@@ 11,17 11,17 @@
# ██║ ██║╚██████╔╝╚██████╔╝╚██████╔╝███████╗
# ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝
-# ******************************************************************************************************
-# The following code was adapted from:
-# Author: Sebastian Theiler
-# Accessed from: https://github.com/sebtheiler/tutorials/blob/main/dqn/train_dqn.py
-# Date of last retrieval: 26-04-2023
-# ******************************************************************************************************
+# ****************************************************************************************************** #
+# The following code was adapted from: #
+# Author: Sebastian Theiler #
+# Accessed from: https://github.com/sebtheiler/tutorials/blob/main/dqn/train_dqn.py #
+# Date of last retrieval: 26-04-2023 #
+# ****************************************************************************************************** #
"""This file contains everything needed to run the chizuru-rogue AI."""
from rogue_gym.envs import RogueEnv
-from random import random, randint
+from random import randint
import tensorflow as tf
import datetime
import numpy as np
@@ 49,7 49,6 @@ EPSILON_START = 1.0
@@ 58,7 57,9 @@ class ReplayBuffer:
"""ReplayBuffer for storing transitions.
This implementation was heavily inspired by Fabio M. Graetz's replay buffer
here: https://github.com/fg91/Deep-Q-Learning/blob/master/DQN.ipynb"""
- def __init__(self, size=BUFFER_SIZE, input_shape=(21, 79), history_length=4):
+ def __init__(self, size=BUFFER_SIZE, input_shape=(21, 79),
+ history_length=HISTORY_LEN): # History length for n-step learning
size: Integer, Number of stored transitions
@@ 72,9 73,9 @@ class ReplayBuffer:
self.current = 0 # index to write to
# Pre-allocate memory
- self.actions = np.empty(self.size, dtype=np.int32)
+ self.actions = np.empty(self.size, dtype=np.uint8)
self.rewards = np.empty(self.size, dtype=np.float32)
- self.frames = np.empty((self.size, self.input_shape[0], self.input_shape[1]), dtype=np.uint8)
+ self.frames = np.empty((self.size, self.input_shape[0], self.input_shape[1]), dtype=np.float32)
self.terminal_flags = np.empty(self.size, dtype=np.bool)
self.priorities = np.zeros(self.size, dtype=np.float32)
@@ 95,8 96,9 @@ class ReplayBuffer:
self.frames[self.current, ...] = frame
self.rewards[self.current] = reward
self.terminal_flags[self.current] = terminal
- self.priorities[self.current] = max(self.priorities.max(initial=0), 1) # make the most recent experience important
- self.count = max(self.count, self.current+1)
+ self.priorities[self.current] = max(self.priorities.max(initial=0),
+ 1) # make the most recent experience important
+ self.count = max(self.count, self.current + 1)
self.current = (self.current + 1) % self.size
def get_minibatch(self, batch_size=32, priority_scale=0.0):
@@ 115,18 117,19 @@ class ReplayBuffer:
raise ValueError('Not enough memories to get a minibatch')
# Get sampling probabilities from priority list
- scaled_priorities = self.priorities[self.history_length:self.count-1] ** priority_scale
+ scaled_priorities = self.priorities[self.history_length:self.count - 1] ** priority_scale
sample_probabilities = scaled_priorities / sum(scaled_priorities)
# Get a list of valid indices
indices = []
for i in range(batch_size):
while True:
- # Get a random number from history_length to maximum frame written with probabilities based on priority weights
- index = np.random.choice(np.arange(self.history_length, self.count-1), p=sample_probabilities)
+ # Get a random number from history_length to maximum frame written with probabilities based on
+ # priority weights
+ index = np.random.choice(np.arange(self.history_length, self.count - 1), p=sample_probabilities)
- # We check that all frames are from same episode with the two following if statements. If either are True, the index is invalid.
