M config.toml => config.toml +0 -1
@@ 2,7 2,6 @@ base_url = "https://myrrc.dev"
title = "Mikhail Kot"
author = "Mikhail Kot"
description = "Mikhail Kot's blog"
-compile_sass = true
minify_html = true
generate_feed = true
feed_filename = "rss.xml"
A content/2024-08-20-nfmd.md => content/2024-08-20-nfmd.md +118 -0
@@ 0,0 1,118 @@
+title = "NFMD: A news feed mailer daemon"
+NFMD is a program which grabs news feeds from a specified file and sends daily updates via e-mail.
+<!-- more -->
+It parses RSS/Atom feeds natively, and for other sources you can pass a service that converts
+data to RSS i.e. [RSS hub](https://docs.rsshub.app/) instances.
+- [nfmd-0.3.deb](/nfmd-0.3.deb) for Debian 12 Bookworm
+- [sources](https://git.sr.ht/~myrrc/nfmd)
+## Usage
+- Get your favourite feeds in a config text file:
+18:05 email@foogle.com
+<style>#video { display: none; }</style>
+https://t.me https://rsshub.app/telegram/channel
+# This page provides RSS natively
+https://myrrc.dev/rss.xml # This is an inline comment
+# This page doesn't so we'll query rsshub.app
+- Install deb package or compile from source and copy binary to a server
+- Run `nfmd -c *config* set`
+## Why
+I follow around 100 Telegram channels and also other sources like YouTube, Reddit, as well as many
+small websites. At some point I decided I want everything in a single place. Although most
+people I know use Telegram for that purpose, messenger style
+doesn't seem reasonable due to continuous distraction. Even if you mute notifications and archive
+chats, you still have items to click through. This is solved in Telegram mobile with
+swipe up gesture, taking you to next channel or dialog, however, on desktop there is no such
+functionality. Another idea is to separate messaging and news reading as for me these are
+two different activities.
+Therefore another solution was searched. The easy way was to convert everything to RSS. There
+are many clever apps like [ratt](https://git.sr.ht/~ghost08/ratt) but the need to
+write manual rules was a bit frustrating, so I discovered [RSS hub](https://docs.rsshub.app/).
+A simple and elegant one - pass a link, get RSS. If you don't want to rely on public instances,
+host your own.
+Next bike-shedding step was to find an RSS reader. Most of my computer time except for the browser
+is spent in the terminal. Terminal readers like [photon](https://git.sr.ht/~ghost08/photon/) may be
+awesome, and I tried using them, but there still are downsides:
+- You need to have the reader up and running in order to fetch new data.
+- Rss readers don't usually have a good way to aggregate data per day.
+- In rare cases when you need to read from mobile, you need another app.
+The final decision was to use e-mail. It's simple, it handles unread items, you can perform
+fetching and filtering on the server in case your computer is turned off.
+## How
+The initial plan included writing a daemon which would wake up at specified time, fetch
+sources from a TOML file in parallel, filter them to get last ones only, convert to
+HTML and send an email to me.
+I chose Rust, picked up some libraries and made a prototype. It was... big, around 20MB
+total. Playing with musl builds, removing libunwind, no luck.
+Such a simple program definitely shouldn't be that big.
+So I reconsidered the functionality:
+- Removed all authentication. I run a Postfix/Dovecot e-mail server so program
+ can just send to localhost.
+- Removed complex wakeup rules. I realised I really wanted news only one time a day
+- Removed tokio and parallelism. One consideration was the complexity - even if serial
+ execution is way slower[^1], I need the program to be executed one time a day only.
+ Second - multiple concurrent requests in a short period can lead to being
+ blocked by source servers.
+ Third - my server has only one core, so many threads wouldn't bring much benefit.
+- Removed TOML in favor of plain text. With a list of URLs, any markup is excessive.
+- Replaced manual demonization with cron. In most systems cron or anacron is available,
+ and you can use it for 1) reliable wakeups, and 2) restarts if program crashed.
+ Also, a long-running program is something that may cause pain if there's a memory leak
+ or some other bug.
+After refactoring, the following dependencies were left:
+- data fetching via [curl](https://crates.io/crates/curl) bindings.
+- email sending via [lettre](https://crates.io/crates/lettre)
+- data parsing via [rss](https://crates.io/crates/rss) and
+ [atom](https://crates.io/crates/atom_syndication)
+Then I read curl can send SMTP requests, however, the Rust crate didn't have this,
+so I decided to switch to C[^2].
