
07b9588b6a6c4b6a3cc0d3c7ab0e5ec45cbfacc2 — Gabriel Fontes 2 years ago 80ba280
reordenar outputs
1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

M project/project.md
M project/project.md => project/project.md +5 -5
@@ 137,16 137,16 @@ thus overall success of the finished project.

## 4 Expected outputs

Some desirable outputs from the promoted GELOS student contributions include:
The solution should be extensible, flexible, and easily deployed. Thus the main
output is the solution itself, as well as its applicability in different
computer laboratory scenarios.

Some desirable side-effects from the promoted GELOS student contributions include:

- introducing less experienced members to system configuration, automated
  deployment, and free software development practices;
- helping develop the group's newly acquired physical space.

The solution should be extensible, flexible, and easily deployed. Thus the main
output is the solution itself, as well as its applicability in different
computer laboratory scenarios.

Reports and potentially papers will be written and published to relevant
conferences and journals. This work specifcally targets submission to SIICUSP
(USP's International Symposium of Scientific and Technological Initiation), in