
bdf2357b33a1be31b609f9244450fc87dd71645d — Martin Angers 4 years ago
initial design work
7 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

A .gitignore
A .golangci.toml
A cmd/mauve-keys/mauve_keys.go
A doc/design.md
A doc/mauve_concepts.drawio
A mauve.go
A  => .gitignore +6 -0
@@ 1,6 @@
# environment files (e.g. managed by direnv) and other secrets

# output files for different tools, e.g. code coverage

A  => .golangci.toml +30 -0
@@ 1,30 @@
  disable-all = true
  enable = [

  # regexps of issue texts to exclude
  exclude = [

A  => README.md +4 -0
@@ 1,4 @@
# mauve


A  => cmd/mauve-keys/mauve_keys.go +34 -0
@@ 1,34 @@
package main

import (


func main() {
	t, err := term.Open("/dev/tty")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("error: %s\n", err)

	defer t.Restore()

	fmt.Printf("Type something, use 'q' to exit.\r\n")

	for {
		e, err := terminput.Read(t)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("error: %s\n", err)

		if e.Key() == terminput.KeyEscape || e.Rune() == 'q' {

		fmt.Printf("%s (%d) — shift=%v ctrl=%v alt=%v meta=%v\r\n", e.String(), e.Key(), e.Shift(), e.Ctrl(), e.Alt(), e.Meta())

A  => doc/design.md +20 -0
@@ 1,20 @@
# mauve - a text editor

## concepts

* editor: the mauve instance
* terminal: the tty instance used for I/O
* document: the document being edited, might not be a "file" yet (e.g. not saved to disk, no path/name)
* buffer: a loaded instance of a document in memory - typically a 1:1 relationship?
* view: a view in a buffer, each view is independent and may have different positions, cursors, modes, etc.
* cursor: an input position into a view, each view may have multiple cursors
* selection: a range of selected text, each cursor may have a selection, and the cursor may be at the start or end of it
* mode: the current edit mode, each view has a distinct edit mode
* settings: a layered set of options, loaded from system-global, user file, environment variables, command-line flags, and view-specific.
* global settings: a layered set of options that apply to the mauve instance as a whole (e.g. status bar visibility, color scheme, ...)

* global marks : via extension mechanisms?
* local marks : via extension mechanisms?
* recorded macros : via extension mechanisms?
* highlights (*not* text selections) : maybe not first-class concept, implement via extension mechanisms?
* search : via extension mechanisms?

A  => doc/mauve_concepts.drawio +1 -0
@@ 1,1 @@
<mxfile host="Electron" modified="2019-11-26T16:16:51.859Z" agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) draw.io/12.2.2 Chrome/78.0.3904.94 Electron/7.1.0 Safari/537.36" etag="GEh_OKscpK4vonHhQ4D3" version="12.2.2" type="device" pages="1"><diagram id="pgsMLVG_pbv6QXweCJr3" name="Page-1">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</diagram></mxfile>
\ No newline at end of file

A  => mauve.go +18 -0
@@ 1,18 @@
package mauve

import "io"

// Concepts:
// - terminal: the tty instance used for I/O
// - document: the document being edited, might not be a "file" yet (e.g. not saved to disk, no path/name)
// - buffer: a loaded instance of a document in memory - typically a 1:1 relationship?
// - view: a view in a buffer, each view is independent and may have different positions, cursors, modes, etc.
// - cursor: an input position into a view, each view may have multiple cursors
// - selection: a range of selected text, each cursor may have a selection, and the cursor may be at the start or end of it
// - mode: the current edit mode, each view has a distinct edit mode
// - settings: a layered set of options, loaded from system-global, user file, environment variables, command-line flags, and view-specific.

type Input struct {
	r io.Reader // the terminal, typically