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add missing lightgallery assets
Might as well.
Works fine with JavaScript disabled. This is achieved by using native HTML5 /
CSS3 features whenever possible. It also means no fancy multilingual support -
of course I could generate separate /en/ & /vi/ static versions but that then
means a level of indirection on the homepage; also all that work wouldn't Spark
Joy (tm). As a consolation price, English translations are available in the
form of title
attributes, which appear on mouseover, but obviously won't work
on mobile, which brings us to...
Though it should look presentable on mobile, I refuse to bend over backwards for the Eternal September device.
Illustration & design:
Steve Ballmer clip lifted from the Blue OS Museum channel:
google-webfonts-helper has been very, uh, helpful.
lightGallery was clean and pretty much plug-n-play. I'd gladly buy a commercial license if I ever need it in a commercial project.