
Add some typing annotations.
Convert this thing to click.
Update this to be a bit more up to date.
Support things like pathlib.Path.open.

I'm confident this has broken lazily imported submodules, but I'll fix that when I encounter it next.
I don't use these anymore.
622608fc — Nathan Hoad 10 years ago
Handle the object being asked for being an instance.
2b75c497 — Nathan Hoad 10 years ago
Handle EDITOR not being an absolute path.
fa7a7e39 — Nathan Hoad 10 years ago
Handle empty modules, something that inspect doesn't seem to do.
bb433dba — Nathan Hoad 10 years ago
xdg-open is probably our best bet for a fallback, really.
d3fb508e — Nathan Hoad 10 years ago
Check that the given editor actually exists, and handle it not being set by using a series of fallbacks.
921df592 — Nathan Hoad 10 years ago
Probably worth explaining that one a little more.
7df9479e — Nathan Hoad 10 years ago
Remove silly exclusion from default gitignore
8a470531 — Nathan Hoad 10 years ago
Fleshed out the readme, added the actual tool.
99633ea5 — Nathan Hoad 10 years ago
Initial commit