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@@ 40,7 40,7 @@ Getting your password from a website feels a little sketchy. Here are some preca
- Save this web page to your own computer then open it up in a browser, and it'll work just as well. This page loads no external resources.
- Load up your local copy of this page in your browser while you're not connected to the internet.
-All the javascript that powers this page is inlined into the page, and is not minified -- you can open the page up and audit it yourself. The source materials for this page are all at <https://github.com/mjkelly/passphraser>. You can clone that repository and re-generate the page as well.
+All the javascript that powers this page is inlined into the page, and is not minified -- you can open the page up and audit it yourself. The source materials for this page are [on sourcehut](https://git.sr.ht/~mkelly/passphraser) (and [mirrored to GitHub](https://github.com/mjkelly/passphraser>)). You can clone that repository and re-generate the page yourself!
## What else can I do to increase my security online?
@@ 50,7 50,7 @@ manager.
Here two recommended password managers:
- [1Password](https://1password.com/) (paid)
-- [BitWarden](https://bitwarden.com/) (free)
+- [BitWarden](https://bitwarden.com/) (free and paid plans)
References for password manager recommendations:
- [Wirecutter (New York Times), 2023](https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-password-managers/)
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