@@ 1,247 @@
+import (
+ "std.um" // change me for your std.um location
+const (
+ tok_null = 0
+ tok_opener
+ tok_closer
+ tok_colon
+ tok_str
+ tok_int
+ tok_real
+ tok_const
+ tok_separator
+ tok_lopener
+ tok_lcloser
+type lexer = struct {
+ inp: str
+ len: int
+ pos: int
+ lineno: int
+type token = struct {
+ t: int
+ pos: int
+ value: str
+fn (l: ^lexer) get(): char {
+ if l.pos >= l.len { return '\0' }
+ l.pos++
+ return l.inp[l.pos-1]
+fn (l: ^lexer) lex_str(): str {
+ const STEP = 64
+ out := make([]char, STEP)
+ buflen := STEP
+ start := l.pos
+ for true {
+ c := l.inp[l.pos]
+ l.pos++
+ if l.pos > 1 && c == '"' && l.inp[l.pos-2] != '\\' {
+ break
+ }
+ if l.pos-start >= buflen {
+ out = append(out, make([]char, STEP * 4))
+ buflen += STEP * 4
+ }
+ out[l.pos-start-1] = c
+ }
+ return out
+fn is_num(inp: char): bool {
+ return ((inp >= '0' && inp <= '9') || inp == '.')
+fn (l: ^lexer) lex_num(): (str, bool) {
+ out := ""
+ is_real := false
+ for true {
+ c := l.get()
+ if c == '.' { is_real = true }
+ if !is_num(c) { break }
+ out += c
+ }
+ return out, is_real
+fn (l: ^lexer) lex_space(): str {
+ out := ""
+ l.pos--
+ c := l.get()
+ for c != ' ' && c != '}' && c != ']' && c != '\n' && c != ',' && c != '\t' {
+ out += c
+ c = l.get()
+ }
+ l.pos--
+ return out
+fn (l: ^lexer) lex_next(): (token, bool) {
+ for l.pos < l.len && (l.inp[l.pos] == ' ' || l.inp[l.pos] == '\n' || l.inp[l.pos] == '\t') {
+ if l.inp[l.pos] == '\n' {
+ l.lineno++
+ }
+ l.pos++
+ }
+ switch l.get() {
+ case '{':
+ return token{tok_opener, l.pos, "{"}, true
+ case '}':
+ return token{tok_closer, l.pos, "}"}, true
+ case '[':
+ return token{tok_lopener, l.pos, "["}, true
+ case ']':
+ return token{tok_lcloser, l.pos, "]"}, true
+ case '"': // are ' or ` strings allowed?
+ return token{tok_str, l.pos, l.lex_str()}, true
+ case '\0':
+ return token{}, false
+ case ':':
+ return token{tok_colon, l.pos, str(l.inp[l.pos-1])}, true
+ case ',':
+ return token{tok_separator, l.pos, str(l.inp[l.pos-1])}, true
+ default:
+ if l.inp[l.pos-1] == '-' || is_num(l.inp[l.pos-1]) {
+ first := l.inp[l.pos-1]
+ val, is_real := l.lex_num()
+ t := tok_int
+ if is_real { t = tok_real }
+ l.pos--
+ return token{t, l.pos, first + val}, true
+ }
+ val := l.lex_space()
+ return token{tok_const, l.pos, val}, true
+ }
+ return token{}, false
+fn (l: ^lexer) parser_error(msg: str) {
+ printf("error %d:%d: %s\n", l.lineno, msg)
+fn (l: ^lexer) parse_object(): map[str]any
+fn (l: ^lexer) parse_array(): []any
+fn (l: ^lexer) parse_val(t: token): any {
+ switch (t.t) {
+ case tok_str:
+ return t.value
+ case tok_int:
+ return std.atoi(t.value)
+ case tok_real:
+ return std.atof(t.value)
+ case tok_opener:
+ return l.parse_object()
+ case tok_lopener:
+ return l.parse_array()
+ case tok_const:
+ if t.value == "true" {
+ return true
+ } else if t.value == "false" {
+ return false
+ } else if t.value == "null" {
+ return null
+ } else {
+ l.parser_error("unknonw constant")
+ }
+ default:
+ l.parser_error("unsupported json feature")
+ }
+ return null
+fn (l: ^lexer) parse_object(): map[str]any {
+ var key: str
+ var val: any
+ var out: map[str]any
+ // this looks horrible
+ t, stay := l.lex_next()
+ for stay && t.t != tok_closer {
+ if t.t == tok_str {
+ next, stay := l.lex_next()
+ if next.t != tok_colon {
+ l.parser_error("missing colon")
+ break
+ }
+ key = t.value
+ next, stay = l.lex_next()
+ val = l.parse_val(next)
+ next, stay = l.lex_next()
+ if stay && next.t != tok_separator && next.t != tok_closer {
+ l.parser_error("missing comma.")
+ }
+ out[key] = val
+ if next.t == tok_closer {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ t, stay = l.lex_next()
+ }
+ return out
+fn (l: ^lexer) parse_array(): []any {
+ out := []any{}
+ stay := true
+ t := token{}
+ for stay && t.t != tok_lcloser {
+ t, stay = l.lex_next()
+ if t.t == tok_lcloser {
+ break
+ }
+ out = append(out, l.parse_val(t))
+ t, stay = l.lex_next()
+ if stay && (t.t != tok_separator && t.t != tok_lcloser) {
+ l.parser_error("array elements are not separated correctly")
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ return out
+//~~fn parse
+// parses json provided as an input and returns either map[str]any or []any
+fn parse*(inp: str): any {
+ l := lexer{inp, len(inp), 0, 1}
+ t, end := l.lex_next()
+ var out: any
+ switch (t.t) {
+ case tok_opener:
+ out = l.parse_object()
+ case tok_lopener:
+ out = l.parse_array()
+ default:
+ l.parser_error("top level type can only be an object or an array")
+ }
+ return out
@@ 1,13 @@
+ "name": "json",
+ "version": "v0.1.0",
+ "author": "Marek Maškarinec <marek@mrms.cz>",
+ "license": "Unlicense/MIT",
+ "description": "JSON decoder library",
+ "readme": "README.md",
+ "link": "",
+ "dependencies": [],
+ "include": ["json.um"],
+ "run_posix": "./pak/umka/linux/umka json.um",
+ "run_windows": ".\\pak\\umka\\windows\\umka.exe json.um"