
438082103d401678ab00f33a14b2adcde5b525e1 — Adrien Ramos 10 years ago 44ddd85
Tests now use the `test` egg.
7 files changed, 82 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)

M hardwood.meta
M hardwood.wiki
M tests/monitors.scm
M tests/ping.scm
M tests/rpc.scm
M tests/run.scm
M tests/spam.scm
M hardwood.meta => hardwood.meta +2 -1
@@ 3,4 3,5 @@
 (files "hardwood.setup" "hardwood.meta" "hardwood-impl.scm" "hardwood.scm")
 (license "BSD")
 (category hell)
 (needs matchable uuid))
 (needs matchable uuid)
 (test-depends test))

M hardwood.wiki => hardwood.wiki +1 -0
@@ 262,6 262,7 @@ in the following examples.

== Version History

; 0.4 : Bug fixes, tests now use the [[test]] egg
; 0.3 : Bug fix; `!!` function; spawn accepts procedure arguments; monitor references
; 0.2 : Implement process monitoring
; 0.1 : Initial release

M tests/monitors.scm => tests/monitors.scm +33 -38
@@ 1,44 1,39 @@
(define (monitors-test)
    ('crash  (abort 'some-condition))
    ('exit  (void))))
(test-group "Monitors"

(define pid1 (spawn monitors-test))
(define pid2 (spawn monitors-test))
(define pid3 (spawn monitors-test))
  (define (monitors-test)
      ('crash  (abort 'some-condition))
      ('exit  (void))))

(define ref1 (monitor pid1))
(define ref2 (monitor pid2))
(define ref3 (monitor pid3))
  (define pid1 (spawn monitors-test))
  (define pid2 (spawn monitors-test))
  (define pid3 (spawn monitors-test))

; Normal exit
(! pid1 'exit)
    (('DOWN ref pid 'exited)  (and (equal? ref ref1)
                                   (equal? pid pid1)))
    (else  #f)
    (after 1 #f)))
  (define ref1 (monitor pid1))
  (define ref2 (monitor pid2))
  (define ref3 (monitor pid3))

; Excptional exit
(! pid2 'crash)
    (('DOWN ref pid ('condition 'some-condition))  (and (equal? ref ref2)
                                                        (equal? pid pid2)))
    (else  #f)
    (after 1 #f)))
  ; Normal exit
  (! pid1 'exit)
  (test "normal exit"
    (list 'DOWN ref1 pid1 'exited)
    (? 1 #f))

; Demonitoring
(demonitor ref3)
(! pid3 'exit)
(assert (? 0.2 #t))
  ; Excptional exit
  (! pid2 'crash)
  (test "exit with condition"
    (list 'DOWN ref2 pid2 (list 'condition 'some-condition))
    (? 1 #f))

; Dead process
(define ref4 (monitor pid1))
    (('DOWN ref pid 'no-process)  (and (equal? ref ref4)
                                       (equal? pid pid1)))
    (else  #f)
    (after 1 #f)))
  ; Demonitoring
  (demonitor ref3)
  (! pid3 'exit)
  (test "demonitoring"
    (? 0.2 #t))

  ; Dead process
  (define ref4 (monitor pid1))
  (test "dead process"
    (list 'DOWN ref4 pid1 'no-process)
    (? 1 #f)))

M tests/ping.scm => tests/ping.scm +10 -7
@@ 1,12 1,15 @@
; Ping-pong test
(define (pong-server)
    (((? pid? pid) 'ping)  (! pid 'pong)

(test-group "Ping"

  (define (pong-server)
      (((? pid? pid) 'ping)  (! pid 'pong)
    (else  (pong-server))))
      (else  (pong-server))))

(define pong (spawn pong-server))
  (define pong (spawn pong-server))

(! pong `(,(self) ping))
(assert (eqv? (?? any? 1 'fail) 'pong))
  (! pong `(,(self) ping))
  (test 'pong (? 1 #f)))

M tests/rpc.scm => tests/rpc.scm +15 -11
@@ 1,13 1,17 @@
; Synchronous messaging test
(define rpc-server
    (lambda ()
      (let loop ()
          ((from tag ('add a b))
           (! from (list tag (+ a b)))))

(! (self) (list (make-tag) 0))
(assert (= (!? rpc-server '(add 21 21)) 42))
(test-group "RPC"
  (define rpc-server
      (lambda ()
        (let loop ()
            ((from tag ('add a b))
             (! from (list tag (+ a b)))))

  (define wrong-msg (list (make-tag) 0))
  (! (self) wrong-msg)

  (test 42 (!? rpc-server '(add 21 21) 1 #f))
  (test wrong-msg (? 1 #f)))

M tests/run.scm => tests/run.scm +3 -1
@@ 1,4 1,4 @@
(use hardwood)
(use test hardwood)

(setup-thread (current-thread))

@@ 6,3 6,5 @@
(load "rpc")
(load "spam")
(load "monitors")


M tests/spam.scm => tests/spam.scm +18 -17
@@ 1,23 1,24 @@
; Lots-of-threads-and-messages test
(define primordial (self))
(define message-number 100)
(define thread-number 100)

(define (spam)
  (let loop ((i message-number))
    (unless (zero? i)
      (! primordial i)
      (loop (sub1 i)))))
(test-group "Spam"
  (define message-number 100)
  (define thread-number 100)

  (define (spam who)
    (let loop ((i message-number))
      (unless (zero? i)
        (! who i)
        (loop (sub1 i)))))

(let loop ((i thread-number))
  (unless (zero? i)
    (spawn spam)
    (loop (sub1 i))))
  (let loop ((i thread-number))
    (unless (zero? i)
      (spawn spam (self))
      (loop (sub1 i))))

(let loop ((i (* thread-number message-number)))
  (unless (zero? i)
    (loop (sub1 i))))
  (let loop ((i (* thread-number message-number)))
    (unless (zero? i)
      (loop (sub1 i))))

(assert (not (? 1 #f)))
  (test 'ok (? 1 'ok)))