Announce the move to
Update release notes for v1.0.1
release: sort the RC versions correctly
Re-license portions of the code to Apache 2.0
Your old version of the software released under the old license can
still be used under the terms of the old license.
I have received the following statement from the past contributors
Luis Holanda, Jeremy Volkman and Fabian Hahn:
I hereby confirm that I am the copyright holder or authorized by the
copyright holder of this contribution. As such I hereby confirm that
all contributions made to bazel-zig-cc by me or on behalf of me,
hereby is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License
[]. I am aware that my
previous contributions will still be available under the MIT license
as well. I confirm that I am aware of the bazel-zig-cc teams intention
to release bazel-zig-cc under the Apache 2.0 License from release
[1.0] and onwards, and that the bazel-zig-cc no longer will accept
contributions made under the MIT and that any future submissions from
myself will be considered to be licensed under Apache 2.0 unless I
expressly state otherwise.
Copyright and re-licensing for Google and Uber employees has been
resolved internally.
Since not all contributors took action to re-license the code yet,
portions of bazel-zig-cc remain licensed as MIT.
I have started this project during my personal time with my personal
resources. I am now handing over all copyrights to this code to Uber
Technologies, Inc.
ci/test: show how bad the artifact situation is
launcher: remove --color=on
Merge branch 'motiejus_go1.20'
launcher: support multi-for loop syntax
At the moment we need both old and new zig, so doing a way that's
compatible with both.
ci/launcher: make it go faster
update README
- add more test commands
- add the Laurynas BazelCon talk
launcher: formatting
no real changes. Code looks a bit less ugly now.
Update release notes for v1.0.0
add gazelle to CI targets