M bin/gen_link_flags.sh => bin/gen_link_flags.sh +1 -1
@@ 4,7 4,7 @@
case "$(uname -s)" in
# do not link statically on macos.
- echo "()"
+ echo '()'
echo '(-ccopt "-static")'
A deploy.sh => deploy.sh +30 -0
@@ 0,0 1,30 @@
+# https://mro.name/geohash
+cd "$(dirname "${0}")" || exit 1
+make clean
+make || exit 1
+readonly name="geohash"
+readonly ver="0.1"
+readonly src="_build/default/bin/${name}.exe"
+git_sha="$(sed -En '/git_sha/s/^.+"([0-9a-f]+)"/\1/gp' < bin/version.ml)"
+dst="${name}-v${ver}+${git_sha}-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)"
+readonly git_sha dst
+chmod u+w "${src}"
+strip "${src}"
+file "${src}"
+readonly dir="/var/www/vhosts/dev.mro.name/pages/${name}"
+ssh c1 mkdir -p "${dir}" \
+ && rsync -avPz "${src}" c1:"${dir}/${dst}" \
+ && ssh c1 ls -Al "${dir}/${dst}" \
+ && exit 0
+echo rsync -avPz "$(pwd)/${src}" c1:"${dir}/${dst}"
+exit 1
M lib/cgi.ml => lib/cgi.ml +1 -2
@@ 84,10 84,9 @@ let request_uri req =
(* Almost trivial. https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3875 *)
let request_from_env () =
- let name = Os.getenv "SERVER_NAME" in
- host = Os.getenv_safe ~default:name "HTTP_HOST";
+ host = Os.getenv_safe ~default:(Os.getenv "SERVER_NAME") "HTTP_HOST";
http_cookie = Os.getenv_safe ~default:"" "HTTP_COOKIE";
path_info = Os.getenv_safe ~default:"" "PATH_INFO";
query_string = Os.getenv_safe ~default:"" "QUERY_STRING";
M lib/geohash.ml => lib/geohash.ml +32 -34
@@ 26,17 26,17 @@ open Optint.Int63
* 60 bits are fine, because
- * - nobody uses 13 chars = 65 bit
* - 12 geohash characters equal 60 bit
- * - ocaml has efficient int63 but not int64
+ * - more chars would overflow 64 bit
+ * - ocaml has efficient int63, enough for 60 bits
-(* wgs84 -> 30 bit geohash *)
+(* wgs84 -> 30 bit geohash. https://mmcloughlin.com/posts/geohash-assembly#implementation *)
let quantize30 (lat, lng) =
let f r x = Float.ldexp ((x /. r) +. 0.5) 30 |> of_float in
(f 180. lat, f 360. lng)
-(* 30 bit geohash -> wgs84 *)
+(* 30 bit geohash -> wgs84. https://mmcloughlin.com/posts/geohash-assembly#implementation *)
let dequantize30 (lat, lon) =
let f r x = r *. (Float.ldexp (x |> to_float) (-30) -. 0.5) in
(f 180. lat, f 360. lon)
@@ 53,33 53,28 @@ let x3333333333333333 = of_int64 0x3333333333333333L
let x5555555555555555 = of_int64 0x3555555555555555L
-let spread x =
- let f s m x' = m |> logand (x' |> logor (shift_left x' s)) in
- x |> f 16 x0000ffff0000ffff |> f 8 x00ff00ff00ff00ff |> f 4 x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f
- |> f 2 x3333333333333333 |> f 1 x5555555555555555
-let squash x =
- let f s m x' = m |> logand (x' |> logor (shift_right x' s)) in
- x |> logand x5555555555555555 |> f 1 x3333333333333333
- |> f 2 x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f |> f 4 x00ff00ff00ff00ff |> f 8 x0000ffff0000ffff
- |> f 16 x00000000ffffffff
-let interleave (x, y) = spread x |> logor (shift_left (spread y) 1)
-let deinterleave x = (squash x, squash (shift_right x 1))
-let alphabet = Bytes.of_string "0123456789bcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz"
-let b32_int_to_char i = Bytes.get alphabet i
-let b32_int_of_char c =
- (* if we want it fast, either do binary search or construct a sparse LUT from chars 0-z -> int *)
- match c |> Bytes.index_opt alphabet with None -> Error c | Some i -> Ok i
+let interleave (x, y) =
+ let spread x =
+ let f s m x' = m |> logand (x' |> logor (shift_left x' s)) in
+ x |> f 16 x0000ffff0000ffff |> f 8 x00ff00ff00ff00ff
