@@ 25,7 25,7 @@ import numpy as np
import itertools
# Constants
CKPT_PATH = "training/czr-{interval:04d}-{label}.ckpt"
LOG_DIR = "logs/czr" + datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d--%H:%M:%S")
ACTIONS = ['h', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'u', 'n', 'b', 'y', 's', '.'] # Movement actions, search and wait.
@@ 34,9 34,9 @@ ACTIONS = ['h', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'u', 'n', 'b', 'y', 's', '.'] # Movement actions
GAMMA = 0.99
BUFFER_SIZE = 200000
@@ 160,8 160,6 @@ def load_checkpoint(model_ld: tf.keras.Model, interval, label) -> tf.keras.Model
if __name__ == "__main__":
agent = Agent(21, 79)
- tf.keras.utils.plot_model(agent.online_net, "stuff.png", show_shapes=True)
writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(LOG_DIR)
@@ 172,10 170,9 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
'enemies': []
- env = RogueEnv(max_steps=MAX_TURNS_IN_EPISODE, stair_reward=50.0, config_dict=CONFIG)
+ env = RogueEnv(max_steps=MAX_TURNS_IN_EPISODE, stair_reward=100.0, config_dict=CONFIG)
episode_reward = 0
intr = 0
- saved = True
episode = 0
all_rewards = []
all_losses = []
@@ 213,23 210,21 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
tf.summary.scalar('Evaluation score', episode_reward, step)
tf.summary.scalar('Dungeon level', dlvl, step)
- saved = False
- episode_reward = 0
- print('')
- print('Episode', episode)
- print('Average reward', np.mean(all_rewards))
+ print('\nEpisode', episode)
+ print('Reward this game', episode_reward)
+ print('Average reward this session', np.mean(all_rewards))
print('Epsilon', epsilon)
+ episode_reward = 0
episode += 1
- if episode % EPISODES_PER_INTERVAL == 0 and not saved:
+ if step % STEPS_PER_INTERVAL == 0 and step > 0:
+ print('\nInterval', intr)
intr += 1
- saved = True
except KeyboardInterrupt:
@@ 78,7 78,7 @@
Rogue offers a unique problem to solve, requiring a player to solve partially observable, randomly generated levels.
\noindent chizuru-rouge interfaces with a program called Rogue-gym, a program that accurately mimics the gameplay of Rogue and
- the agent utilises a Rainbow Deep Q-network to explore the dungeon collect gold and reach the goal of collecting the Amulet of Yendor. % customised neural network that involves an LSTM for long-term and short-term memory to explore levels in Rogue
+ the agent utilises a Rainbow Deep Q-network to explore the dungeon, collect gold and reach the goal of collecting the Amulet of Yendor. % customised neural network that involves an LSTM for long-term and short-term memory to explore levels in Rogue
\noindent TensorFlow will be used as a framework to implement the reinforcement learning agent.
TensorFlow is a Python library that provides tools to streamline development of deep learning models.
@@ 119,7 119,7 @@
The hope is chizuru-rogue will be able to play the game to a level where it can reach the Amulet of Yendor, the goal of the game.
Should the project prove successful, it can serve as a foundation for creating AI to play more complex
- roguelike games like NetHack\footnote{https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/NetHack}.
+ roguelike games like NetHack\footnote{\url{https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/NetHack}}.
\subsection{Rogue - the game}\label{subsec:rogue}
@@ 213,7 213,7 @@
The purpose of rewards is for the agent to constantly estimate a \emph{value function}.
This function tells the agent either how profitable being in a certain state and following its policy is, or how profitable taking a certain action then following its policy is.
- The theory is that the agent should aim to maximise its reward over the long term.
+ The theory is that the agent should aim to maximise its cumulative reward by tuning its policy in order to achieve this.
One of the most well-known reinforcement learning algorithms is the Q-learning algorithm~\citep[chap.~6.5]{sutton18}.
@@ 226,7 226,7 @@
This means the optimal value of taking action \(a\) in state \(s\) is the expected reward of taking the action and then following the policy from there.
