web: Skip empty keys for rendering
Tree: Add go.mod & go.sum for more recent golang versions
README: Add help for binary and packaged installation
Art crawler - Live Version
This collections of binaries helps to crawl art around the internet, mainly from subreddits. There are stored in S3, where you can then sort them, and expose them in any way you want.
For the worker, you'll need two libraries, which you can install via pip3:
In order to sort the images, two external programs are needed:
Please refer to your distro package manager on how to install these two.
You will need the following API keys:
Please refer to the documentation on each of those services on how to get a key. You are not required to use Amazon's S3, any provider that is S3 compatible will work too.
Archlinux users can install the software through the kart-git
AUR package
You can directly download the binaires here
In order to compile, you will need the following programs:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://git.mobley.ne02ptzero.me/~louis/kart
& create the build directory:
cd kart && mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake ..
Compile everything:
One configuration file is used by all the services:
id: XXX
secret: XXX
user_agent: linux:XXX:0.0.1 (by /u/User)
username: User
password: Password
- pixelart
- VoxelArt
id: XXX
secret: XXX
id: XXX
secret: XXX
endpoint: s3.fr-par.scw.cloud
region: fr-par
id: XXX
secret: XXX
bucket: my-bucket
prefix: non-sorted/
good_prefix: good/
directory: /tmp/
database: /var/db/kart.db.sqlite
directory: /usr/local/sbin/
port: 8080
views: /usr/share/kart/views
static: /usr/share/kart/static
database: /var/db/kart-web.db.sqlite
desc: Some description
The worker is programs that crawl the subreddits, indefinetely. You can run it with:
kart-worker -conf /etc/kart-conf.yml
It will get the posts of subreddits, look for images, gif or videos, and then upload them in S3, if the images are new.
The sorter is the progam meant to be run by a human in order to sort the images from the worker.
kart-sorter -conf /etc/kart-conf.yml
It will launch a 'sort session' where the user is asked to say "Yes or No" to each images the worker has crawled. If the user wants them, the content is moved to another prefix in the S3 bucket, in order to be consumed.
The web binary is the web server that I use to display the images. It is launched with:
kart-web -conf /etc/kart-conf.yml
And it is meant to have a reverse proxy in front of it. Here's the one I use:
server {
server_name kart.ne02ptzero.me;
location / {
location /cdn {
rewrite /cdn/(.*) /good/$1 break;
proxy_pass https://art.s3.fr-par.scw.cloud/;
If you want to contribute, please send your patches to ~louis/kart@lists.mobley.ne02ptzero.me You can look at git-send-email.io if you need to setup your mail client.
Please report your bugs at todo/~louis/kart You can also send an email to ~louis/kart@todo.mobley.ne02ptzero.me