+ |> f 4 x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f |> f 2 x3333333333333333 |> f 1 x5555555555555555
+ in
+ spread x |> logor (shift_left (spread y) 1)
+let deinterleave x =
+ let squash x =
+ let f s m x' = m |> logand (x' |> logor (shift_right x' s)) in
+ x |> logand x5555555555555555 |> f 1 x3333333333333333
+ |> f 2 x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f |> f 4 x00ff00ff00ff00ff |> f 8 x0000ffff0000ffff
+ |> f 16 x00000000ffffffff
+ in
+ (squash x, squash (shift_right x 1))
-let x1f = of_int 0x1f
+let alphabet = "0123456789bcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz" |> Bytes.of_string
(* encode the chars * 5 low bits of x *)
let base32_encode chars x =
+ let b32_int_to_char i = i |> Bytes.get alphabet and x1f = of_int 0x1f in
let rec f i x' b =
match i with
| -1 -> b
@@ 90,7 85,10 @@ let base32_encode chars x =
chars |> Bytes.create |> f (chars - 1) x |> Bytes.to_string
let base32_decode hash =
- let len = hash |> String.length in
+ let b32_int_of_char c =
+ (* if we want it fast, either do binary search or construct a sparse LUT from chars 0-z -> int *)
+ match c |> Bytes.index_opt alphabet with None -> Error c | Some i -> Ok i
+ and len = hash |> String.length in
match len <= 12 with
| false -> Error '_'
| true ->
@@ 105,23 103,23 @@ let base32_decode hash =
f 0 zero
let encode chars wgs84 =
- match 0 <= chars && chars <= 12 with
+ (* is the empty string a geohash? representing all earth? *)
+ match 1 <= chars && chars <= 12 with
| false -> Error chars
| true ->
let h60 = wgs84 |> quantize30 |> interleave in
Ok (shift_right h60 (60 - (5 * chars)) |> base32_encode chars)
-let error_with_precision bits =
+let error_with_precision bits factor =
let latBits = bits / 2 in
let lonBits = bits - latBits in
- let latErr = Float.ldexp 180. (-latBits)
- and lonErr = Float.ldexp 360. (-lonBits) in
+ let latErr = factor *. Float.ldexp 180. (-latBits)
+ and lonErr = factor *. Float.ldexp 360. (-lonBits) in
(latErr, lonErr)
let decode hash =
Result.bind (base32_decode hash) (fun h60 ->
let bits = 5 * String.length hash in
let lat, lon = shift_left h60 (60 - bits) |> deinterleave |> dequantize30
- and latE, lonE = error_with_precision bits in
- let latE2, lonE2 = (latE *. 0.5, lonE *. 0.5) in
+ and latE2, lonE2 = error_with_precision bits 0.5 in
Ok ((lat +. latE2, lon +. lonE2), (latE2, lonE2)))
M test/geohash_test.ml => test/geohash_test.ml +5 -4
@@ 83,7 83,8 @@ let test_base32_decode () =
t 11 "ezs42" (of_int64 0xdfe082L);
(* t 12 "u4pruydqqvj" (of_int64 0x6895bebccb5b71L); *)
t 13 "zzs000000000" (of_int64 0x0fff000000000000L);
- t 50 "zzzzzzzzzzzz" (of_int64 0x0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL)
+ t 50 "zzzzzzzzzzzz" (of_int64 0x0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL);
+ t 60 "" (of_int64 0x0L)
let test_base32_encode () =
let t i p a b =
@@ 109,13 110,13 @@ let test_encode_a () =
a |> encode p |> Result.get_ok
|> Assert2.equals_string (Printf.sprintf "test_encode_a #%d" i) b
- t 0 12 (27.988056, 86.925278) "tuvz4p141zc1";
+ t 1 12 (27.988056, 86.925278) "tuvz4p141zc1";
t 10 12 (-25.382708, -49.265506) "6gkzwgjzn820";
t 20 12 (57.649111, 10.407440) "u4pruydqqvjw";
t 30 12 (47.879105, 12.634964) "u28brs0s0004";
t 40 11 (47.879105, 12.634964) "u28brs0s000";
- t 50 1 (47.879105, 12.634964) "u";
- t 60 0 (47.879105, 12.634964) ""
+ t 50 1 (47.879105, 12.634964) "u"
+(* t 60 0 (47.879105, 12.634964) "" *)
let test_decode_sunshine () =
let t i a b =