M as2_vocab/constants.ml => as2_vocab/constants.ml +1 -1
@@ 47,7 47,7 @@ end
module ActivityStreams = struct
let ns_as = "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams"
let ns_sec = "https://w3id.org/security/v1"
- let public = Uri.of_string "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public"
+ let public = Some "Public" |> Uri.with_fragment (ns_as |> Uri.of_string)
let und = Some "und"
M lib/iweb.ml => lib/iweb.ml +2 -4
@@ 999,10 999,8 @@ module Post = struct
assert (l |> Uri.host|> Option.is_some);
[ Rfc4287.Link.make l ] in
let os = Option.value ~default:"" in
- Ok ({
- id = Uri.empty;
+ Ok {Rfc4287.Entry.empty with
(* assumes an antry has one language for title, tags, content. *)
- in_reply_to = [];
title = r.tit |> os;
@@ 1014,7 1012,7 @@ module Post = struct
let t = Rfc4287.Category.Term (Rfc4287.Single s) in
(l,t,Uri.empty) :: i) [];
content = r.dsc |> os;
- } : Rfc4287.Entry.t)
+ }
let of_rfc4287
tpl (e : Rfc4287.Entry.t) : t =
M lib/rfc4287.ml => lib/rfc4287.ml +10 -4
@@ 330,6 330,7 @@ module Entry = struct
title : string; (* https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4287#section-4.2.14 *)
published : Rfc3339.t; (* https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4287#section-4.2.9 *)
updated : Rfc3339.t; (* https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4287#section-4.2.15 *)
+ sensitive : bool;
links : Link.t list; (* https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4287#section-4.2.7 *)
categories : Category.t list; (* https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4287#section-4.2.2 *)
content : string; (* https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4287#section-4.1.3 *)
@@ 347,6 348,7 @@ module Entry = struct
title = "";
published = Rfc3339.epoch;
updated = Rfc3339.epoch;
+ sensitive = false;
links = [];
categories = [];
content = "";
@@ 417,11 419,12 @@ module Entry = struct
and lang = Rfc4646 lang
and author = person |> Person.decode |> Result.fold ~ok:(fun x -> x) ~error:(fun _ -> Person.empty)
and published = Rfc3339.T published
- and updated = Rfc3339.T updated in
+ and updated = Rfc3339.T updated
+ and sensitive = false in
let* in_reply_to = in_reply_to|> list Inreplyto.decode in
let* links = links |> list Link.decode in
let* categories = categories |> list Category.decode in
- Ok { id; in_reply_to; lang; author; title; published; updated; links; categories; content }
+ Ok { id; in_reply_to; lang; author; title; published; updated; sensitive; links; categories; content }
| _ -> Error ("can't decode '" ^ (Csexp.to_string s) ^ "'")
let decode_channel ic =
@@ 441,7 444,8 @@ module Entry = struct
and links = (if uri |> Uri.host |> Option.is_none
then links
else (uri |> Link.make) :: links)
- and updated = published in
+ and updated = published
+ and sensitive = false in
let* t = published |> Rfc3339.to_ptime in
let id = t |> id_make in
@@ 450,7 454,7 @@ module Entry = struct
* - via and thanks -> link via
* - emojis -> tags
- Ok { id; in_reply_to; lang; author; published; updated; links; title; categories; content }
+ Ok { id; in_reply_to; lang; author; published; updated; sensitive; links; title; categories; content }
let from_channel ?(published = Ptime_clock.now ()) ?(author = Person.empty) ~lang ~tz ic =
Logr.debug (fun m -> m "Rfc4287.from_channel");
@@ 517,6 521,7 @@ module Entry = struct
:: sep 2 :: `El (((ns_a,"title"),[(("","type"),"text")]),[`Data e.title])
:: sep 2 :: Rfc3339.to_xml "updated" e.updated
:: sep 2 :: Rfc3339.to_xml "published" e.published
+ :: sep 2 :: `El (((ns_as,"sensitive"),[]), [`Data (match e.sensitive with | false -> "false" | true -> "true")])
:: sep 2 :: `El (((ns_a,"author"),[]), autho )
:: sep 2 :: (Link.link ~rfc7565:None ~title:None ~href:self ~rel:Link.self |> Link.to_atom)
:: tl
@@ 616,6 621,7 @@ module Feed = struct
+ ((Xmlm.ns_xmlns,"as"),ns_as);
((Xmlm.ns_xml,"base"),base |> Uri.to_string);
