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Bash wrapper around ticketsnake to provide some quality-of-life features
03ab793c — Matt Marshall a month ago Link to ticketsnake + attachment docs
73aa6093 — Matt Marshall 3 months ago
ticketbasher: added the attachments command
d5a3f1b9 — Matt Marshall 3 months ago
ticketbasher: Initial Commit


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You can also use your local clone with git send-email.


Ticketbasher is a bash script wrapper around Ticketsnake, designed to make it more comfortable to do certain things.

It probably shouldn't even have its own git repo, but I'm likely to hack at it and some colleagues may find it useful to keep on top of any new features.


  • status $ticket_id – retrieves a list of permitted statuses for a ticker and presents them in menu, then changes the status of the ticket to the chosen status
  • reassign $ticket_id – If you've been using ticketsnake to harvest user ids, this is what that feature is designed for. Retrieves a list of user names and ids from $XDG_DATA_HOME/ticketsnake/users.json, presents them in a menu and then reassigns the ticket based on your choice
  • reply $ticket_id – Write a reply (i.e. a note) on a ticket using your favourite cosy $EDITOR
  • view $ticket_id – Opens the ticket in less, with colours.
  • attachment $ticket_id – get a list of attachments from a ticket, select one using fzf and then download/view it via xdg-open


Installation is via Makefile, which will install to .local/bin/ticketbasher:

make install

It's a bit glorified for installing a bash script, so feel free to just copy it to your scripts directory or whatever.


It depends on fzf and jq, and of course ticketsnake.

Debian-family users:

sudo apt install fzf jq

Ticketbasher was written assuming a GNU/Linux environment with write access to /tmp, but should probably work on the BSDs and maybe macOS (although the latter really is not a priority).

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