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So now we also have to retry on EADDRINUSE
Had upstream network drop and the client didn't reconnect; reexec after a minute with no data
I might be the stupidest mfer on earth. fuck sake.
If you do s-M-0-V & and then exit it'll spin for POLLNVAL on fd 0, actually ignore
Replace server with single-process C impl

Detailed measurements at (clickbait title)
and summary measurements in the README,
but overall it doesn't really matter,
it's a 1.2%/0.0000015 loadavg difference,
but I already wrote it, so might as well
Single-server-process C version; lets see how the perf shakes out
correct capitalisation in VAr[h]
Deployment-grade, as they say
The whole response fits in one syscall which is pretty pog
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