M lib/cgi.ml => lib/cgi.ml +10 -9
@@ 86,17 86,18 @@ let request_from_env () =
- host = Os.getenv_safe ~default:(Os.getenv "SERVER_NAME") "HTTP_HOST";
- http_cookie = Os.getenv_safe ~default:"" "HTTP_COOKIE";
- path_info = Os.getenv_safe ~default:"" "PATH_INFO";
- query_string = Os.getenv_safe ~default:"" "QUERY_STRING";
- request_method = Os.getenv "REQUEST_METHOD";
- (* request_uri = Os.getenv "REQUEST_URI"; *)
+ host =
+ "HTTP_HOST" |> Os.getenv_safe ~default:("SERVER_NAME" |> Os.getenv);
+ http_cookie = "HTTP_COOKIE" |> Os.getenv_safe ~default:"";
+ path_info = "PATH_INFO" |> Os.getenv_safe ~default:"";
+ query_string = "QUERY_STRING" |> Os.getenv_safe ~default:"";
+ request_method = "REQUEST_METHOD" |> Os.getenv;
+ (* request_uri = "REQUEST_URI" |> Os.getenv ; *)
scheme =
- (match Os.getenv_safe ~default:"" "HTTPS" with
+ (match "HTTPS" |> Os.getenv_safe ~default:"" with
| "on" -> "https"
| _ -> "http");
- script_name = Os.getenv "SCRIPT_NAME";
- server_port = Os.getenv "SERVER_PORT";
+ script_name = "SCRIPT_NAME" |> Os.getenv;
+ server_port = "SERVER_PORT" |> Os.getenv;
with Not_found -> Error "Not Found."
M lib/geohash.ml => lib/geohash.ml +1 -1
@@ 27,7 27,7 @@ open Optint.Int63
* 60 bits are fine, because
* - 12 geohash characters equal 60 bit
- * - more chars would overflow 64 bit
+ * - more chars would overflow 64 bit anyway
* - ocaml has efficient int63, enough for 60 bits
M lib/route.ml => lib/route.ml +35 -3
@@ 11,17 11,49 @@
module P = struct
open Tyre
- let lat_lon_pair = float <&> pcre "([,; +]|%2C|%3B|%20)+" *> float
+ let ws = pcre "( |\t|\\+|%20)*"
+ let deg_min_sec =
+ conv
+ (fun ((d, (m, s)), he) ->
+ let si = match he with "S" | "W" -> -1. | _ -> 1.
+ and d' = d
+ and m' = m
+ and s' = s in
+ si *. (d' +. ((m' +. (s' /. 60.)) /. 60.)))
+ (fun v ->
+ let si = if v < 0. then -1. else 1. in
+ let d' = v *. si in
+ let d = d' |> floor in
+ let dr = d' -. d in
+ let m' = dr *. 60. in
+ let m = m' |> floor in
+ let mr' = m' -. m in
+ let se = mr' *. 60. in
+ ((d, (m, se)), if si < 0. then "S" else "N"))
+ (float <* pcre "°|%C2%B0" <* ws
+ <&> (float <* pcre "′|%E2%80%B2" <* ws
+ <&> (float <* pcre "″|%E2%80%B3" <* ws))
+ <&> pcre "[NSEOW]")
+ let dec = float <* opt (str "%C2%B0")
+ let deg =
+ conv
+ (fun x -> match x with `Left v | `Right v -> v)
+ (fun y -> (* write decimal by default *) `Left y)
+ (dec <|> deg_min_sec)
+ let sep = pcre "([,; +]|%20|%2C|%3B)+"
+ let lat_lon_pair = deg <&> sep *> deg
let geo_uri =
opt (pcre "geo(:|%3A)") *> lat_lon_pair
<* opt (pcre "(\\?|%3F)z(=|%3D)[0-9]+")
let lat_lon = compile (geo_uri <* stop)
let qs_lat_lon = compile (str "q=" *> geo_uri <* stop)
let coord_from_qs qs = qs |> Tyre.exec P.qs_lat_lon
let coord_from_s s = s |> Tyre.exec P.lat_lon
M test/route_test.ml => test/route_test.ml +65 -1
@@ 31,4 31,68 @@ let test_qs () =
| Error (`NoMatch (_, original)) -> assert (original != "")
| _ -> assert false
-let () = test_qs ()
+let test_deg () =
+ (*
+ let la, lo =
+ "q=47.427%C2%B0,+13.059%C2%B0" |> coord_from_qs |> Result.get_ok
+ in
+ Printf.printf "test_deg %f, %f" la lo;
+ *)
+ assert (Ok (47.427, 13.059) = ("q=47.427%C2%B0,+13.059%C2%B0" |> coord_from_qs));
+ (* assert (Ok (47.427, 13.059) = ("q=47.427°, 13.059°" |> coord_from_qs)); *)
+ (* assert (
+ Ok (47.5440, 15.4396) = ("q=47° 25′ 37″ N, 13° 3′ 32″ O" |> coord_from_qs)); *)
+ let la, lo =
+ "q=47%C2%B0+25%E2%80%B2+37%E2%80%B3+N,+13%C2%B0+3%E2%80%B2+32%E2%80%B3+O"
+ |> coord_from_qs |> Result.get_ok
+ in
+ (* Printf.printf "%f,%f\n" la lo; *)
+ assert (47.427 -. la < 1e-1);
+ assert (13.059 -. lo < 1e-1);
+ let la', lo' =
+ "q=47%C2%B0+25%E2%80%B2+37.2%E2%80%B3+N,+13%C2%B0+3%E2%80%B2+32.4%E2%80%B3+E"
+ |> coord_from_qs |> Result.get_ok
+ in
+ (* Printf.printf "%f,%f\n" la' lo'; *)
+ assert (47.427 -. la' < 1e-1);
+ assert (13.059 -. lo' < 1e-1);
+ assert true
+let test_deg_min_sec () =
+ let open Tyre in
+ let dms =
+ let ws = pcre "( |\t|\\+|%20)*" in
+ conv
+ (fun ((d, (m, s)), he) ->
+ let si = match he with "S" | "W" -> -1. | _ -> 1.
+ and d' = d
+ and m' = m
+ and s' = s in
+ si *. (d' +. ((m' +. (s' /. 60.)) /. 60.)))
+ (fun v ->
+ let si = if v < 0. then -1. else 1. in
+ let d' = v *. si in
+ let d = d' |> floor in
+ let dr = d' -. d in
+ let m' = dr *. 60. in
+ let m = m' |> floor in
+ let mr' = m' -. m in
+ let se = mr' *. 60. in
+ ((d, (m, se)), if si < 0. then "S" else "N"))
+ (float <* pcre "°" <* ws
+ <&> (float <* pcre "′" <* ws <&> (float <* pcre "″" <* ws))
+ <&> pcre "[NSEW]")
+ |> compile
+ in
+ let x = "47° 25′ 37″ N" |> exec dms |> Result.get_ok in
+ (* Printf.printf "%f" x; *)
+ assert (47.426944 -. x < 1.e-16);
+ let x' = "47° 25′ 37″ E" |> exec dms |> Result.get_ok in
+ (* Printf.printf "%f" x'; *)
+ assert (47.426944 -. x' < 1.e-16)
+let () =
+ test_qs ();
+ test_deg ();
+ test_deg_min_sec ();
+ assert true