
Configurable layout generator for the River compositor
6ad25503 — Midgard 23 days ago
README: Improve example mapping
2ba8531a — Midgard 6 months ago
build: Bump to version 1.1.2-dev
ca56e15b — Midgard 6 months ago
build: Release version 1.1.1



You can also use your local clone with git send-email.


A layout generator for river. Features include:

  • configurable layouts employing nested tiles (no juggling with coordinates),
  • widescreen support by default,
  • default layouts, switchable at run time with a command or key binding:
    • dwm-like main/stack layout,
      • main on the left on normal screens,
      • main in the center and stacks on both sides on widescreens,
    • a vertical stack,
    • a horizontal stack, and
    • a monocle layout,
  • optional per-tag-per-output state.



Download the sources with

git clone https://git.sr.ht/~midgard/river-ultitile -b v1.1.1

Build with e.g.

cd river-ultitile
zig build -Doptimize=ReleaseSafe --prefix ~/.local

And make sure ~/.local/bin is in your path.

#Quick start

Integrate the snippet into your river init file and look at the key bindings it defines.

#Usage and configuration

Configuration of layouts happens by modifying src/user_config.zig and recompiling (see Configuring layouts below). Layouts can use parameters that can be modified at runtime (see Modifying parameters below).

Any error messages will appear in the stderr of river, so if your configuration isn't working as expected, look there.

#Example river init file snippet

This snippet can be integrated in your river init file (usually $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/river/init).

riverctl map normal $mod K focus-view previous
riverctl map normal $mod J focus-view next
riverctl map normal $mod Z zoom
# Rest of river configuration...

# Set the default layout generator to be river-ultitile and start it.
# River will send the process group of the init executable SIGTERM on exit.
riverctl default-layout river-ultitile
river-ultitile &

# These keybinds work with the default river-ultitile configuration
# Increase/decrease the main size
riverctl map normal $mod U send-layout-cmd river-ultitile "set integer main-size += 4"
riverctl map normal $mod I send-layout-cmd river-ultitile "set integer main-size -= 4"

# Decrease/increase the main size if it is in the center (on widescreens)
riverctl map normal $mod+Shift U send-layout-cmd river-ultitile "set integer main-size-if-only-centered-main += 4"
riverctl map normal $mod+Shift I send-layout-cmd river-ultitile "set integer main-size-if-only-centered-main -= 4"

# Decrease/increase the main count
riverctl map normal $mod N send-layout-cmd river-ultitile "set integer main-count += 1"
riverctl map normal $mod M send-layout-cmd river-ultitile "set integer main-count -= 1"

# Change layout
riverctl map normal $mod Up    send-layout-cmd river-ultitile "set string layout = vstack"
riverctl map normal $mod Right send-layout-cmd river-ultitile "set string layout = hstack"
riverctl map normal $mod Down  send-layout-cmd river-ultitile "set string layout = monocle"
riverctl map normal $mod Left  send-layout-cmd river-ultitile "set string layout = main"

# Cycle through layouts on all tags/outputs
riverctl map normal $mod E spawn "riverctl send-layout-cmd river-ultitile 'unset-all-local layout'; riverctl send-layout-cmd river-ultitile 'set global string layout @ main hstack vstack'"

#Running river-ultitile

In your river init file, start river-ultitile as a background process.

#Modifying parameters

To change the parameters that are used in the configuration, one sends commands to river-ultitile using riverctl send-layout-cmd river-ultitile "<command>", where <command> takes one of the following forms:

#set [global] <variable_type> <variable_name> <operator> <value...>

Set the value for a parameter called <variable_name>.

[global]: By default, a parameter assignment will be bound to the current dominant tag (the least-significant bit) of the currently focused Wayland output (monitor). Adding global to a definition will instead apply to all tags of all outputs.


  • integer (32-bit signed integers)
  • string
  • boolean (either true or false)


  • = (set value, takes only one <value>)
  • @ (cycle between an arbitrary amount of unique values)
  • For integers only: +=, -= (add and subtract from current value)
#unset-local <variable_name>

Unset local assignments for <variable_name> for the current tags of the currently focused Wayland output.

#unset-all-local <variable_name>

Unset local assignments for <variable_name> for all tags of all Wayland outputs.

#Configuring layouts

Modifying layouts is done by modifying src/user_config.zig and recompiling (see Building above).

In the src/user_config.zig file, the function layoutSpecification should return your layout expressed in terms of tiles which can be nested arbitrarily deep. Certain tiles should be designated to hold views by setting their max_views to null (for unlimited) or a non-zero number.

Tiles can have their contents arranged horizontally (typ=.hsplit), vertically (typ=.vsplit), or superimposed (typ=.overlay).

Views are assigned to tiles in an order determined by the order property of the tiles. The assignment of views starts with the lower orders, so lower orders get the views on the top of the river view stack. Tiles with the same order will share the assigned views evenly. Use suborder to determine views higher on the stack will come. Having tiles with the same order and suborder and a non-zero max_views is not allowed.

Tile properties are:

  • typ=<.hsplit|.vsplit|.overlay> (default .hsplit)
  • padding=<number|null> (default null; null means inherit)): space around the tile's contents
  • margin=<number> (default 0): space around the tile
  • stretch=<number> (default 100): a relative width specifier. The stretches of a tile's subtiles are summed, and the subtiles get a width proportional to their stretch divided by that sum. Views always have a stretch of 100.
  • order=<number> (default 0): see above
  • suborder=<number> (default 0): see above
  • max_views=<number|null> (default 0; null means unlimited): the maximum amount of views that will be assigned to this tile




Thanks to Isaac Freund and Leon Henrik Plickat for river obviously!

Thanks to Hugo Machet for rivercarro, from which river-ultitile is forked!


river-ultitile is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 or later

Files in common/ and protocol/ directories are released under various licenses by various parties. You should refer to the copyright block of each files for the licensing information.


Project homepage: https://sr.ht/~midgard/river-ultitile/