@@ 54,89 54,96 @@ namespace {
+ void print_window(Display* disp, Window win) {
+ if (!config::debug_enabled) { return; }
+ Window root;
+ int x, y;
+ unsigned int width, height, border, depth;
+ if (XGetGeometry(disp, win, &root, &x, &y, &width,
+ &height, &border, &depth) == 0) {
+ ERROR_DIR("get geometry failed");
+ return;
+ }
+ DEBUG(" %dx %dy %uw %uh %ub", x, y, width, height, border);
+ }
bool get_window_size(Display* disp, Window win,
ActiveWindow::Dimensions* out_exterior = NULL,
unsigned int* out_margin_width = NULL,
unsigned int* out_margin_height = NULL) {
- unsigned int margin_width, margin_height;
+ Window root;
+ unsigned int internal_width, internal_height;
- size_t count = 0;
- unsigned int* widths;
- if (!(widths = (unsigned int*)x11_util::get_property(disp, win,
- //apparently fails with eg chrome, so just assume 0 and move on
- //(yet chrome oddly works fine with unmaximize_unshade_window())
- DEBUG_DIR("get frame extents failed, assuming extents = 0");
- margin_width = margin_height = 0;
- } else {
- if (count != 4) {
- ERROR("got size %lu, want %lu", count, 4);
- x11_util::free_property(widths);
- return false;
- }
- margin_width = widths[0] + widths[1];//left, right
- margin_height = widths[2] + widths[3];//top, bottom
- DEBUG("extents: width%u height%u",
- margin_width, margin_height);
- x11_util::free_property(widths);
+ /* first, get the interior width/height from this window
+ (so that we can calculate margins) */
+ int x, y;
+ unsigned int border, depth;
+ if (XGetGeometry(disp, win, &root, &x, &y, &internal_width,
+ &internal_height, &border, &depth) == 0) {
+ ERROR_DIR("get geometry failed");
+ return false;
- //_NET_EXTENTS doesnt include window decoration (titlebar etc), get that here:
+ if (win == root) {
+ ERROR_DIR("this window is root! treating this as an error.");
+ return false;
+ }
- long exterior_x, exterior_y;
- unsigned int interior_width, interior_height;
- Window rootwin;
+ /* now traverse up the parents until we reach the one JUST BEFORE root,
+ and get the external width/height and x/y from that. */
+ Window just_before_root;
- unsigned int color_depth, border;
- int margin_left_tmp, margin_top_tmp;
- if (XGetGeometry(disp, win, &rootwin, &margin_left_tmp, &margin_top_tmp,
- &interior_width, &interior_height,
- &border, &color_depth) == 0) {
- ERROR_DIR("get geometry failed");
- return false;
- }
- //also get window coords (given as internal, subtract XGetGeo to get external)
+ int count = 1;
+ Window parent = win;
+ Window* children;
+ unsigned int children_count;
+ do {
+ just_before_root = parent;
+ if (XQueryTree(disp, just_before_root, &root,
+ &parent, &children, &children_count) == 0) {
+ ERROR_DIR("get query tree failed");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (children != NULL) {
+ XFree(children);
+ }
+ DEBUG("%d window=%lu, parent=%lu, root=%lu",
+ count, just_before_root, parent, root);
+ print_window(disp, just_before_root);
+ } while (++count < 50 && parent != root);
+ }
- int interior_x, interior_y;
- if (XTranslateCoordinates(disp, win, rootwin, 0, 0,
- &interior_x, &interior_y, &rootwin) == 0) {
- ERROR_DIR("coordinate transform failed");
+ int x, y;
+ unsigned int external_width, external_height;
+ {
+ unsigned int border, depth;
+ if (XGetGeometry(disp, just_before_root, &root, &x, &y, &external_width,
+ &external_height, &border, &depth) == 0) {
+ ERROR_DIR("get geometry failed");
return false;
- //only use XGetGeo margins when calculating exterior position:
- exterior_x = interior_x - margin_left_tmp - border;
- exterior_y = interior_y - margin_top_tmp - border;
- DEBUG("pos: interior %ldx %ldy - geomargins %dw %dh %ub = exterior %ldx %ldy",
- interior_x, interior_y,
- margin_left_tmp, margin_top_tmp, border,
- exterior_x, exterior_y);
- //but use BOTH XGetGeo AND _NET_EXTENTS in calculating overall margin:
- margin_width += margin_left_tmp + border + border;
- margin_height += margin_top_tmp + border + border;
if (out_exterior != NULL) {
- out_exterior->x = exterior_x;
- out_exterior->y = exterior_y;
- out_exterior->width = interior_width + margin_width;
- out_exterior->height = interior_height + margin_height;
+ out_exterior->x = x;
+ out_exterior->y = y;
+ out_exterior->width = external_width;
+ out_exterior->height = external_height;
if (out_margin_width != NULL) {
- *out_margin_width = margin_width;
+ *out_margin_width = external_width - internal_width;
if (out_margin_height != NULL) {
- *out_margin_height = margin_height;
+ *out_margin_height = external_height - internal_height;
- DEBUG("size: interior %luw %luh + summargins %dw %dh = %uw %uh",
- interior_width, interior_height, margin_width, margin_height,
- interior_width + margin_width, interior_height + margin_height);
+ DEBUG("size: exterior %uw %uh - interior %uw %uh = margins %dw %dh",
+ external_width, external_height,
+ internal_width, internal_height,
+ external_width - internal_width,
+ external_height - internal_height);
return true;