
Combinatorial optimization via distribution estimation with neural networks
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#A combinatorial optimization framework for probability-based algorithms by means of generative models

This repository contains all the source code and data of the paper A combinatorial optimization framework for probability-based algorithms by means of generative models.

⚠️ NOTE: The paper hasn't been published yet. Once published, a link to the paper will be provided.


Probability-based algorithms have proven to be a solid alternative for approaching optimization problems. Nevertheless, in many cases, using probabilistic models that efficiently exploit the characteristics of the problem involves large computational overheads, and therefore, lower complexity models such as \mdf{those that are univariate} are usually employed within approximation algorithms.

With the motivation to address such an issue, in this paper, we aim to introduce an iterative optimization framework that employs generative models to efficiently estimate the parameters of probability models for optimization problems. This allows the use of complex probabilistic models (or those that are appropriate for each problem) in a way that is feasible to apply them iteratively. Specifically, the framework is composed of three elements: a generative model, a probability model whose probability rule is differentiable, and a loss function. The possibility of modifying any of the three elements of the framework offers the flexibility to design algorithms that best adapt to the problem at hand.

Experiments conducted on two case studies reveal that the presented approach has strong performance in terms of objective value and execution time when compared to other probability-based algorithms. Moreover, the experimental analysis demonstrates that the convergence of the algorithms is controllable by adjusting the components of the framework.


⚠️ Note that a Colab notebook is available to try the library without needing to install or setup anything.

The first step is to clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/mikelma/nnco_lib.git

Then, install python dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

The modules to install are:

  • torch 🔥
  • numpy 🐍
  • matplotlib 🎨 (optional, only used in the examples)

Finally, this repo depends on pypermu, a python module implemented in Rust. pypermu provides fast implementations of common permutation optimization problems and operations. For convenience, this repo contains a precompiled binary of the library, so you might not need to build it from source. If you need or want to build it from source, see the next section.

#Building pyypermu (optional)

Follow the instructions on Rust's website (here) to set up Rust in your machine.

Clone the repository with submodules:

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/mikelma/nnco_lib.git

cd into the pypermu submodule and build the library (with optimizations) using cargo:

cd nnco_lib/pypermu && cargo b --release

Finally, move the resulting binary to the nnco_lib repo's path

mv target/release/libpypermu.so ../../pypermu.so

#Running the examples

Besides the notebooks, example scripts are located in the examples/ directory.

To run the examples (assuming that dependencies are installed and working):

cp examples/main_umd.py
python3 main_umd.py instances/PFSP/tai20_5_0.fsp

# LOP + PL
cp examples/main_pl.py
python3 main_pl.py instances/LOP/tai20_5_0.fsp

#Results from the paper

The results obtained in the paper, the scripts to analyze them, and the implementations of all of the considered algorithms are provided inside the experiments/ directory in the repo.

⚠️ NOTE: All imgs/ and results/ directories have been compressed in .zip files to reduce the disk space of the repo.

⚠️ NOTE: All the scripts inside experiments/analysis/ and experiments/param-tuning/ have a requirements.txt available with the Python dependencies. Some scripts are in the R programming language and require a working R interpreter.


Contains the implementations of the other algorithms in the paper: GS, RK-EDA, UMDA, and PLEDA.

The RK-EDA and UMDA algorithms are implemented in Rust programming language. The only requirement to build them is the rust compiler.

To build RK-EDA or UMDA, just cd into their corresponding directory (implementations/rk-eda or implementations/umda) and run:

cargo run --release

The generated binaries should be located inside the target/release directory.

GS and PL-EDA are implemented in C++, and no dependencies are required other than a C++ compiler (you might already have one installed in a Linux machine). To build them, cd into their corresponding directories (implementations/GS or implementations/PLEDA) and run make.


Provides the scripts (*.py) and data (inside results/ sub-directories) used to generate the tables and figures of the performance analysis of all algorithms. The directory also contains several sub-directories with the rest of the experiments: the statistical analysis of the performance results (in stat-analysis/), the converge analysis (in convergence-analysis/), and the experiments done with the penalized loss function (in penalized-loss/). All the experiments contain a requirements.txt file with the Python dependencies. The only exception is the stats-analysis/analyze.R script that requires the R programming language's interpreter.


Contains the resources used in the hyperparameter calibration section of the paper. Results are provided in the results/ directory. The scripts create the credibility interval plots are implemented in R.


This repository is distributed under the terms of the GLPv3 license. See the LICENSE file for more details, or visit the GPLv3 homepage.

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