\subsection{Deep Learning}\label{subsec:deep-learning}
- Deep learning is a method of artificial intelligence that involves the use of deep neural networks to process data in a way inspired by the human brain. % TODO improve and make sure not plagiarising
+ Deep learning is a method of artificial intelligence that involves the use of deep neural networks to process data in a way inspired by the human brain. % TODO improve introductory paragraph and make sure not plagiarising
Representing Q-values containing every state-action pairing becomes infeasible in large state spaces such as video
games, requiring ever expanding tables and computational space needed to store them.
@@ 236,14 236,15 @@
The Deep Q-network in their writing was shown to play several Atari games to a superhuman level, most notably Video Pinball and Boxing.
A similar algorithm involving neural networks was employed by~\citet{silver16} in their development of the AlphaGo system, an agent that was found to beat human grandmaster players in the game of Go.
- The authors used a convolutional neural network alongside ``policy gradient'' reinforcement learning, which is where % TODO continue
+ The authors used a convolutional neural network alongside ``policy gradient'' reinforcement learning, which is where gradient descent is used to derive a policy.
While the DQN algorithm by itself is serviceable for simpler problem domains such as Atari, there have been improvements to tackle more challenging domains.
- One of the first improvements to the DQN algorithm is the Double DQN~\citep{hasselt15}.
- Double DQN improves on the original DQN by using a current network for selecting actions, and then training a ``target network''
- to calculate the target Q-value of said action.
+ One of the first improvements to the DQN algorithm is the Double DQN~\citep{hasselt15}, which improves on the original DQN by using a current network for selecting actions
+ and then training a ``target network'' to calculate the target Q-value of said action.
This improves on the original DQN by solving an issue the original DQN had that the Double DQN paper explains in detail,
- where the original DQN suffered from ``substantial overestimations'' when playing Atari games.
+ where the original DQN suffered from ``substantial overestimations'' when playing Atari games, leading to poorer derived policies due to the fact that
+ DQN (and standard Q-learning) uses the save max value for selecting and evaluating an action.
+ Using a target network decouples selection from evaluation, according to the paper.
This is further improved with the Dueling DQN~\citep{wang16}.
Dueling DQN works by splitting the existing DQN network into two streams: a state-value stream and an ``advantage'' stream.
@@ 262,7 263,6 @@
This solves the problem that traditional neural networks have, where they can't store information that can be useful to them in the long term.
\subsection{Exploring Rogue}\label{subsec:exploring-rogue}
The first notable instance of a program being developed to play Rogue was by~\citet{mauldin83}, where they created ``ROG-O-MATIC'', an expert system that plays Rogue.
An expert system, as stated by~\citet{jackson86} in their book's introduction, ``is a computing system capable of representing and reasoning about some knowledge-rich domain''.
Essentially, these systems aim to emulate a human expert in a particular domain and their decision-making.
@@ 280,6 280,8 @@
This allows the different agents that run simultaneously to learn from different situations to build a common cumulative reward.
It also involves the work by~\citet{jaderberg16}.
+ % TODO talk about rogue-gym here
\subsection{Exploring Other Roguelikes}\label{subsec:exploring-other-roguelikes}
Rogue is not the only roguelike that has been explored with machine learning.
NetHack, a popular roguelike game created in 1987, has been explored with machine learning during the development of the NetHack Learning Environment~\citep{kuttler20}.
@@ 313,6 315,7 @@
Additionally, the player may see what the item-key mapping is by viewing their inventory with the \texttt{i} key at any time.
\subsection{Neural Network}\label{subsec:neural-network}
+ % TODO How are you going to compare Dueling DQN and Rainbow DQN? Is there a metric or multiple metrics? The tradeoff between metrics? Are they standard or ad hoc?
The agent in our experiments will first utilise a Dueling DQN, then utilise a Rainbow DQN as described in the report by~\citet{hessel17}.
The following techniques make up the Rainbow DQN:
@@ 327,6 330,7 @@
\item \textbf{Distributional RL}: approximating distributions of returns rather than expected returns.
\item \textbf{Noisy Networks}: applying random noise to the neural network's parameters in order to avoid overfitting.
+ % TODO write about the benefits and drawbacks of both dueling and rainbow
\subsection{Agent Implementation}\label{subsec:implementation}
The agent will be implemented in Python, which is one of the most popular languages used to model neural networks due to its many AI-related libraries that are available, including TensorFlow, which is what we use.
