
Simple modpack for Luanti/Minetest which adds gemstone ores, mapgen, and items
5bccd649 — Matt Marshall 1 year, 2 months ago
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b482ecdc — Matt Marshall 1 year, 2 months ago
Ensured license text at each level
2744edbc — Matt Marshall 1 year, 2 months ago
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#Simple Gemstones Modpack for Minetst

This is a modpack intended to add some simple gemstone ores for Minetest to provide a more varied experience and also supply some base items for other mods to make use of.

It's designed to be modular with a base mod defining the gemstone nodes, blocks, and craftitems and then subsequent mods defining the mapgen and adding some tools. This means you can swap out the mapgen for your own mod to change the behaviour, or switch to a different implementation of the tools etc. Hopefully this allows you to use the materials to build the game you want to play.

simple_gemstones_base adds the following gems to the game:

  • Amethyst
  • Emerald
  • Ruby
  • Sapphire

For each of these there is: an ore, a craftitem (the gem itself), and a block craftable from 9 of the gem. If you just need some items to start using as a base for your own mods/tools/games, then just include this.

simple_gemstones_mapgen spawns the ores for each gem and makes some value-judgements. It assumes that each gem ore will be functionally equivalent in that they all spawn at the same levels and have the same rarity. It starts spawning the ores around Y -768, with the deposits becoming more frequent and larger around Y: -1025. This places them as being rarer/more valuable than Mese but more common/less valuable than Diamond. If you want to change this behaviour, simply disable this and write a new mapgen mod adding the base ores to the game. You can make them rarer, more common, only available in the sky etc. You could also choose only to generate particular gemstones and omit others.

simple_gemstones_tools adds tools and recipes for making Axes, Picks, Shovels, and Swords from the gemstones. It follows the lead of the mapgen and treats each gemstone tool as functionally equivalent; this means the only real difference between e.g. a sapphire pick and a ruby pick is the colour and the gemstone required to make it. It also treats the gemstone tools as a tier between Mese and Diamond. This was achieved by looking at the values for tools in MTG and taking values that were halfway between Mese and Diamond tools in each case, excepting cases where they were the same. In which case the values were just copied. It does not add any gemstone hoes. This is based on a reading of this PR, after which I decided that if there weren't any Mese or Diamond shovels for MTG by default – then I should keep in spirit with this and omit hoes. If you want gemstone hoes, you're encouraged to write your own mods using simple_gemstones_base as a base. Similarly, if you want to change the "tier" of the tools, you are very much encouraged to disable this mod and write your own implementation.


Until I sort out alternative textures for some items and blocks (see Licenses section below), I won't be trying to release this via content.minetest.net. You'll need to install manually for now:

  1. First ensure that the mods folder exists. For GNU/Linux and BSD users:

mkdir ~/.minetest/mods

  1. Next, download via git

cd ~/.minetest/mods && git clone https://gitlab.com/mrshll1001/minetest_simple_gemstones

  1. Alternatively, download the zip file and extract it inside of ~/.minetest/mods

You should now be able to select it inside of your configuration screen for your world :-)


The code for each of these mods is all licensed by GPL 3, and any forks should be licensed under the same terms.

#Licenses for Assets

The licensing of assets (basically, textures) is mixed. Some are clearly CC BY S-A 3.0, whereas some are presumably not permitted for reuse, and some are more ambiguous. Please see the details in the sections below.


The following textures are all edited versions of the default diamond overlay from MTG. I made these in GIMP based on the default_mineral_diamond texture (by InfinityProject), and are therefore released under CC BY-SA 3.0. If someone wants to contribute new overlays, or wants to make a PR to generate overlays via a colorize function please do.

  • simple_gemstones_base_mineral_amethyst.png
  • simple_gemstones_base_mineral_emerald.png
  • simple_gemstones_base_mineral_ruby.png
  • simple_gemstones_base_mineral_sapphire.png

Other textures in this mod are intended as a placeholder only and are basically there so that I can use the mod in my own game. These are taken without the original creators' permission and I assume the license is more restrictive. I am actively seeking replacements, and will not be formally releasing this mod until I can resolve this.

The following textures were taken directly from the Minecraft default texture pack which I got from here:

  • simple_gemstones_base_emerald.png
  • simple_gemstones_base_emerald_block.png

The following textures were taken directly from the Extra Gems mod for Minecraft.

  • simple_gemstones_base_amethyst_block.png
  • simple_gemstones_base_amethyst.png
  • simple_gemstones_base_mineral_emerald.png
  • simple_gemstones_base_mineral_ruby.png
  • simple_gemstones_base_mineral_sapphire.png
  • simple_gemstones_base_ruby_block.png
  • simple_gemstones_base_ruby.png
  • simple_gemstones_base_sapphire_block.png
  • simple_gemstones_base_sapphire.png

All of the textures in this mod (listed below) are taken from captainLAD/gems, which is a mod that adds similar items but handles crafting very differently. The captainLAD/gems code is licensed under GPL 3, but no mention is made of alternative licensing for the assets. I am assuming in good faith that the textures are licensed for re-use! However, I am also keen to receive PRs for alternatives just in case.

  • simple_gemstones_tools_amethystaxe.png
  • simple_gemstones_tools_amethystpick.png
  • simple_gemstones_tools_amethystshovel.png
  • simple_gemstones_tools_amethystsword.png
  • simple_gemstones_tools_emeraldaxe.png
  • simple_gemstones_tools_emeraldpick.png
  • simple_gemstones_tools_emeraldshovel.png
  • simple_gemstones_tools_emeraldsword.png
  • simple_gemstones_tools_rubyaxe.png
  • simple_gemstones_tools_rubypick.png
  • simple_gemstones_tools_rubyshovel.png
  • simple_gemstones_tools_rubysword.png
  • simple_gemstones_tools_sapphireaxe.png
  • simple_gemstones_tools_sapphirepick.png
  • simple_gemstones_tools_sapphireshovel.png
  • simple_gemstones_tools_sapphiresword.png