fragment
+ if fragment.IsSet {
+ u.Fragment = fragment.Str
+ }
+ // Relative URL
+ if parseRelative.IsSet {
+ r, err := u.Parse(parseRelative.Str)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse %q relative to %q: %v", r, u, err)
+ }
+ u = r
+ }
+ urls[i] = u
+ }
+ return urls, f.Args(), nil
+type queryArgs url.Values
+func (q *queryArgs) Set(s string) error {
+ if *q == nil {
+ *q = queryArgs{}
+ }
+ m := *q
+ eq := strings.IndexByte(s, '=')
+ if eq == -1 {
+ m[s] = append(m[s], "")
+ return nil
+ }
+ k, v := s[:eq], s[eq+1:]
+ m[k] = append(m[k], v)
+ return nil
+func (q queryArgs) String() string {
+ return "?K=V"
+type SetString struct {
+ IsSet bool
+ Str string
+func (s *SetString) Set(v string) error {
+ s.IsSet, s.Str = true, v
+ return nil
+func (s SetString) String() string {
+ return s.Str
+// isTTY attempts to determine whether the current stdout refers to a terminal.
+func isTTY() bool {
+ fi, err := os.Stdout.Stat()
+ if err != nil {
+ return false // Assume it's not a TTY
+ }
+ return (fi.Mode() & os.ModeNamedPipe) != os.ModeNamedPipe