@@ 29,8 29,7 @@ INCAR := $(foreach l,$(foreach l,fmt,$(l)/include) Catch2/single_include/catch2,
VERAR := $(foreach l,KLAPKI,-D$(l)_VERSION='$($(l)_VERSION)')
SOURCES := $(sort $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)*.cpp $(SRCDIR)**/*.cpp $(SRCDIR)**/**/*.cpp $(SRCDIR)**/**/**/*.cpp))
TEST_SOURCES := $(sort $(wildcard $(TSTDIR)*.cpp $(TSTDIR)**/*.cpp $(TSTDIR)**/**/*.cpp $(TSTDIR)**/**/**/*.cpp))
-# MANPAGES := $(wildcard *.8)
-MANPAGES := klapki.8
+MANPAGES := $(subst man/,,$(wildcard man/*.8))
# Building with -flto on Clang means we can't make useful archives, so don't
LIBFMT := $(patsubst ext/fmt/src/%.cc,$(BLDDIR)fmt/obj/%$(OBJ),$(wildcard ext/fmt/src/*.cc))
@@ 66,7 65,7 @@ $(OUTDIR)klapki-test$(EXE) : $(subst $(TSTDIR),$(BLDDIR)test/,$(subst .cpp,$(OBJ
# Can't put it at the very top, since man(1) only loads mdoc *after* the first mdoc macro (.Dd in our case)
$(OUTDIR)man/% : man/%
@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
- awk '$$0 == ".Dd" {$$2 = "$(KLAPKI_DATE)"} $$1 == ".Dt" { print ".ds doc-volume-operating-system" } $$0 == ".Os" {$$2 = "klapki"; $$3 = "$(KLAPKI_VERSION)"} {print}' $< > $@
+ awk '$$0 == ".Dd" {$$2 = "$(KLAPKI_DATE)"} $$1 == ".Dt" { print ".ds doc-volume-operating-system" } $$0 == ".Os" {$$2 = "klapki"; $$3 = $(KLAPKI_VERSION)} {print}' $< > $@
! $(MANDOC) -Tlint $@ 2>&1 | grep -vE -e 'mandoc: outdated mandoc.db' -e 'STYLE: referenced manual not found' -e 'STYLE: input text line longer than 80 bytes:' -e 'STYLE: operating system explicitly specified: Os klapki'
# https://manpages.debian.org/bullseye/SHA1.3ssl