update import path and remove invalid dependencies
Create mirror.yml
Merge pull request #122 from shihai1991/enhance_validate_log
go get github.com/mindstand/gogm/v2
Note: Do not use -u
when installing. If you do, gogm will not compile.
This is caused by a dependency being updated to go1.18 making it incompatable with go1.17. In a future update, gogm will be updated to go1.18 eliminating this issue.
struct decoratorbolt+routing
through the Official Neo4j Go Driver| Note: GoGM v1 has been deprecated.
Primary key strategies allow more customization over primary keys. A strategy is provided to gogm on initialization.
Built in primary key strategies are:
-- just use the graph id from neo4j as the primary keygogm.UUIDPrimaryKeyStrategy
-- uuid's as primary keys// Example of the internal UUID strategy
// StrategyName is the name to reference the strategy
StrategyName: "UUID",
// DBName is the name of the field in the database
DBName: "uuid",
// FieldName is the name of the field in go, this will validate to make sure all pk's use the same field name
FieldName: "UUID",
// Type is the reflect type of the primary key, in this case it's a string but it can be any primitive
Type: reflect.TypeOf(""),
// GenIDFunc defines how new ids are generated, in this case we're using googles uuid library
GenIDFunc: func() (id interface{}) {
return uuid.New().String()
Load strategies allow control over the queries generated by Load
Different strategies change the size of the queries sent to the database as well as the amount of work the database has to do.
A load strategy is provided to gomg on initialization.
The defined load strategies are:
-- Use cypher path queries to generate simple queries for load operations.gogm.SCHEMA_LOAD_STRATEGY
-- Leverage the GoGM schema to generate more complex queries for load operations which results in less work for the database.Depending on your use case, PATH_LOAD_STRATEGY
may result in higher latency.
Decorators that can be used
-- used to set the field name that will show up in neo4j.relationship=<edge_name>
-- used to set the name of the edge on that field.direction=<INCOMING|OUTGOING|BOTH|NONE>
-- used to specify direction of that edge field.index
-- marks field to have an index applied to it.unique
-- marks field to have unique constraint.pk=<strategy_name>
-- marks field as a primary key and specifies which pk strategy to use. Can only have one pk, composite pk's are not supported.properties
-- marks that field is using a map. GoGM only supports properties fields of map[string]interface{}
, map[string]<primitive>
, map[string][]<primitive>
and []<primitive>
-- marks that field will be ignored by the ogmAll relationships must be defined as either a pointer to a struct or a slice of struct pointers *SomeStruct
or []*SomeStruct
Use ;
as delimiter between decorator tags.
type TdString string
type MyNeo4jObject struct {
// provides required node field
// use gogm.BaseUUIDNode if you want to use UUIDs
Field string `gogm:"name=field"`
Props map[string]interface{} `gogm:"properties;name=props"` //note that this would show up as `props.<key>` in neo4j
IgnoreMe bool `gogm="-"`
UniqueTypeDef TdString `gogm:"name=unique_type_def"`
Relation *SomeOtherStruct `gogm="relationship=SOME_STRUCT;direction=OUTGOING"`
ManyRelation []*SomeStruct `gogm="relationship=MANY;direction=INCOMING"`
package main
import (
type tdString string
type tdInt int
//structs for the example (can also be found in decoder_test.go)
type VertexA struct {
// provides required node fields
TestField string `gogm:"name=test_field"`
TestTypeDefString tdString `gogm:"name=test_type_def_string"`
TestTypeDefInt tdInt `gogm:"name=test_type_def_int"`
MapProperty map[string]string `gogm:"name=map_property;properties"`
SliceProperty []string `gogm:"name=slice_property;properties"`
SingleA *VertexB `gogm:"direction=incoming;relationship=test_rel"`
ManyA []*VertexB `gogm:"direction=incoming;relationship=testm2o"`
MultiA []*VertexB `gogm:"direction=incoming;relationship=multib"`
SingleSpecA *EdgeC `gogm:"direction=outgoing;relationship=special_single"`
MultiSpecA []*EdgeC `gogm:"direction=outgoing;relationship=special_multi"`
type VertexB struct {
// provides required node fields
TestField string `gogm:"name=test_field"`
TestTime time.Time `gogm:"name=test_time"`
Single *VertexA `gogm:"direction=outgoing;relationship=test_rel"`
