
WIP Magick-themed mod for Luanti/Minetest, originally a clone of EE2 but divergent now
d90e631c — Matt Marshall 9 months ago
Readme: Updated readme
bd7f7554 — Matt Marshall 9 months ago
Integrations: DM Scythe Texture
a6f0513e — Matt Marshall 9 months ago
Bugfix: Integrations/sickles


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#Alchemy for Minetest

A modpack designed to add magickal and alchemical items and crafts to Minetest. It is heavily inspired by Equivalent Exchange 2 / ProjectE for Minecraft circa the Tekkit era however it is not a complete clone and I am putting my own spin on it.

This modpack will be developed slowly, and I will be attempting to add features in a modular manner. However some mods will build on previous ones as a dependency.

#Current Contents

#Alchemicka Core

The core mod which adds some magic and alchemy inspired craftitems, fuels, and tools to the game. It is intended to act as as minimal basis for other mods to build off while offering enough functionality to make sense standalone. The basic loop of Alchemicka is that investment pays off; sacrifice some resources now to get somme magical items which pay dividends in efficiency or material gains at a later stage.

The first alchemical items available to you are the Ionic Powders. These are magical powders that can repair tools. There are three tiers of Ionic Powder: Lower, Intermediate, and Higher. The Lower powder may be crafted from simple cobblestone and charcoal (from the charcoal mod) and allows you to repair wooden and stone tools. Intermediate will cost you more expensive materials but can repair bronze and steel tools. Higher Ionic Powder is the most expensive but can repair Mese and Diamond tools, meaning it may be worth the investment to save you resources down the line.

Once you've got diamond, mese, and obsidian you can craft the fabled Philosopher's Stone. This is a craftitem which allows you to transmute some basic materials into other materials. Convert stone into desert stone, dirt into sand, etc. You can also use it to infuse fuels, making alchemical fuels even more powerful than their component parts. Combine four coal into a single Kairos Coal which has a burntime larger than that of the four pieces of coal used to create it. Combine four Kairos into an even higher tier, and so forth. The final tier, Eternium burns for over 600 times longer than regular coal, but represents an enormous material investment to achieve such effiency.

Once you've got yourself some high-ish tier alchemical fuels — and a bit more diamond — you can start crafting Dark Matter, a very dense and powerful substance. In Alchemicka Core, the only use of Dark Matter is to create powerful Dark Matter tools which are very quick and have infinite durability. The logic is that Dark Matter represents such an enormous material investment that the tools are a reward which makes mining much more efficient without the need to constantly repair or replace tools.


Alchemicka core declares a global alchemicka object which is intended to be used to provide an API for other mods.

Currently, the only function that is available is alchemicka.register_tool_repair() which takes a string of an item as its first argument and then a string of either lower, intermediate, or higher as the second. If you want to make your mod's tools repairable via Ionic Powder, just call the function and pass in tool and the appropriate tier of Ionic Powder. Make sure you declare alchemicka_core as a dependency, though.

#Alchemicka Storage

This adds some alchemy inspired storage solutions. It is intended to reward investment by making inventory management a bit easier on the player.

  • Alchemical Chest – a large chest with a whopping 104 storage slots
  • Void Chest – basically an Alchemical Chest with a per-player inventory shared across different Void Chests, functioning similar to an Ender Chest in Minecraft (although much larger)
  • Void Bags – Items associated with per-player inventory shared across any two bags with the same colour, basically the Alchemy Bags from Equivalent Exchange.

Future development may modify the relationship between the Void Chest and the Void Bags a little. There may be a new slot added to the Void Chest formspec which takes a void bag and then switches which inventory it is showing, however this will only be done if deemed useful and the implementation is reasonable.

#Alchemicka Integrations

This is a mod which tries to integrate Alchemicka to other mods and modpacks. The exact nature of the integration will differ in each specific case. The most common integrations are most likely to be:

  • Tool repair via Ionic Powder
  • Alternate recipes depending on the presence of some mods
  • Adding Dark Matter versions of some tools where appropriate and where it is not too difficult
  • Adding transmutations either via the Philosopher's stone or via adding an EMC value (when the EMC system has been developed)

The following subsections cover which mods which have integrations


Alchemicka supports tool repair of scythes and sickles from the Scythes and Sickles mod via Ionic Powder at an appropriate level for the tools, and also adds a Dark Matter version of the Scythe which is unbreakable.

#Simple Gemstones

The gems from my other mod, Simple Gem Stones are supported. This allows the player to use the Philosopher's Stone to convert between Amethyst, Emerald, Ruby and Sapphire gemstones. This makes use of shaped crafting in order to enable transmutation of any gemstone into another in a consistent manner. It also allows the player to repair gemstone tools from simple_gemstones_tools with Ionic Powders.


I plan to keep hacking away at this modpack to make it both more robust, more comprehensive, and more integrated into other popular modpacks.

#Magical Symbols

This will add a bunch of craftable symbols to the game. The mod is mostly intended to be used as a basis for other mods (both within and outside of this modpack) to create some generic magical or alchemical shared assets; however this mod will also add some craftable decorative blocks made from the symbols by procedurally combining them with other blocks e.g. stone, bricks, etc.


This will add some craftable teleportation blocks to support traversing long distances. The current plan is to use resources from the magical symbols mod to create different 'keys' linking teleporters together in different networks so that players on servers can have a different network to different factions, etc.


The backbone of the Equivalent Exchange mod. I originally intended to omit this entirely as I thought it would be game-breaking, however crafting Dark Matter from lots of coal and diamond by hand manually is both painful and expensive in terms of hunger so I want the option of adding this back in.

The current goal is to provide an API to allow other mods to register their nodes' / items' EMC value manually, as well as provide a recursive algorithm to generate an EMC value consistently and on-the-fly for any item not registered in the EMC dictionary already.

Phase 1 will be focused on the EMC algorithm as well as providing a basic Transmutation tablet node. Later phases will consider implementing EMC storage and EMC generating machines incl a condenser.

I intend that the EMC mod will be separate to Alchemicka Core, meaning that it's an optional add-on which may easily be disabled if admins and players feel it is too game-breaking for their servers.

#EMC integrations for Simple Gemstones, moreores, and Technic.

Once Phase 1 of the EMC system is set up, it's reasonable to start setting up EMC integrations for popular mods and modpacks. I'll start with Simple Gemstones since this is a very small mod which I also am personally invested in, and then add some EMC values for the ores and craftitems in technic gradually so as to avoid breaking the challenge with the technic modpack. This will involve adding EMC for things such as silver, tin, lead, etc.

#Magical Furnace

This will add a very expensive magical furnace which cooks/smelts things very quickly. It may or may not be compatible with the EMC system, depending on how overpowered the modpack is at that point.


At the moment, the modpack is intended for private use only and reuses some assets from Project E for items and node textures. I plan to replace these with Free textures before the modpack is released properly.