
8e9ded09de291117c4fe92f9100896860a9c3429 — Marcus Rohrmoser 3 years ago f944d92
prevent overflows, more tests.
3 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

M bin/cgi.ml
M lib/calc.ml
M test/calc_test.ml
M bin/cgi.ml => bin/cgi.ml +20 -19
@@ 23,19 23,6 @@ let globe = "🌐"
open Lib
open Lib.Cgi

let handle_query_string qs =
  let prec =
    (* rough estimate: digits ~ length - q= and  3 separators
     * bits = digits * ln(10)/ln(2)
     * geohash has 5 bit per char, *)
    float ((qs |> String.length) - 5) *. 3.3219 /. 5.
    |> ceil |> truncate
    (* but no less than 2 and no more than 12 *)
    |> max 2
    |> min 12
  Result.bind (qs |> Route.coord_from_qs) (prec |> Lib.Calc.encode)

let handle_hash req =
  match req.path_info |> String.split_on_char '/' with
  | [ ""; hash ] -> (

@@ 82,11 69,25 @@ let handle req =
      | "/" -> (
          match req.query_string with
          | "" -> uri ^ mercator_birth |> redirect
          | s -> (
              match s |> handle_query_string with
              | Ok hash -> hash |> redirect
              | Error (`NoMatch (_, _)) ->
                  error 406 "Cannot parse query string."
              | Error _ -> error 406 "Cannot encode coords."))
          | qs -> (
              match qs |> Route.coord_from_qs with
              | Error (`NoMatch (_, s')) ->
                  error 406 ("Cannot encode coords: '" ^ s' ^ "'")
              | Error (`ConverterFailure _) -> error 406 "Cannot encode coords."
              | Ok co -> (
                  (* actually logic :-( *)
                  let prec =
                    (* rough estimate: digits ~ length - q= and  3 separators
                     * bits = digits * ln(10)/ln(2)
                     * geohash has 5 bit per char, *)
                    float ((qs |> String.length) - 5) *. 3.3219 /. 5.
                    |> ceil |> truncate
                    (* but no less than 2 and no more than 12 *)
                    |> max 2
                    |> min 12
                  match co |> Lib.Calc.encode prec with
                  | Error _ -> error 406 "Cannot encode coords."
                  | Ok hash -> hash |> redirect)))
      | _ -> handle_hash req)
  | _ -> error 405 "Method Not Allowed"

M lib/calc.ml => lib/calc.ml +18 -12
@@ 83,20 83,26 @@ let base32_encode chars x =
  chars |> Bytes.create |> f (chars - 1) x |> Bytes.to_string

let base32_decode hash =
  let len = String.length hash in
  let rec f idx x =
    match len - idx with
    | 0 -> Ok x
    | _ ->
          (hash.[idx] |> Iter.P.b32_int_of_char)
          (fun v -> v |> of_int |> logor (shift_left x 5) |> f (idx + 1))
  f 0 zero
  let len = hash |> String.length in
  match len <= 12 with
  | false -> Error '_'
  | true ->
      let rec f idx x =
        match len - idx with
        | 0 -> Ok x
        | _ ->
              (hash.[idx] |> Iter.P.b32_int_of_char)
              (fun v -> v |> of_int |> logor (shift_left x 5) |> f (idx + 1))
      f 0 zero

let encode chars wgs84 =
  let h60 = wgs84 |> quantize30 |> interleave in
  Ok (shift_right h60 (60 - (5 * chars)) |> base32_encode chars)
  match 0 <= chars && chars <= 12 with
  | false -> Error chars
  | true ->
      let h60 = wgs84 |> quantize30 |> interleave in
      Ok (shift_right h60 (60 - (5 * chars)) |> base32_encode chars)

let error_with_precision bits =
  let latBits = bits / 2 in

M test/calc_test.ml => test/calc_test.ml +18 -2
@@ 24,6 24,15 @@ open Lib.Calc
let assert_equals_int64 (test_name : string) (expected : t) (result : t) : 'a =
  Assert.assert_equals test_name to_string expected result

let test_len () =
  assert ("zzzzzzzzzzzZ" < "zzzzzzzzzzzz");
  assert ("zzzzzzzzzzzz" < "zzzzzzzzzzzz ");
  assert ("zzzzzzzzzzzz" < "zzzzzzzzzzzz1");
  assert ("zzzzzzzzzzzz" > "u28brs0s00040");
  assert ("z" > "aa");
  assert ("a" < "b");
  assert (12 < ("u28brs0s00040" |> String.length))


let test_spread () =

@@ 129,14 138,21 @@ let test_decode_sunshine () =
  t 20 "u28brs0s0004"
    ((47.879105, 12.634964), (8.38190317154e-08, 1.67638063431e-07))

let test_decode_fail () =
  assert ("u28brs0s00040" |> decode = Error '_');
  assert ("u28brs0s00041" |> decode = Error '_');
  assert ("_" |> decode = Error '_')

let () =
  test_len ();
  (* test_spread ();
              test_interleave ();
           test_deinterleave ();
        test_quantize ();
     test_base32_decode ();
     test_base32_encode ();
     test_quantize ();
  test_quantize ();
  test_encode_a ();
  test_decode_sunshine ()
  test_decode_sunshine ();
  test_decode_fail ()