M lib/xml.ml => lib/xml.ml +10 -9
@@ 1,16 1,17 @@
open Astring
-let ns_rdf = "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
-let ns_xsd = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#"
-(* and ns_sec = As2_vocab.Constants.ActivityStreams.ns_sec ^ "#" *)
-let ns_a = "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" (* https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4287#section-2 *)
-let ns_thr = "http://purl.org/syndication/thread/1.0" (* https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4685#section-2 *)
-let ns_seppo = "http://seppo.social/2023/ns#"
+let ns_rdf = "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
+let ns_xsd = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
+(* and ns_sec = As2_vocab.Constants.ActivityStreams.ns_sec ^ "#" *)
+let ns_a = "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" (* https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4287#section-2 *)
+let ns_thr = "http://purl.org/syndication/thread/1.0" (* https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4685#section-2 *)
+let ns_seppo = "http://seppo.social/2023/ns#"
let ns_backoffice = "http://seppo.social/2023/backoffice#"
-let ns_rfc7033 = "urn:ietf:rfc:7033"
-let ns_rfc7565 = "urn:ietf:rfc:7565"
-let ns_xhtml = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
+let ns_rfc7033 = "urn:ietf:rfc:7033"
+let ns_rfc7565 = "urn:ietf:rfc:7565"
+let ns_as = As2_vocab.Constants.ActivityStreams.ns_as
+let ns_xhtml = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
(* for testing purpose only *)
let to_buf ?(xsl = None) ?(readme = None) ?(indent = None) (x : _ Xmlm.frag) (dst : Buffer.t) =
M test/t_ap.ml => test/t_ap.ml +14 -11
@@ 31,11 31,9 @@ open Seppo_lib
open Alcotest
module A = Assrt
-let set_up = "setup", `Quick, (fun () ->
- Mirage_crypto_rng_lwt.initialize (module Mirage_crypto_rng.Fortuna);
- Unix.chdir "../../../test/"
- )
+let set_up () =
+ Mirage_crypto_rng_lwt.initialize (module Mirage_crypto_rng.Fortuna);
+ Unix.chdir "../../../test/"
let tc_follower_state () =
Logr.info (fun m -> m "%s.%s" "Ap_test" "test_follower_state");
@@ 430,8 428,9 @@ let tc_to_rfc4287_loaded () =
and tz = Timedesc.Time_zone.utc
and base = "https://example.com/fe/" |> Uri.of_string
and attr = [ ((Xmlm.ns_xmlns,"xmlns"),Xml.ns_a);
- ((Xmlm.ns_xmlns,"thr"),Xml.ns_thr);
- ((Xmlm.ns_xmlns,"wf"),Xml.ns_rfc7033); ] in
+ ((Xmlm.ns_xmlns,"thr") ,Xml.ns_thr);
+ ((Xmlm.ns_xmlns,"as") ,Xml.ns_as);
+ ((Xmlm.ns_xmlns,"wf") ,Xml.ns_rfc7033); ] in
let apu = load_note "note-Hjcb9bqwCgk.json" in
let ato = apu |> Ap.Note.to_rfc4287 ~tz ~now in
ato.author.name |> Assrt.equals_string __LOC__ "https://mastodon.social/users/nicholas_saunders";
@@ 444,11 443,12 @@ I'm inferring that this has something to with the Goat, but have no idea. Guess
let buf = 1024 |> Buffer.create in
buf |> Xml.to_buf (ato |> Rfc4287.Entry.to_atom ~attr ~base);
buf |> Buffer.to_bytes |> Bytes.to_string |> Assrt.equals_string __LOC__ {|<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<entry xml:lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:thr="http://purl.org/syndication/thread/1.0" xmlns:wf="urn:ietf:rfc:7033">
+<entry xml:lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:thr="http://purl.org/syndication/thread/1.0" xmlns:as="https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams" xmlns:wf="urn:ietf:rfc:7033">
<title type="text"></title>
+ <as:sensitive>false</as:sensitive>
@@ 472,11 472,12 @@ I'm inferring that this has something to with the Goat, but have no idea. Guess
buf |> Buffer.clear;
buf |> Xml.to_buf (ato |> Rfc4287.Entry.to_atom ~attr ~base);
buf |> Buffer.to_bytes |> Bytes.to_string |> Assrt.equals_string __LOC__ {|<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<entry xml:lang="und" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:thr="http://purl.org/syndication/thread/1.0" xmlns:wf="urn:ietf:rfc:7033">
