Create privacy policy for linking from Play Store
Clean up a bunch of busted indentation and trailing spaces.
May as well go with 4sp instead of the previous tab majority.
Implement proper text sizing, and add a delay before turing off mic viz.
(Resolves the TODOs mentioned in the last commit)
Make it a release.
Implement visualization of mic input when system audio is blank.
Automatically switches between the two depending on if system audio is present.
Still some TODOs:
- Mic->Player should probably have a delay to avoid triggering on brief notification sounds and such
- New text is too wide in portrait mode. Implement some sort of smart sizing (currently just some arb consts)
Fix an NPE in 4.0.x-specific hidey code.
Viz doesn't use Action Bar, so getActionBar() returns null for us!
Finish up optimization. Now using ~54% of original CPU.
Break data scaling out into a separate class.
Simplify PrecalcColorUtil.
Revert the previous commit's reuse of unsmoothed luminosity.
It was making the analyzer appear too jumpy, defeating the purpose of smoothing.
Call it a version.
Profile/optimize: Trim 33% off render time
The biggest gains are from making more things precalculated.
Did some shortcuts in the HSL->RGB conversion, but the effect there was small.
One optimization that may be user-visible is the reuse of unsmoothed luminosity across voiceprint+analyzer.
Lots of fixes/improvements. Add rotate mode.
- Refrain from keeping the screen on when there's no music (avoid burn-in when the music stops)
- Add a rotate mode which replaces the previous mirroring example. Tap to rotate.
- Reduce jankiness when showing/hiding system ui, especially when user repeatedly opens/closes it.
- Drop the dc and hz/2 datapoints. DC isn't part of the spectrum and hz/2 isn't worth bothering with.
- Fix alignment of the horizontal scroller. It was cutting off part of the bottom pixel.
- Greatly simplify the BitmapScroller(s). Things now render onto a single bitmap. This also
fixes an issue where there'd sometimes be a black column in the voiceprint due to bad math.
- Tweaks to the voiceprint scroll speed (slower), scale factor (wider bass/mids, skinnier treble),
and analyzer fall off rate (fall a little slower)
Production version bump for the preceding commit
Switch to a somewhat better icon. Add a 'No Audio Detected' notice.
Add arbitrary crappy icon
Introduce a luminosity curve to make lower values more visible
Initial project drop.
Tested on a couple tablets, works fine!