
v0.2.0 3 years ago .tar.gz browse log


  * Breaking Change: Recorder.Add must now return an error. For
    Values.Add, this is always nil.
  * Recorder.Add may now return an error. Reader will automatically
    wrap this as a *RecordingError.
  * SyntaxError now implements Unwrap.
  * Error handling now uses errors.Is, so it's safe for a Reader to
    return wrapped errors.

v0.1.1 3 years ago .tar.gz browse log


New version tag to include license text.

v0.1.0 6 years ago .tar.gz browse log

Add go.mod, import line

Change-Id: I580b486f7a7dd92b0169e81b58f8d4f1e5f130f1
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