+## Bells and whistles
+The next prototype was way faster and smaller, around 14kb, but still didn't feel ideally
+comfortable. I added missing functionality:
+- Comments after URLs for tagging various sources
+- Prefix replacement so that you could add `https://t.me/tokacomics` and not
+ `https://rsshub.rss.tips/telegram/channel/tokacomics`.
+- E-mail styling via inline CSS: customizable, my styles specifically were width
+ formatting mostly:
+a { text-decoration: none; }
+video { display:none; }
+body,img { width: 600px; }
+body {
+ padding-left:25%;
+ padding-right:25%;
+## Packaging
+Debian packages as they're 1) easy to build via pbuilder 2) easy to install on target server 3)
+(relatively) easy to write.
+[^1]: Not necessarily true as such programs are usually io-bound
+[^2]: Why not C++? Most easily discovered libraries for my task are C ones, and the code would be
+ a mix of two languages which is bad for readability.
D sass/style.sass => sass/style.sass +0 -315
@@ 1,315 0,0 @@
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- --tbl-border: #{$lm-table-border-color}
-@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)
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- --dark: #{$dm-brand-color-dark}
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- --bg: #{$dm-background-color}
- --code: #{$dm-code-background-color}
- --link: #{$dm-link}
- --linkv: #{$dm-link-visited}
- --linkh: #{$dm-link-hover}
- --b1: #{$dm-border-color-01}
- --b2: #{$dm-border-color-02}
- --b3: #{$dm-border-color-03}
- --tbl: #{$dm-table-text-color}
- --tblz: #{$dm-table-zebra-color}
- --tbl-hdr-bg: #{$dm-table-header-bg-color}
- --tbl-hdr-border: #{$dm-table-header-border}
- --tbl-border: #{$dm-table-border-color}
-$brand-color: var(--v)
-$brand-color-light: var(--light)
-$brand-color-dark: var(--dark)
-$site-title-color: var(--title)
-$text-color: var(--text)
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-$link-hover: var(--linkh)
-$border-color-01: var(--b1)
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-$border-color-03: var(--b3)
-$table-text-color: var(--tbl)
-$table-zebra-color: var(--tblz)
-$table-header-bg-color: var(--tbl-hdr-bg)
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-body, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, hr, dl, dd, ol, ul, figure
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- color: $text-color
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- overflow-wrap: break-word
-h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, ul, ol, dl, figure, details, %vertical-rhythm
- margin-bottom: $spacing / 2
- margin-top: $spacing
- margin-bottom: $spacing
- display: block
- max-width: 100%
- vertical-align: middle
-figure > img
- display: block
- font-size: $small-font-size
-ul, ol
- margin-left: $spacing
-li > ul, li > ol
- margin-bottom: 0
-h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
- font-weight: $weight
- color: $link
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- &:visited
- color: $link-visited
- &:hover
- color: $link-hover
- text-decoration: underline
- border-left: 4px solid $border-color-03
- padding-left: $spacing / 2
- > :last-child
- margin-bottom: 0
-pre, code
- font-family: monospace
- font-size: 0.9375em
- border: 1px solid $border-color-01
- border-radius: 3px
- background-color: $code-background-color
- padding: 1px 5px
- padding: 8px 12px
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- > code
- border: 0
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- padding-left: 0
- border-radius: 3px
- background: $code-background-color
- @extend %vertical-rhythm
- max-width: $content - $spacing
- margin-right: auto
- margin-left: auto
- padding-right: $spacing / 2
- padding-left: $spacing / 2
- @extend %clearfix
- @media screen and (min-width: $content)
- max-width: $content - $spacing * 2
- padding-right: $spacing
- padding-left: $spacing
- content: ""
- display: table
- clear: both
- margin-bottom: $spacing
- width: 100%
- text-align: $table-text-align
- color: $table-text-color
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- border: 1px solid $table-border-color
- tr:nth-child(even)
- background-color: $table-zebra-color
- th, td
- padding: ($spacing / 3) ($spacing / 2)
- th
- background-color: $table-header-bg-color
- border: 1px solid $table-header-border
- td
- border: 1px solid $table-border-color
