@@ 25,11 25,11 @@ Required route parameters:
- feed_ids: Array of integer feed IDs (MDBID) to use for routing requests
- from: Array of two floats; [lat, lon]
- to: Array of two floats; [lat, lon]
- - time: Datetime at which route should depart in RFC3339 format
- transfer_categories: Array of transfers categories to load - "f" for feed, "i" for implicit, "g" for generated, e.g. ["f", "i"]
- output_formats: Array of formats for the output may include - ["legs", "geojson", "diagnostics", "mapurl", "request"]
Optional route parameters:
+ - time: Datetime at which route should depart in RFC3339 format (default: current system time)
- max_walk_seconds: Maximum seconds walking distance on start/end of trip to get to/from origin/destination stops (default: 1200)
- max_trip_seconds: Maximum seconds the entire route/trip can take (default: 14400)
- min_transfer_seconds: Minimum seconds each transfer in the route can take (default: 180)