@@ 144,7 144,6 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
env = RogueEnv(max_steps=500, stair_reward=50.0, config_dict=CONFIG)
episode_reward = 0
- turn = 0
all_rewards = []
all_losses = []
@@ 154,26 153,30 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# Main processing
with writer.as_default():
- for step in itertools.count():
- epsilon = np.interp(step, [0, EPSILON_DECAY], [EPSILON_START, EPSILON_END])
- action = agent.get_action(epsilon, state)
- new_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
- episode_reward += reward
- transition = (state, action, reward, done, new_state)
- replay_buffer.append(transition)
- state = new_state
- turn += 1
- # Learning step
- if turn % UPDATE_FREQUENCY == 0 and len(replay_buffer) > MIN_REPLAY_SIZE:
- loss, _ = agent.learn(BATCH_SIZE, GAMMA, turn)
- if done:
- env.reset()
- all_rewards.append(episode_reward)
- episode_reward = 0
- turn = 0
+ for episode in itertools.count():
+ for turn in itertools.count():
+ epsilon = np.interp(turn, [0, EPSILON_DECAY], [EPSILON_START, EPSILON_END])
+ action = agent.get_action(epsilon, state)
+ new_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
+ episode_reward += reward
+ all_rewards.append(reward)
+ transition = (state, action, reward, done, new_state)
+ replay_buffer.append(transition)
+ state = new_state
+ # Learning step
+ if turn % UPDATE_FREQUENCY == 0 and len(replay_buffer) > MIN_REPLAY_SIZE:
+ loss, _ = agent.learn(BATCH_SIZE, GAMMA, turn)
+ all_losses.append(loss)
+ if done:
+ env.reset()
+ all_rewards.append(episode_reward)
+ episode_reward = 0
+ break
+ if episode % EPISODES_PER_INTERVAL && episode != 0:
+ agent.
except KeyboardInterrupt: