UTC +08:00
A Linux and Emacs enthusiast who loves anime and cats. I'm currently a Software Engineering student.
More awesome repos here
My pastes: https://paste.sr.ht/~meow_king
Talk to me on IRC:
Please consider support my open source work: liberapay
El Psy Kongaroo.
Typst tree sitter major mode for Emacs.
A greetd greeter(front end) that runs under DRM, powered by raylib.
Advent Of Code in 2023
Just a project generator
Nix Flake DevShell Templates
A moe multi-window management plugin for Eamcs
Basically a code editor. You can use sheet.js to programmatically process your excel/csv/... sheet.
Dynamic indentation based on outline
A greetd greeter that supports theming with webpages. #greetd #web #webkit
Moe Project Manager. A command line utility for managing global projects on your machine.
Advent of Code 2023 in Rust
COMP3019 Web Application Development Porject Group 2
mushoku tensi