+ # We check that all frames are from same episode with the two following if statements. If either are
+ # True, the index is invalid.
if index >= self.current >= index - self.history_length:
if self.terminal_flags[index - self.history_length:index].any():
@@ 138,14 141,14 @@ class ReplayBuffer:
states = []
new_states = []
for idx in indices:
- states.append(self.frames[idx-self.history_length:idx, ...])
- new_states.append(self.frames[idx-self.history_length+1:idx+1, ...])
+ states.append(self.frames[idx - self.history_length:idx, ...])
+ new_states.append(self.frames[idx - self.history_length + 1:idx + 1, ...])
states = np.transpose(np.asarray(states), axes=(0, 2, 3, 1))
new_states = np.transpose(np.asarray(new_states), axes=(0, 2, 3, 1))
# Get importance weights from probabilities calculated earlier
- importance = 1/self.count * 1/sample_probabilities[[index - self.history_length for index in indices]]
+ importance = 1 / self.count * 1 / sample_probabilities[[index - self.history_length for index in indices]]
importance = importance / importance.max()
return (states, self.actions[indices], self.rewards[indices], new_states, self.terminal_flags[indices]), importance, indices
@@ 155,6 158,7 @@ class ReplayBuffer:
indices: Indices to update
errors: For each index, the error between the target Q-vals and the predicted Q-vals
+ offset
for i, e in zip(indices, errors):
self.priorities[i] = abs(e) + offset
@@ 180,6 184,7 @@ class ReplayBuffer:
class Agent:
"""Contains everything needed to manage the agent."""
def __init__(self, h, w):
self.h = h
self.w = w
@@ 189,11 194,13 @@ class Agent:
def get_action(self, s, e):
"""Agent chooses an action."""
- rnd_sample = random()
+ rnd_sample = np.random.rand()
if rnd_sample <= e:
- return randint(0, len(ACTIONS)-1)
- return self.online_net.predict(s.reshape(-1, 21, 79, HISTORY_LEN))[0].argmax()
+ return randint(0, len(ACTIONS) - 1)
+ reshaped = s.reshape((1, 21, 79, 4))
+ q_vals = self.online_net.predict(reshaped)[0]
+ return q_vals.argmax()
def update_target_network(self):
"""Updates target network with the online network."""
@@ 201,15 208,16 @@ class Agent:
def learn(self, batch_size, gamma, e, priority_scale=1.0): # god, I'm so tired.
"""Learns from replays."""
- (states, actions, rewards, new_states, dones), importance, indices = self.replay_buffer.get_minibatch(batch_size=batch_size, priority_scale=priority_scale)
- importance = importance ** (1-e)
+ (states, actions, rewards, new_states, dones), importance, indices = self.replay_buffer.get_minibatch(
+ batch_size=batch_size, priority_scale=priority_scale)
+ importance = importance ** (1 - e)
arg_q_max = self.online_net.predict(new_states).argmax(axis=1)
future_q_vals = self.target_net.predict(new_states)
double_q = future_q_vals[range(batch_size), arg_q_max]
- target_q = tf.cast(rewards, tf.float32) + (gamma * double_q * (1.0 - tf.cast(dones, tf.float32)))
+ target_q = rewards + (gamma * double_q * (1.0 - dones))
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
q_values = self.online_net(states)
@@ 230,13 238,13 @@ class Agent:
def save(self, interval):
"""Saves model at current interval."""
- save_checkpoint(self.online_net, intr, "online")
+ save_checkpoint(self.online_net, interval, "online")
save_checkpoint(self.target_net, interval, "target")
def load(self, interval):
"""Loads model at given interval."""
