
ae5ed0c09850793b70c97e821bb92cef40c1cfbf — Gabriel Fontes 2 years ago 416a3d9
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1 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

M project/project.md
M project/project.md => project/project.md +10 -13
@@ 24,23 24,20 @@ most IT systems shared between people, can't be considered trusted
environments; they must have a high degree of protection and isolation, as to
prevent users' actions from compromising their peers' safety and privacy.

It is visible that administrators thus have to strike a careful balance between
user security and flexibility.

Specially in the aforementioned computer-related institutions, flexibility is
even more important: each student might prefer to use different software
tooling, and each class or subject might require completely different software

These issues minimize the amount of tooling choices users have, and maximize
maintenance burden with constant installation and update requests.
It is visible that administrators thus have to strike a careful balance between
user security and flexibility, while keeping maintenance burden under control.

### 1.1 Existing solutions

Security usually requires denying superuser privileges to users. Most computer
operating systems do not natively support unprivileged software management,
forcing IT administrators to handle installing and maintaining (a specific
subset of) packages.
forcing IT administrators to fully handle installing and maintaining (a
specific subset of) packages.

All solutions boil down to some sort of isolation between different users'
state: be it enforced by the operational system, for example Microsoft's Active

@@ 48,14 45,14 @@ Directory; or by lower level resources, such as virtual machines or
network-boot images.

Each of these bring different advantages and issues to laboratories, some
haven't been applied to computer labs in literature; through investigation and
research is required to provide the best possible solution.
haven't been previously formally applied to the computer lab issue. Thorough
investigation and research is required to provide the best possible solution.

## 2. Objective

With this work, the author aims to research, build, and evaluate a computer lab
system that will greatly increase user software freedom, as well as enforce
tight security and decrease IT management burden; simultaneously.
system that will help increase user software freedom, enforce tight security,
and decrease IT management burden; all simultaneously.

## 3. Methodology

@@ 76,8 73,8 @@ Results will be measured by three benefit groups the solution must provide to
its users: software and workflow flexibility, safety and privacy, and universal
ease of use.

Two main kinds of evaluation methods will be employed: acceptance testing with
different user groups, to evaluate workflows and ease of use; as well as
Two kinds of evaluation methods will be employed: acceptance testing with
different user groups to evaluate workflows and ease of use, and well as
penetration testing to evaluate the system's security.

## 4. Case study and expected outcomes