- @media screen and (max-width: $content)
- display: block
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- -ms-overflow-style: -ms-autohiding-scrollbar
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- position: relative
- font-size: 1.625rem
- font-weight: 300
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- &, &:visited
- color: $site-title-color
- margin-left: $spacing / 5
- margin-top: -$spacing / 5
- border-radius: 15%
- padding: 0
- flex: 1 0 auto
- font-size: 2rem
- display: block
- font-size: 1.5rem
- margin-bottom: $spacing / 2
-.post-header h1, .post-content h1
- font-size: 2.625rem
- letter-spacing: -1px
- line-height: 1.15
- @media screen and (min-width: $content)
- font-size: 2.625rem
- margin-bottom: $spacing
- h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
- margin-top: $spacing
- h2
- font-size: 1.75rem
- @media screen and (min-width: $content)
- font-size: 2rem
- h3
- font-size: 1.375rem
- @media screen and (min-width: $content)
- font-size: 1.625rem
- h4
- font-size: 1.25rem
- h5
- font-size: 1.125rem
- h6
- font-size: 1.0625rem
- text-align: right
-footer, .section-cut
- text-align: center
- padding-bottom: 10px
- float: right
- display: flex
- flex: 50%
A static/nfmd-0.3.deb => static/nfmd-0.3.deb +0 -0
A static/style.css => static/style.css +71 -0
@@ 0,0 1,71 @@
+--title: #424242; --text: #111; --bg: #fdfdfd; --code: #eef;
+--link: #2a7ae2; --linkv: #1756a9; --linkh: #111;
+--b1: #e8e8e8; --b2: #424242;
+--tbl: #3f3f3f; --tblz: #f7f7f7; --th-bg: #f0f0f0;
+--th-border: #e0e0e0; --tbl-border: #e8e8e8
+@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark){:root{
+--title: #a6a6a6; --text: #bbb; --bg: #181818; --code: #212121;
+--link: #79b8ff; --linkv: #79b8ff; --linkh: #bbb;
+--b1: #404040; --b2: #999;
+--tbl: #bbb; --tblz: #222; --th-bg: #323232;
+--th-border: #4e4e4e; --tbl-border: #404040
+ color:var(--text); background-color:var(--bg);
+ font:400 16px/1.5 sans-serif;font-feature-settings:"kern" 1;font-kerning:normal;
+ display:flex;min-height:100vh;flex-direction:column;overflow-wrap:break-word
+blockquote{border-left:4px solid var(--b2);padding-left:15px}
+pre,code{font-family:monospace;font-size:.9375em;border:1px solid var(--b1);border-radius:3px;background-color:var(--code)}
+code{padding:1px 5px}
+pre{padding:8px 12px;overflow-x:auto}
+table{margin-bottom:30px;width:100%;text-align:left;color:var(--tbl);border-collapse:collapse;border:1px solid var(--tbl-border)}
+table tr:nth-child(even){background-color:var(--tblz)}
+table th,table td{padding:10px 15px}
+table th{background-color:var(--th-bg);border:1px solid var(--th-border)}
+table td{border:1px solid var(--tbl-border)}
+@media screen and (max-width: 800px){table{display:block;overflow-x:auto}}
+.page-content{padding:0;flex:1 0 auto}
+.post-header h1,.post h1{font-size:2.625rem;letter-spacing:-1px;line-height:1.15}
+.post h1,.post h2,.post h3,.post h4{margin-top:30px}
+.post h2{font-size:1.75rem}
+.post h3{font-size:1.375rem}
+.post h4{font-size:1.25rem}
+@media screen and (min-width: 800px){
+ .post h2{font-size:2rem}
+ .post h3{font-size:1.625rem}
M templates/base.html => templates/base.html +4 -4
@@ 1,13 1,13 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
-<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<meta name="description" content="{{ config.description }}">
<meta name="referrer" content="no-referrer-when-downgrade">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ get_url(path="style.css", trailing_slash=false) | safe }}">
- <link rel="icon" href="{{ get_url(path="favicon.ico") | safe }}">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css">
+ <link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico">
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="{{ config.title }}" href="{{ get_url(path=config.feed_filename) | safe }}">
{% block head %} {% endblock %}
@@ 15,7 15,7 @@
<header class="site-header">
<div class="wrapper">
<a class="site-title" href="{{ config.base_url }}"> {{ config.title }} </a>
- <img class="popcat" src="{{ get_url(path="popcat.gif") }}" alt="popcat"/>
+ <img class="popcat" src="/popcat.gif" alt="popcat"/>
{% block lang %} {% endblock %}
M templates/page.html => templates/page.html +1 -3
@@ 31,7 31,5 @@
{% endif %}
- <div class="post-content"> {{ page.content | safe }} </div>
+<main class="post"> {{ page.content | safe }} </main>
{% endblock %}