
4b77491d545724319f13f9142058f2cc6287e7ce — Mark Penner 3 years ago 7001b02
add print out of total regular and overtime hours
1 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

M tc
M tc => tc +14 -4
@@ 1,16 1,16 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  Time Computer version: 2020-11-26
#  Time Computer version: 2021-03
#  Public Domain
#  mrp
#  MIT License
#  mrpenner

import sys
import datetime

print("time computer")
print("version 2020-11-26")
print("version 2020-03")
print("        ____")
print("       /    \\")
print("      /  |   \\")

@@ 117,12 117,16 @@ x = 0
while minutes[x][0]:
    print(minutes[x][0] + ":", round(minutes[x][1] / 60, 2))
    x += 1

print("\nhours by week")
stdweek = 40
regular_time = 0
overtime = 0
x = 0
while weeks[x][0]:
    if weeks[x][1] / 60 <= stdweek:
        print("week", str(weeks[x][0]) + ":", round(weeks[x][1] / 60, 2))
        regular_time += weeks[x][1] / 60

@@ 131,5 135,11 @@ while weeks[x][0]:
            round(weeks[x][1] / 60 - stdweek, 2),
        regular_time += stdweek
        overtime += weeks[x][1] / 60 - stdweek
    x += 1

print("\nregular hours:", round(regular_time, 2))
print("overtime:", round(overtime, 2))

print("\ntotal hours:", round(totalminutes / 60, 2), "\n")