ManyB *VertexA `gogm:"direction=outgoing;relationship=testm2o"`
Multi []*VertexA `gogm:"direction=outgoing;relationship=multib"`
SingleSpec *EdgeC `gogm:"direction=incoming;relationship=special_single"`
MultiSpec []*EdgeC `gogm:"direction=incoming;relationship=special_multi"`
type EdgeC struct {
// provides required node fields
Start *VertexA
End *VertexB
Test string `gogm:"name=test"`
func main() {
// define your configuration
config := gogm.Config{
Host: "",
Port: 7687,
// deprecated in favor of protocol
// IsCluster: false,
Protocol: "neo4j", //also supports neo4j+s, neo4j+ssc, bolt, bolt+s and bolt+ssc
// Specify CA Public Key when using +ssc or +s
CAFileLocation: "my-ca-public.crt",
Username: "neo4j",
Password: "password",
PoolSize: 50,
IndexStrategy: gogm.VALIDATE_INDEX, //other options are ASSERT_INDEX and IGNORE_INDEX
TargetDbs: nil,
// default logger wraps the go "log" package, implement the Logger interface from gogm to use your own logger
Logger: gogm.GetDefaultLogger(),
// define the log level
LogLevel: "DEBUG",
// enable neo4j go driver to log
EnableDriverLogs: false,
// enable gogm to log params in cypher queries. WARNING THIS IS A SECURITY RISK! Only use this when debugging
EnableLogParams: false,
// enable open tracing. Ensure contexts have spans already. GoGM does not make root spans, only child spans
OpentracingEnabled: false,
// specify the method gogm will use to generate Load queries
LoadStrategy: gogm.PATH_LOAD_STRATEGY // set to SCHEMA_LOAD_STRATEGY for schema-aware queries which may reduce load on the database
// register all vertices and edges
// this is so that GoGM doesn't have to do reflect processing of each edge in real time
// use nil or gogm.DefaultPrimaryKeyStrategy if you only want graph ids
// we are using the default key strategy since our vertices are using BaseNode
_gogm, err := gogm.New(&config, gogm.DefaultPrimaryKeyStrategy, &VertexA{}, &VertexB{}, &EdgeC{})
if err != nil {
//param is readonly, we're going to make stuff so we're going to do read write
sess, err := _gogm.NewSessionV2(gogm.SessionConfig{AccessMode: gogm.AccessModeWrite})
if err != nil {
//close the session
defer sess.Close()
aVal := &VertexA{
TestField: "woo neo4j",
bVal := &VertexB{
TestTime: time.Now().UTC(),
//set bi directional pointer
bVal.Single = aVal
aVal.SingleA = bVal
err = sess.SaveDepth(context.Background(), aVal, 2)
if err != nil {
//load the object we just made (save will set the uuid)
var readin VertexA
err = sess.Load(context.Background(), &readin, aVal.UUID)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%+v", readin)
Initialization in gogm v1
config := gogm.Config{
IndexStrategy: gogm.VALIDATE_INDEX, //other options are ASSERT_INDEX and IGNORE_INDEX
PoolSize: 50,
Port: 7687,
IsCluster: false, //tells it whether or not to use `bolt+routing`
Host: "",
Password: "password",
Username: "neo4j",
err := gogm.Init(&config, &VertexA{}, &VertexB{}, &EdgeC{})
if err != nil {
Equivalent in GoGM v2
// define your configuration
config := gogm.Config{
IndexStrategy: gogm.VALIDATE_INDEX, //other options are ASSERT_INDEX and IGNORE_INDEX
PoolSize: 50,
Port: 7687,
IsCluster: false, //tells it whether or not to use `bolt+routing`
Host: "",
Password: "password",
Username: "neo4j",
// register all vertices and edges
// this is so that GoGM doesn't have to do reflect processing of each edge in real time
// use nil or gogm.DefaultPrimaryKeyStrategy if you only want graph ids
_gogm, err := gogm.New(&config, gogm.UUIDPrimaryKeyStrategy, &VertexA{}, &VertexB{}, &EdgeC{})
if err != nil {
Creating a session in GoGM v1
sess, err := gogm.NewSession(false)
Equivalent in GoGM v2
// this would also work with a local instance of gogm (localGogm.NewSessionV2)
sess, err := gogm.G().NewSessionV2(gogm.SessionConfig{AccessMode: gogm.AccessModeWrite})
is now deprecated but still supportedgo get -u github.com/mindstand/gogm/v2/cmd/gogmcli
gogmcli - used for neo4j operations from gogm schema
gogmcli [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
generate, g, gen to generate link and unlink functions for nodes
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--debug, -d execute in debug mode (default: false)
--help, -h show help (default: false)
--version, -v print the version (default: false)
Inspiration came from the Java OGM implementation by Neo4j.