- self.online_net = load_checkpoint(self.online_net, intr, "online")
- self.target_net = load_checkpoint(self.target_net, interval, "online")
+ self.online_net = load_checkpoint(self.online_net, interval, "online")
+ self.target_net = load_checkpoint(self.target_net, interval, "target")
def create_dueling_dqn(h, w) -> tf.keras.Model:
@@ 250,8 258,9 @@ def create_dueling_dqn(h, w) -> tf.keras.Model:
conv3 = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(64, (3, 3), strides=1, activation="relu", use_bias=False,
+ noise = tf.keras.layers.GaussianNoise(0.1)(conv3)
- val, adv = tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda ww: tf.split(ww, 2, 3))(conv3)
+ val, adv = tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda ww: tf.split(ww, 2, 3))(noise)
val = tf.keras.layers.Flatten()(val)
val = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, kernel_initializer=tf.keras.initializers.VarianceScaling(scale=2.))(val)
@@ 319,7 328,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
new_state, rew, done, _ = env.step('.')
agent.replay_buffer.add_experience(9, new_state.gray_image()[0], rew, done)
- current_game_state = np.repeat(new_state.gray_image().reshape(21, 79, 1), HISTORY_LEN, axis=2) # with a history of 4
+ current_game_state = np.repeat(new_state.gray_image().reshape(21, 79, 1), HISTORY_LEN, axis=2) # with a history
# Main processing
@@ 332,12 341,13 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
all_rewards = all_rewards[-10:]
- current_game_state = np.append(current_game_state[:, :, 1:], new_state.gray_image().reshape(21, 79, 1), axis=2)
+ current_game_state = np.append(current_game_state[:, :, 1:], new_state.gray_image().reshape(21, 79, 1),
+ axis=2)
agent.replay_buffer.add_experience(act, new_state.gray_image()[0], rew, done)
# Learning step
- if step % LEARNING_FREQUENCY == 0 and agent.replay_buffer.count > MIN_REPLAY_SIZE:
+ if agent.replay_buffer.count > MIN_REPLAY_SIZE:
loss, _ = agent.learn(BATCH_SIZE, GAMMA, epsilon, PRIORITY_SCALE)
all_losses = all_losses[-100:]
@@ 375,5 385,4 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# †昇天†
@@ 9,6 9,7 @@
\definecolor{number}{rgb}{0, 0, 1}
@@ 186,7 187,7 @@
We will investigate into improvements of the DQN algorithm and apply them to play Rogue.
\item Experiment by using a Dueling DQN, then a Rainbow DQN, both improvements to the original DQN algorithm.
We will conduct two experiments for this product - training the agent with a Dueling DQN and a Rainbow DQN.
- We will display, analyse and compare the results of the two experiments.
+ We will analyse and compare the results of the two experiments.
@@ 206,7 207,7 @@
Once the agent performs an action, it receives the new game state as well as a \emph{reward} signal, telling the agent how good its choice was.
- \caption[The reinforcement learning loop.]{The reinforcement learning loop. An agent is provided with a state, performs an action and is provided with a reward signal and the resulting state. Image credit~\citet{bhattrl}}
+ \caption[The reinforcement learning loop.]{The reinforcement learning loop. An agent is provided with a state, performs an action and is provided with a reward signal and the resulting state. Image credit: \citet{bhattrl}}
@@ 221,16 222,14 @@
In this algorithm, the agent keeps track of a table, mapping state-action pairs to its value.
When the agent reaches a certain state, it consults its Q-table to determine the most valuable action to take.
- The goal of Q-learning is to find the optimal Q-function, which is defined by the Bellman optimality equation:
- \[Q^{*}(s, a) \quad = \quad \mathbb{E} [r + \gamma max_{a'} Q^{*}(s', a')]\]
+ The goal of Q-learning is to find the optimal Q-function, which is defined by the Bellman equation:
+ \[Q^{*}(s, a) = \mathbb{E} [r + \gamma max_{a'} Q^{*}(s', a')]\]
This means the optimal value of taking action \(a\) in state \(s\) is the expected reward of taking the action and then following the policy from there.
\subsection{Deep Learning}\label{subsec:deep-learning}
Deep learning is a method of artificial intelligence that involves the use of deep neural networks to process data in a way inspired by the human brain.
- A deep learning method can be supervised or unsupervised. % TODO look into this further
- Deep reinforcement learning is unsupervised, as the input data - the game state - is not labelled.
