M src/cmds/season_cmds/list.js => src/cmds/season_cmds/list.js +7 -1
@@ 1,5 1,8 @@
import CFonts from 'cfonts'
import { DB } from 'mymigrate'
+import inquirer from 'inquirer'
+import { listOrSelectLeagueQuestion } from '../../questions'
+import { leaguesWithPrefix } from '../../leagues'
import exec from '../../handlers/season_cmds/list'
export const command = ['list', '$0']
@@ 20,7 23,10 @@ export async function handler (argv) {
// TODO: select league from list
const conn = await new DB ().connect ()
try {
- await exec (conn, argv)
+ const res = await inquirer.prompt ([
+ listOrSelectLeagueQuestion (conn, 'Select league:', leaguesWithPrefix, argv.league ?? ''),
+ ])
+ await exec (conn, res)
} finally {
await conn.end ()
M src/cmds/season_cmds/new.js => src/cmds/season_cmds/new.js +23 -28
@@ 16,32 16,24 @@ export function builder (yargs) {
.string ('league')
-// TODO: (for all commands) display error if nothing can be selected.
-function questions (conn, { league = '' }) {
- return () => {
- return inquirer.prompt ([
- listOrSelectLeagueQuestion (conn, 'Select league:', leaguesForNewSeason, league),
- {
- type: 'number',
- name: 'year',
- message: 'Season year:',
- default ({ leagueId }) {
- return nextSeasonForLeague (conn, leagueId)
- },
- validate (input) {
- const year = parseInt (input, 10)
- if (Number.isNaN (year)) {
- return 'invalid number'
- }
- if (year < Constants.minSeasonYear || year > Constants.maxSeasonYear) {
- return `invalid year, must be between ${Constants.minSeasonYear} and ${Constants.maxSeasonYear}`
- }
- return true
- },
- },
- confirmQuestion ('Create this season?'),
- ])
+function selectYearQuestion (conn) {
+ return {
+ type: 'number',
+ name: 'year',
+ message: 'Season year:',
+ default ({ leagueId }) {
+ return nextSeasonForLeague (conn, leagueId)
+ },
+ validate (input) {
+ const year = parseInt (input, 10)
+ if (Number.isNaN (year)) {
+ return 'invalid number'
+ }
+ if (year < Constants.minSeasonYear || year > Constants.maxSeasonYear) {
+ return `invalid year, must be between ${Constants.minSeasonYear} and ${Constants.maxSeasonYear}`
+ }
+ return true
+ },
@@ 53,8 45,11 @@ export async function handler (argv) {
const conn = await new DB ().connect ()
try {
- const prompt = questions (conn, argv)
- const res = await prompt ()
+ const res = await inquirer.prompt ([
+ listOrSelectLeagueQuestion (conn, 'Select league:', leaguesForNewSeason, argv.league ?? ''),
+ selectYearQuestion (conn),
+ confirmQuestion ('Create this season?'),
+ ])
if (res.confirm) {
await exec (conn, res)
M src/leagues.js => src/leagues.js +8 -0
@@ 96,3 96,11 @@ export async function leaguesForNewSeason (conn, prefix) {
)`, [LeagueState.active, prefix + '%', SeasonState.completed])
return res
+export async function leaguesWithPrefix (conn, prefix) {
+ const [res] = await conn.query (`
+ select id, name
+ from leagues l
+ where l.name like ?`, prefix + '%')
+ return res