@@ 10,36 10,6 @@ bind-key j select-pane -D
set-option -g status-bg cyan
-# Fix standout/reverse video. This is because of an unfortunate interaction
-# between screen's terminfo entry, rxvt, tmux, and sometimes mosh. It deserves
-# a short essay.
-# From the tmux FAQ,
-# <http://sourceforge.net/p/tmux/tmux-code/ci/master/tree/FAQ>:
-# Screen's terminfo description lacks italics mode and has standout mode in
-# its place, but using the same escape sequence that urxvt uses for italics.
-# This means applications (like vim) looking for italics will not find it and
-# might turn to reverse in its place, while applications (like less) asking
-# for standout will end up with italics instead of reverse.
-# The fix suggested by the FAQ is to generate a new terminfo file, but a
-# cheaper fix is mentioned in this tmux-users post,
-# <http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.terminal-emulators.tmux.user/2347>,
-# which just removes italics altogether.
-# An added layer is that mosh sets $TERM to xterm/xterm-color, so if you use
-# rxvt and mosh to connect to a machine running tmux, you need to adjust tmux's
-# settings for xterm*.
-# There is a more detailed discussion of the underlying issue here:
-# <http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.terminal-emulators.tmux.user/1928>
-# For reference, this adjusts tmux's settings for rxvt:
-# set -g terminal-overrides 'rxvt*:sitm@,ritm@'
-# This adjusts tmux's settings for xterm (which I use because I use mosh):
-##set -g terminal-overrides 'xterm*:sitm@,ritm@'
# Ring terminal bell when the bell is rung in any window.
set-option -g bell-action any
set-option -g visual-bell off