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an hastily stached dump 🕘
add tree.txt fileslist, more utility scripts
don't hardcode port
don't hardcode part; improve logging


browse  log 



You can also use your local clone with git send-email.

<font face="ms comic sans">


Quick and dirty. Based off Microsoft Comic Chat. Uses node.js and websockets.



  • Comic chat
  • Rooms
  • Notifications
  • Text-to-speech via Web Speech API
  • Basic relay support for animating your (IRC) chat


  1. Clone repo.
  2. npm install or yarn install
  3. Change address of server in client/js/client.js, or supply it via a query param
  4. Change port of server in server/server.js
  5. node server/server.js or npm start, args --port 8084 (default), --historySize 500 (default)
  6. Visit client/index.html


  • Deploy the client to gh-pages with npm run deploy


Connect to the WebSocket server and start pushing JSON. Subject to change.


    type: 'join',
    room: 'room'
  • history, join, part require room
  • message requires room and text, spoof: true optional for relays


  • history --- type, history (an array of messages for the requested room)
  • message --- type, room, time, text, author


If you want to watch your Best Internet IRC Friends in a voiced comic you can configure relay/relay.js and then run it with node relay/relay.js.


  • Tests


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