@@ 29,6 29,11 @@ pub enum Command {
all: bool,
#[structopt(short = "f", long = "first", help = "Download the first search result")]
first: bool,
+ #[structopt(short = "i", long = "id", help = "Download a game's extras by id")]
+ id: Option<i64>,
+ #[structopt(parse(from_os_str))]
+ #[structopt(short = "o", long = "output-folder", help = "Name of folder to output extras to")]
+ output: Option<PathBuf>,
game: Option<String>,
#[structopt(short = "s", long = "slug", help = "Download a single extra by slug name")]
slug: Option<String>
@@ 234,7 234,10 @@ fn parse_args(
+ id,
+ output,
} => {
+ let mut details: GameDetails;
if let Some(search) = game {
if let Ok(results) =
@@ 254,105 257,121 @@ fn parse_args(
i = select.interact().unwrap();
info!("Fetching game details");
- let details = gog.get_game_details(e[i].id).unwrap();
- println!("Downloading extras for game {}", details.title);
- let folder_name = PathBuf::from(format!("{} Extras", details.title));
- if fs::metadata(&folder_name).is_err() {
- fs::create_dir(&folder_name).expect("Couldn't create extras folder");
- }
- let mut picked: Vec<usize> = vec![];
- if let Some(slug) = slug {
- details.extras.iter().enumerate().for_each(|(i, x)| {
- if x.name.trim() == slug.trim() {
- picked.push(i);
- }
- });
- if picked.len() == 0 {
- error!("Couldn't find an extra named {}", slug);
- return Ok(gog);
- }
+ details = gog.get_game_details(e[i].id).unwrap();
+ } else {
+ error!("Could not search for games.");
+ return Ok(gog);
+ }
+ } else if let Some(id) = id {
+ if let Ok(fetched) = gog.get_game_details(id) {
+ details = fetched;
+ } else {
+ error!("Could not fetch game details. Are you sure that the id is right?");
+ return Ok(gog);
+ }
+ } else {
+ error!("Did not specify a game.");
+ return Ok(gog);
+ }
+ println!("Downloading extras for game {}", details.title);
+ let mut folder_name = PathBuf::from(format!("{} Extras", details.title));
+ if let Some(output) = output {
+ folder_name = output;
+ }
+ if fs::metadata(&folder_name).is_err() {
+ fs::create_dir(&folder_name).expect("Couldn't create extras folder");
+ }
+ let mut picked: Vec<usize> = vec![];
+ if !all && slug.is_none() {
+ let mut check = Checkboxes::new();
+ let mut checks = check.with_prompt("Pick the extras you want to download");
+ for ex in details.extras.iter() {
+ checks.item(&ex.name);
+ }
+ picked = checks.interact().unwrap();
+ }
+ if let Some(slug) = slug {
+ details.extras.iter().enumerate().for_each(|(i, x)| {
+ if x.name.trim() == slug.trim() {
+ picked.push(i);
+ });
+ if picked.len() == 0 {
+ error!("Couldn't find an extra named {}", slug);
+ return Ok(gog);
+ }
+ }
+ let extra_responses: Vec<Result<reqwest::Response, Error>> = details
+ .extras
+ .iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .filter(|(i, _x)| {
if !all {
- let mut check = Checkboxes::new();
- let mut checks = check.with_prompt("Pick the extras you want to download");
- for ex in details.extras.iter() {
- checks.item(&ex.name);
- }
- picked = checks.interact().unwrap();
+ return picked.contains(i);
+ } else {
+ return true;
- let extra_responses: Vec<Result<reqwest::Response, Error>> = details
- .extras
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .filter(|(i, _x)| {
- if !all {
- return picked.contains(i);
+ })
+ .map(|(_i, x)| {
+ info!("Finding URL");
+ let mut url = "https://gog.com".to_string() + &x.manual_url;
+ let mut response;
+ loop {
+ let temp_response = gog.client_noredirect.borrow().get(&url).send();
+ if temp_response.is_ok() {
+ response = temp_response.unwrap();
+ let headers = response.headers();
+ // GOG appears to be inconsistent with returning either 301/302, so this just checks for a redirect location.
+ if headers.contains_key("location") {
+ url = headers
+ .get("location")
+ .unwrap()
+ .to_str()
+ .unwrap()
+ .to_string();
} else {
- return true;
+ break;
- })
- .map(|(_i, x)| {
- info!("Finding URL");
- let mut url = "https://gog.com".to_string() + &x.manual_url;
- let mut response;
- loop {
- let temp_response = gog.client_noredirect.borrow().get(&url).send();
- if temp_response.is_ok() {
- response = temp_response.unwrap();
- let headers = response.headers();
- // GOG appears to be inconsistent with returning either 301/302, so this just checks for a redirect location.
- if headers.contains_key("location") {
- url = headers
- .get("location")
- .unwrap()
- .to_str()
- .unwrap()
- .to_string();
- } else {
- break;
- }
- } else {
- return Err(temp_response.err().unwrap().into());
- }
- }
- Ok(response)
- })
- .collect();
- for extra in extra_responses.into_iter() {
- let mut extra = extra.expect("Couldn't fetch extra");
- let mut real_response = gog
- .client_noredirect
- .borrow()
- .get(extra.url().clone())
- .send()
- .expect("Couldn't fetch extra data");
- let name = extra
- .url()
- .path_segments()
- .unwrap()
- .last()
- .unwrap()
- .to_string();
- let n_path = folder_name.join(&name);
- if fs::metadata(&n_path).is_ok() {
- warn!("This extra has already been downloaded. Skipping.");
- continue;
+ } else {
+ return Err(temp_response.err().unwrap().into());
- println!("Starting download of {}", name);
- let pb = ProgressBar::new(extra.content_length().unwrap());
- pb.set_style(ProgressStyle::default_bar()
- .template("{spinner:.green} [{elapsed_precise}] [{bar:40.cyan/blue}] {bytes}/{total_bytes} ({eta})")
- .progress_chars("#>-"));
- let mut pb_read = pb.wrap_read(real_response);
- let mut file = File::create(n_path).expect("Couldn't create file");
- io::copy(&mut pb_read, &mut file).expect("Couldn't copy to target file");
- pb.finish();
- } else {
- error!("Could not search for games.")
+ Ok(response)
+ })
+ .collect();
+ for extra in extra_responses.into_iter() {
+ let mut extra = extra.expect("Couldn't fetch extra");
+ let mut real_response = gog
+ .client_noredirect
+ .borrow()
+ .get(extra.url().clone())
+ .send()
+ .expect("Couldn't fetch extra data");
+ let name = extra
+ .url()
+ .path_segments()
+ .unwrap()
+ .last()
+ .unwrap()
+ .to_string();
+ let n_path = folder_name.join(&name);
+ if fs::metadata(&n_path).is_ok() {
+ warn!("This extra has already been downloaded. Skipping.");
+ continue;
- } else {
- error!("Did not specify a game.");
+ println!("Starting download of {}", name);
+ let pb = ProgressBar::new(extra.content_length().unwrap());
+ pb.set_style(ProgressStyle::default_bar()
+ .template("{spinner:.green} [{elapsed_precise}] [{bar:40.cyan/blue}] {bytes}/{total_bytes} ({eta})")
+ .progress_chars("#>-"));
+ let mut pb_read = pb.wrap_read(real_response);
+ let mut file = File::create(n_path).expect("Couldn't create file");
+ io::copy(&mut pb_read, &mut file).expect("Couldn't copy to target file");
+ pb.finish();
Interactive => {