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+title: "Managers should stay out of IT"
+description: "Why business decisions are rarely good for the product"
+date: 2023-08-11
+type: "post"
+tags: ['rant', 'opinion']
+I now had the pleasure to enjoy working in teams of various sizes. From
+literally 5-people-startups to thousands-of-employees-corporations I dare say
+I have seen quite a bit of variance for someone my age. One unfortunate
+constant that has been the source of headaches in all of them, were managers.
+Managers have one simple task and one more complex: make sure we turn a profit
+and make sure that everything works. Unfortunately, these goals a diametrically
+opposed to one another. Making sure that everything works, while generating the
+money in the first place[^1], also costs money and that's where priorities come in.
+{{< image "/images/blog/memes/li-anne_dias_what_are_we_paying_you_for.webp" "Manager asking Employee why they are getting paid regardless on if things work or not" "Li-Anne Dias" "https://www.li-anne.com/" "height:350px" >}}
+Every manager in IT has to weigh costs and benefits; That's literally their
+job. Of course there are things that a manager has to say "no" to, features to
+reject, money to withhold. The important thing while doing that, is to listen
+to the expertâ„¢. Does your head-admin tell you that some disks need replacement?
+Better order those disks. If in doubt, get a second opinion on whether it's
+really necessary, or if it will bring a noticeable benefit.
+An important thing to realise that it's not only monetary capital you're
+managing: you're also managing "human capital"[^2]. Remember that it's not you
+generating the value, it's the guys you are supposed to be managing, or maybe
+even someone down the line. Sure, IT-people really like to go wild "let's
+migrate to a graph DB", "we could shave dozens of microseconds of this
+processing", "look at this architecture!", we've all heard it, we've all done
+it. It's your job to direct their enthusiasm and creativity, so they can
+optimally create the value you can submit a report on while they stay motivated
+and happy.
+Making your team happy can be directly profitable like when they try to come up
+with new products or improve existing ones, but at times their endeavours might
+be unprofitable but educational. This also has value. It's not as easy as
+refilling the cookie-jar on a regular basis or supply free coffee[^3].
+The magic words here are "employee retention". If you don't keep them happy,
+they will look for someone else, who will. This means you have to hire,
+onboard, and supply a new employee instead of keeping one who's already
+familiar with your environment.
+How do you explain this to your manager? Dunno, ask a manager that understood
+[^1]: Isn't it funny how there seems to be an inverse correlation between
+ productive work and power? Or productive work and salary?
+[^2]: got to swallow my vomit for a second there
+[^3]: do that though, especially the cookie jar should always be filled
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+{{- $link := .Get 0 -}}
+{{- $alt := .Get 1 -}}
+{{- $owner := .Get 2 -}}
+{{- $ownerlink := .Get 3 -}}
+{{- $extra := .Get 4 -}}
+ <img src="{{ $link }}" alt="{{ $alt }}" style="{{ $extra }}">
+ {{ if $owner }}
+ <figcaption>
+ ©
+ {{ if $ownerlink }}
+ <a href="{{ $ownerlink }}">
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+ {{ $owner }}
+ {{ if $ownerlink }}
+ </a>
+ {{ end }}
+ and used with permission, thanks :)
+ </figcaption>
+ {{ end }}