- The agent must use the reward signal it gains in order to approximate an ideal policy.
+ This method can also be used in the field of reinforcement learning in order to approximate existing reinforcement learning methods.
Representing Q-values containing every state-action pairing becomes infeasible in large state spaces such as video
games, requiring ever expanding tables and computational space needed to store them.
@@ 257,12 256,38 @@
This saves on computation time due to the intuition that it is not necessary to estimate action-values for each action.
And finally, Rainbow DQN~\citep{hessel17}, which combines six different techniques to improve upon the Deep Q-network algorithm.
- These techniques are Double DQN~\citep{hasselt15}, Dueling DQN~\citep{wang16}, Prioritised Experience Replay~\citep{schaul16},
- Multi-step Learning~\citep[chap.~7.1]{sutton18}, Distributional RL~\citep{bellemare17} and Noisy Networks~\citep{fortunato19}.
+ These techniques are Double DQN, Dueling DQN, Prioritised Experience Replay,
+ Multi-step Learning, Distributional RL and Noisy Networks.
+ Prioritised Experience Replay~\citep{schaul16} is a technique where experiences in the replay buffer are prioritised in terms of importance and how valuable experiences are to training.
+ This way, experiences with higher priority are sampled more often when training happens, allowing for the agent to learn more efficiently.
+ Priorities of experiences are adjusted over time so that the agent does not overfit with certain experiences.
+ Multistep Learning~\citep[chap.~7.1]{sutton18} is a technique in reinforcement learning that uses sequences of actions and rewards rather than just an individual transition for learning.
+ This is in contrast to traditional Q-learning which only takes into account an individual transition for training and calculating action values (a Markov Decision Process framework).
+ In multistep learning
+ Distributional reinforcement learning~\citep{bellemare17} differs from traditional RL by evaluating a distribution of a random return, rather than a single value for expected returns.
+ The goal is to estimate the probability distribution of an expected reward.
+ In standard neural networks, weights are deterministic, which means that a certain input will produce only one output.
+ Noisy Networks~\citep{fortunato19} introduces a small amount of Gaussian noise within the weights.
+ This is because deterministic networks can make the agent get stuck in a suboptimal policy.
+ Adding noise to a network can encourage the agent to explore in an efficient manner.
+ According to the paper, the key insight is `a single change to the weight vector can induce a consistent and potentially very complex, state dependent change in policy over multiple time steps'.
+ DeepMind found that, by combining six different improvements to the DQN algorithm into one, the algorithm vastly outperforms individual improvements to the DQN algorithm as shown in Figure~\ref{fig:neuralnetperformance}.
+ \begin{figure}[ht]
+ \caption[Comparison of different neural network performance.]{Comparison of performance averaged over 57 Atari games for different neural networks. Image credit: \citet{hessel17}}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.4]{neuralnetperformance}
+ \label{fig:neuralnetperformance}
+ \end{figure}
When trying to create an agent that plays the online game Dota 2, \citet{berner19} used a Long Short-term Memory network.
- LSTMs\footnote{Long short-term memory network, type of "recurrent neural network" used in the field of deep learning capable of holding long-term dependencies.} were first defined by~\citet{hochreiter97} and improved upon in later works.
+ LSTMs\footnote{Long short-term memory network, type of ``recurrent neural network'' used in the field of deep learning capable of holding long-term dependencies.} were first defined by~\citet{hochreiter97} and improved upon in later works.
An LSTM is an extension of the ``recurrent'' neural network, where nodes use feedback connections to allow the network to ``remember'' information in the long term.
This solves the problem that traditional neural networks have, where they can't store information that can be useful to them in the long term.
@@ 284,7 309,10 @@
This allows the different agents that run simultaneously to learn from different situations to build a common cumulative reward.
It also involves the work by~\citet{jaderberg16}.
- % TODO talk about rogue-gym here
+ Another interface that has been created is Rogue-gym~\citep{kanagawa19}.