+<entry xml:lang="und" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:thr="http://purl.org/syndication/thread/1.0" xmlns:as="https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams" xmlns:wf="urn:ietf:rfc:7033">
<title type="text"></title>
+ <as:sensitive>false</as:sensitive>
@@ 535,7 536,7 @@ let tc_decode_create_notes () =
| Ok s -> s)
|> Assrt.equals_string __LOC__ {|<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../../themes/current/posts.xsl"?>
-<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:thr="http://purl.org/syndication/thread/1.0" xmlns:wf="urn:ietf:rfc:7033" xml:lang="de" xml:base="http://example.com/">
+<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:thr="http://purl.org/syndication/thread/1.0" xmlns:wf="urn:ietf:rfc:7033" xmlns:as="https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams" xml:lang="de" xml:base="http://example.com/">
<title type="text">ti</title>
<updated>2024-06-19 16:15:14+02:00</updated>
@@ 548,6 549,7 @@ let tc_decode_create_notes () =
<title type="text"></title>
+ <as:sensitive>false</as:sensitive>
@@ 563,6 565,7 @@ let tc_decode_create_notes () =
<title type="text"></title>
+ <as:sensitive>false</as:sensitive>
@@ 579,7 582,7 @@ let () =
"seppo_suite" [
__FILE__ , [
- set_up;
+ "set_up", `Quick, set_up;
"tc_follower_state", `Quick, tc_follower_state;
"tc_inbox_follow", `Quick, tc_inbox_follow;
"tc_inbox_unfollow", `Quick, tc_inbox_unfollow;
M test/t_rfc4287.ml => test/t_rfc4287.ml +59 -46
@@ 24,34 24,40 @@
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+open Alcotest
open Seppo_lib
open Rfc4287
+let set_up () =
+ Mirage_crypto_rng_lwt.initialize (module Mirage_crypto_rng.Fortuna);
+ Unix.chdir "../../../test/"
let mk_sample () =
let tag path = Category.((Label (Single path)), (Term (Single path)), tagu) in
- let e : Entry.t = {
- id = "o/p-12/#23" |> Uri.of_string;
- in_reply_to= [Uri.empty |> Inreplyto.make];
- lang = Rfc4646 "en";
- author = {Rfc4287.Person.empty with
- name = "fediverse";
- uri = Some (Uri.of_string "https://fediverse@mro.name");
- (* Uri.make ~userinfo:"fediverse" ~host:"mro.name" () *)};
- title = "#Announce Seppo.Social v0.1 and Request for Comments.";
- published = Rfc3339.T "2023-02-11T11:07:23+01:00";
- updated = Rfc3339.T "2023-02-11T11:07:23+01:00";
- links = [ "https://seppo.social/en/downloads/seppo-Linux-x86_64-0.1/" |> Uri.of_string |> Link.make ];
- categories = [
- tag "ActivityPub";
- tag "Announce";
- tag "Fediverse";
- tag "Media";
- tag "permacomputing";
- tag "Seppo";
- tag "Social";
- tag "webfinger";
- ];
- content = {|I am happy to announce the premiere release of #Seppo!, Personal #Social #Media under funding of NLnet.nl.
+ let e = {Rfc4287.Entry.empty with
+ id = "o/p-12/#23" |> Uri.of_string;
+ in_reply_to= [Uri.empty |> Inreplyto.make];
+ lang = Rfc4646 "en";
+ author = {Rfc4287.Person.empty with
+ name = "fediverse";
+ uri = Some (Uri.of_string "https://fediverse@mro.name");
+ (* Uri.make ~userinfo:"fediverse" ~host:"mro.name" () *)};
+ title = "#Announce Seppo.Social v0.1 and Request for Comments.";
+ published = Rfc3339.T "2023-02-11T11:07:23+01:00";
+ updated = Rfc3339.T "2023-02-11T11:07:23+01:00";
+ links = [ "https://seppo.social/en/downloads/seppo-Linux-x86_64-0.1/" |> Uri.of_string |> Link.make ];
+ categories = [
+ tag "ActivityPub";
+ tag "Announce";
+ tag "Fediverse";
+ tag "Media";
+ tag "permacomputing";
+ tag "Seppo";
+ tag "Social";
+ tag "webfinger";
+ ];
+ content = {|I am happy to announce the premiere release of #Seppo!, Personal #Social #Media under funding of NLnet.nl.
Find it at https://Seppo.Social/downloads/
@@ 64,13 70,13 @@ It has no notable user facing #ActivityPub features so far, but
I made this embarrassingly limited release to build awareness for low-barrier-entry internet services in general and especially in the field of personal communication as well as letting the #fediverse and #permacomputing communities know.