@@ 337,11 341,9 @@
Rogue-gym is a game that accurately replicates the gameplay of Rogue while also allowing customisation of the game.
It also comes with a customised OpenAI Gym environment which allows AI agents written in Python to interact with the game.
- \subsection{Summary}\label{subsec:summary2} % TODO
+ \subsection{Summary}\label{subsec:summary2} % TODO add
\section{Agent Training and Results}\label{sec:agent-training-and-results} % TODO things here after data collection
- \textbf{--- Everything below here is unfinished. ---}
The agent was trained and evaluated on multiple Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 graphics cards using CUDA.
Much of our code was inspired by the work of~\citet{sebtheiler}.
@@ 360,15 362,17 @@
- In this paper we have achieved the goal of being an improvement to~\citet{asperti18}`s tests by utilising a Rainbow
- DQN to perform dungeon crawling in Rogue's randomly generated dungeons.
+ In this paper we have set out to improve upon to~\citet{asperti18}`s tests by utilising a Rainbow
+ DQN to perform dungeon crawling in Rogue's randomly generated dungeons, while also using a Dueling DQN in order to
+ provide a perspective on the performance on the Rainbow DQN.
% Explain where chizuru performed well, where it screwed up, and the most important aspect about it
- \subsection{Results}\label{subsec:improvements}
% Talk about the neural network here
\subsection{Future work}\label{subsec:future-work}
+ While
% Talk about using a customised neural network to run on Nethack or Angband
% \begin{figure}[ht]
% \caption{The structure of the Chizuru neural network *OUTDATED.} % TODO outdated
@@ 378,8 382,7 @@
% \end{figure}
- For future developments of the model, we plan to use\ldots
+ In summary, this project was able to
@@ 410,13 413,67 @@
of which is shown in Figure~\ref{fig:rogsc}.
\subsection{Reward Representation}\label{subsec:reward-representation}
+ The reward signals are as follows
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Reward per movement: 0
+ \item Reward for collecting gold: based on gold collected
+ \item Reward for descending stairs: 50
+ \end{itemize}
+ \begin{lstlisting}[label={lst:hyperparameters}]
+ GAMMA = 0.99
+ BUFFER_SIZE = 200000
+ EPSILON_END = 0.01
+ EPSILON_DECAY = 150000
+ LEARNING_RATE = 0.00001
+ \end{lstlisting}
+ \subsection{Network Architecture}
+ \subsubsection{Dueling DQN}
+ \begin{lstlisting}[label={lst:dueling}]
+ net_input = tf.keras.Input(shape=(h, w, 1))
+ net_input = tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda layer: layer / 255)(net_input)
- \section{Results}\label{sec:results}
+ conv1 = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(32, (3, 3), strides=2, activation="relu")(net_input)
+ conv2 = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(64, (3, 3), strides=1, activation="relu")(conv1)
+ conv3 = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(64, (3, 3), strides=1, activation="relu")(conv2)
+ val, adv = tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda ww: tf.split(ww, 2, 3))(conv3)
+ val = tf.keras.layers.Flatten()(val)
+ val = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1)(val)
+ adv = tf.keras.layers.Flatten()(adv)
+ adv = tf.keras.layers.Dense(len(ACTIONS))(adv)
+ reduced = tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda ww: tf.reduce_mean(ww, axis=1, keepdims=True))
+ output = tf.keras.layers.Add()([val, tf.keras.layers.Subtract()([adv, reduced(adv)])])
+ final_model = tf.keras.Model(net_input, output)
+ final_model.compile(
+ optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=LEARNING_RATE),
+ loss=tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError(),
+ metrics=[tf.keras.metrics.SparseCategoricalAccuracy()]
+ )
+ return final_model
+ \end{lstlisting} % XXX do i need to cite this?
+ \subsubsection{Rainbow DQN}
+ \section{Results}\label{sec:results}
+ \subsection{Dueling DQN}\label{subsec:dueling-dqn2}
- \section{Data}\label{sec:data}
+ \subsection{Rainbow DQN}\label{subsec:rainbow-dqn2}