add libmagic install to dockerfile
fix width/height of output stream
add basic video support
a simple phroject log cms (the 'h' is silent)
A really simple project log, so I can pop screenshots onto my blog easily.
Authentication is based on IP (for use with a VPN solution like tailscale).
To run your own instance:
hostname: phrogtailscale
image: tailscale/tailscale:stable
- ./tailscale_var_lib:/var/lib
- /dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun
- net_admin
- sys_module
command: tailscaled
build: ./phrog
network_mode: service:tailscale
command: gunicorn phrog:app --env --workers 4 --threads 4 --bind --log-level info
- ./phrog/phrog.db:/usr/src/app/phrog.db
docker-compose up
will bring up the phrog service in a docker container accessible via tailscale.http://phrogtailscale:5000
(and access the admin via /admin
if your machine's IP is on the whitelist).upstream phrog {
server tailscale:5000;
location /projects {
proxy_pass http://phrog;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_redirect off;
# on client machine
$ echo TAILSCALE_IP=$(tailscale ip | head -n1)
# on machine running phrog
$ TAILSCALE_IP=<ip from above>
$ sqlite3 phrog/phrog.db "insert into allowed_ips (ip) values ('$TAILSCALE_IP')"