Your comments are very much appreciated.|};
- } in
+ } in
let tail x =
Assrt.equals_string __LOC__ "ok" (if x |> Result.is_ok then "ok" else "no")
-let test_compute_links () =
+let tc_compute_links () =
let base = "https://example.com/sub/" |> Uri.of_string in
let self,first,last,prev,next = ("o/p",2) |> Rfc4287.Feed.compute_links ~max:7 ~base in
self |> Uri.to_string |> Assrt.equals_string __LOC__ "https://example.com/sub/o/p-2/";
@@ 80,7 86,7 @@ let test_compute_links () =
next |> Option.get |> Uri.to_string |> Assrt.equals_string __LOC__ "https://example.com/sub/o/p-1/";
assert true
-let test_encode () =
+let tc_encode () =
Logr.info (fun m -> m "rfc4287_test.test_encode");
let _ = match {|(6:author(4:name9:fediverse3:uri26:https://fediverse@mro.name))|} |> Csexp.parse_string with
| Ok (List [ Atom "author"; List [
@@ 153,7 159,7 @@ Your comments are very much appreciated.|};
|> Assrt.equals_string __LOC__ "o/p/ ; activitypub/outbox/ ; o/d/2023-02-11/ ; o/t/webfinger/ ; o/t/Social/ ; o/t/Seppo/ ; o/t/permacomputing/ ; o/t/Media/ ; o/t/Fediverse/ ; o/t/Announce/ ; o/t/ActivityPub/";
assert true
-let test_decode_2023 () =
+let tc_decode_2023 () =
let e : Rfc4287.Entry.t =
{|(2:id10:o/p-12/#2311:in-reply-to((3:ref0:))4:lang2:en5:title53:#Announce Seppo.Social v0.1 and Request for Comments.6:author20://fediverse@mro.name9:published25:2023-02-11T11:07:23+01:007:updated25:2023-02-11T11:07:23+01:005:links((4:href57:https://seppo.social/en/downloads/seppo-Linux-x86_64-0.1/))10:categories((5:label11:ActivityPub4:term11:ActivityPub6:scheme4:o/t/)(5:label8:Announce4:term8:Announce6:scheme4:o/t/)(5:label9:Fediverse4:term9:Fediverse6:scheme4:o/t/)(5:label5:Media4:term5:Media6:scheme4:o/t/)(5:label14:permacomputing4:term14:permacomputing6:scheme4:o/t/)(5:label5:Seppo4:term5:Seppo6:scheme4:o/t/)(5:label6:Social4:term6:Social6:scheme4:o/t/)(5:label9:webfinger4:term9:webfinger6:scheme4:o/t/))7:content635:I am happy to announce the premiere release of #Seppo!, Personal #Social #Media under funding of NLnet.nl.
@@ 177,7 183,7 @@ Your comments are very much appreciated.)|}
e.author.uri |> Option.get |> Uri.to_string |> Assrt.equals_string __LOC__ {|//fediverse@mro.name|};
-let test_decode_2024 () =
+let tc_decode_2024 () =
let e : Rfc4287.Entry.t =
{|(2:id10:o/p-12/#2311:in-reply-to((3:ref0:))4:lang2:en5:title53:#Announce Seppo.Social v0.1 and Request for Comments.6:author(4:name9:fediverse3:uri26:https://fediverse@mro.name)9:published25:2023-02-11T11:07:23+01:007:updated25:2023-02-11T11:07:23+01:005:links((4:href57:https://seppo.social/en/downloads/seppo-Linux-x86_64-0.1/))10:categories((5:label11:ActivityPub4:term11:ActivityPub6:scheme4:o/t/)(5:label8:Announce4:term8:Announce6:scheme4:o/t/)(5:label9:Fediverse4:term9:Fediverse6:scheme4:o/t/)(5:label5:Media4:term5:Media6:scheme4:o/t/)(5:label14:permacomputing4:term14:permacomputing6:scheme4:o/t/)(5:label5:Seppo4:term5:Seppo6:scheme4:o/t/)(5:label6:Social4:term6:Social6:scheme4:o/t/)(5:label9:webfinger4:term9:webfinger6:scheme4:o/t/))7:content635:I am happy to announce the premiere release of #Seppo!, Personal #Social #Media under funding of NLnet.nl.
