D bash => bash +0 -1
@@ 1,1 0,0 @@
-Agent pid 520216
M index.html => index.html +2 -3
@@ 14,9 14,8 @@
<a href="https://www.librarything.com/profile/chuckn408"><b>My Library</b></a></br>
<a href="/pages/projects.html"><b>Projects</b></a> |
<a href="/pages/reviews.html"><b>Reviews</b></a> |
- <a href="/pages/services.html"><b>Services</b></a> |
- <a href="/pages/contact.html"><b>Contact</b></a>
+ <a href="/pages/services.html"><b>Services</b></a>
+ <p style="line-height:1.5">Matrix: nelsoch408:matrix.org | IRC: derlg@libera.chat | Email: NelsoCh At Pm Dot Me</p>
D pages/contact.html => pages/contact.html +0 -14
@@ 1,14 0,0 @@
- <head>
- <title>Contact Me</title>
- </head>
- <body>
- <p>
- <center>
- <u>Matrix</u>: nelsoch408:matrix.org |
- <u>IRC</u>: derlg@libera.chat |
- <u>Email</u>: NelsoCh At Pm Dot Me</br>
- </center>
- </p>
- </body>
M pages/services.html => pages/services.html +17 -1
@@ 5,7 5,23 @@
+ <u>Consultation:</u></br>
+ -Low Level (Outlining generic project requirements, providing direction to next phase, simple BOM(bill of materials).</br>
+ -Mid Level (Provide detailed list of compatiable requirements, simple instructions on exectution, debug and analysis of projects).</br>
+ -Full Service (Full project management and execution. Streamlined updates along with continuous forcasting on milestones and costs).</br></br></br>
+ <U>Simple Microservices:</u></br>
+ -Image To Text Conversion</br>
+ -Video/Audio Conversion</br>
+ -Reverse Image Search</br>
+ -(More to come)</br></br>
+ <U>For Sale:</U></br>
+ -Floppy Drive-->SD Card reader</br>
+ -Floppy Disks-->Micro SD Card adapters</br>
+ -(Other Data-Hiding projects available)</br>
+ -Portable ISP Programmers(coming soon)</br>