@@ 201,7 207,7 @@ Your comments are very much appreciated.)|}
e.author.uri |> Option.get |> Uri.to_string |> Assrt.equals_string __LOC__ {|https://fediverse@mro.name|};
-let test_from_plain_text () =
+let tc_from_plain_text () =
Logr.info (fun m -> m "rfc4287_test.test_from_plain_text");
let published = Rfc3339.T "2023-02-14T01:23:45+01:00" in
let author = {Rfc4287.Person.empty with
@@ 228,7 234,7 @@ let test_from_plain_text () =
* https://opam.ocaml.org/packages/base32/
* https://opam.ocaml.org/packages/base64/
-let test_id_make () =
+let tc_id_make () =
Logr.info (fun m -> m "rfc4287_test.test_id_make");
let assrt l id iso =
match iso |> Ptime.of_rfc3339 with
@@ 243,7 249,7 @@ let test_id_make () =
"2120-01-01T00:00:00+00:00" |> assrt "rfc4287_test.test_id_make 4" "2sd6e22";
assert true
-let test_entry_atom () =
+let tc_entry_atom () =
Logr.info (fun m -> m "rfc4287_test.test_entry_atom");
let base = Uri.of_string "https://example.com/sub/" in
let published = Rfc3339.T "2023-02-14T01:23:45+01:00" in
@@ 259,16 265,18 @@ let test_entry_atom () =
let attr = [
((Xmlm.ns_xmlns,"xmlns"), Xml.ns_a);
((Xmlm.ns_xmlns,"wf"), Xml.ns_rfc7033);
+ ((Xmlm.ns_xmlns,"as"), Xml.ns_as);
] in
let e = Entry.to_atom ~attr ~base e0 in
Xml.to_buf e buf;
buf |> Buffer.to_bytes |> Bytes.to_string
|> Assrt.equals_string __LOC__ {|<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<entry xml:lang="nl" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:wf="urn:ietf:rfc:7033">
+<entry xml:lang="nl" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:wf="urn:ietf:rfc:7033" xmlns:as="https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams">
<title type="text">Hello, world!</title>
+ <as:sensitive>false</as:sensitive>
@@ 278,7 286,7 @@ let test_entry_atom () =
<content type="text">a new Note.</content>
-let test_feed_atom () =
+let tc_feed_atom () =
Logr.info (fun m -> m "rfc4287_test.test_feed_atom");
let published = Rfc3339.T "2023-02-14T01:23:45+01:00" in
@@ 306,7 314,7 @@ let test_feed_atom () =
Xml.to_buf fe buf;
buf |> Buffer.to_bytes |> Bytes.to_string
|> Assrt.equals_string __LOC__ {|<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:thr="http://purl.org/syndication/thread/1.0" xmlns:wf="urn:ietf:rfc:7033" xml:lang="nl" xml:base="https://example.com/sub/">
+<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:thr="http://purl.org/syndication/thread/1.0" xmlns:wf="urn:ietf:rfc:7033" xmlns:as="https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams" xml:lang="nl" xml:base="https://example.com/sub/">
<title type="text">My fancy #Seppo!</title>
@@ 320,6 328,7 @@ let test_feed_atom () =
<title type="text">Hello, world!</title>
+ <as:sensitive>false</as:sensitive>
@@ 330,21 339,25 @@ let test_feed_atom () =
-let test_xsl () =
+let tc_xsl () =
|> Rfc4287.xsl "posts.xsl"
|> Option.value ~default:"?"
|> Assrt.equals_string __LOC__ "../../themes/current/posts.xsl"
let () =
- Unix.chdir "../../../test/";
- test_compute_links ();
- test_encode ();
- test_decode_2023 ();
- test_decode_2024 ();
- test_from_plain_text ();
- test_id_make ();
- test_entry_atom ();
- test_feed_atom ();
- test_xsl ();
- assert true
+ run
+ "seppo_suite" [
+ __FILE__ , [
+ "set_up", `Quick, set_up;
+ "tc_compute_links ", `Quick, tc_compute_links ;
+ "tc_encode ", `Quick, tc_encode ;
+ "tc_decode_2023 ", `Quick, tc_decode_2023 ;
+ "tc_decode_2024 ", `Quick, tc_decode_2024 ;
+ "tc_from_plain_text ", `Quick, tc_from_plain_text ;
+ "tc_id_make ", `Quick, tc_id_make ;
+ "tc_entry_atom ", `Quick, tc_entry_atom ;
+ "tc_feed_atom ", `Quick, tc_feed_atom ;
+ "tc_xsl ", `Quick, tc_xsl ;
+ ]
+ ]