+ Rogue-gym is a game that accurately replicates the gameplay of Rogue while also allowing customisation of the game.
+ It also comes with a customised OpenAI Gym environment which allows AI agents written in Python to interact with the game.
+ The paper also shows an agent that was trained on a Proximal policy optimisation algorithm~\citep{schulman17}.
\subsection{Exploring Other Roguelikes}\label{subsec:exploring-other-roguelikes}
Rogue is not the only roguelike that has been explored with machine learning.
@@ 293,7 321,6 @@
The paper introduces a baseline model that they trained on the environment.
The map and player status are processed separately, concatenated, and run through an LSTM and a regular layer to produce the policy.
- % SkillHack~\citep{matthews22}.
An article by~\citet{izumiya21} explores how to involve the item inventory in the neural network system of a deep reinforcement learning agent with an attention-based approach.
It is attention based as the system calculates a score for each item in an inventory using an ``attention function''.
@@ 320,20 347,9 @@
\subsection{Neural Network}\label{subsec:neural-network}
% TODO How are you going to compare Dueling DQN and Rainbow DQN? Is there a metric or multiple metrics? The tradeoff between metrics? Are they standard or ad hoc?
- The agent in our experiments will first utilise a Dueling DQN, then utilise a Rainbow DQN as described in the report by~\citet{hessel17}.
- The following techniques make up the Rainbow DQN:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item \textbf{Double Q-learning}: a technique applied to Deep Q-learning where double estimation is used
- with the goal to remedy a problem that the original DQN had where it would be biased to overestimate Q-values.
- \item \textbf{Prioritised Experience Replay}: a technique where experiences in the replay buffer are
- prioritised based on their expected learning progress.
- \item \textbf{Dueling networks}~\citep{schaul16}: an extension of Deep Q-learning that utilises the concept of Advantage.
- Dueling DQN splits the network into two streams - one to approximate state-value and one to approximate advantage.
- These streams are then aggregated to calculate the Q-values.
- \item \textbf{Multi-step learning}~\citep[chap.~7.1]{sutton18}: a technique where the agent learns from the cumulative reward over several steps as individual actions may not provide an immediate reward.
- \item \textbf{Distributional RL}: approximating distributions of returns rather than expected returns.
- \item \textbf{Noisy Networks}: applying random noise to the neural network's parameters in order to avoid overfitting.
- \end{itemize}
+ The agent in our experiments will first utilise a base Dueling DQN, which will then be extended with Prioritised Experience Replay and finally extended with Noisy Networks and Multi-step Learning.
+ Should time allow we will also introduce Distributional RL in order to create a full Rainbow DQN algorithm.
% TODO write about the benefits and drawbacks of both dueling and rainbow
\subsection{Agent Implementation}\label{subsec:implementation}
@@ 344,13 360,19 @@
easy-to-use tools for defining, tuning and training neural network models.
The agent will use Rogue-gym~\citep{kanagawa19} as an environment to interact with.
- Rogue-gym is a game that accurately replicates the gameplay of Rogue while also allowing customisation of the game.
- It also comes with a customised OpenAI Gym environment which allows AI agents written in Python to interact with the game.
+ \subsection{Experiments}\label{subsec:experiments} % TODO experiment discussion
- \subsection{Summary}\label{subsec:summary2} % TODO add
+ \subsection{Summary}\label{subsec:summary2}
+ In this section we have outlined the algorithms and techniques we will use to create our agent, what we will use to implement them and how we will conduct our experiments.
+ We have outlined our reasoning as to why we will use a Deep Q-network, mainly because it is a well-known algorithm that is proven to work well on a variety of game environments.
+ The algorithms we will use are improvements to the base Deep Q-network algorithm: Dueling DQN, DDQN with Prioritised Experience Replay and DDQN with PER and Noisy Networks.
+ If time allows, we will implement Distributional RL to introduce a full Rainbow DQN to the environment.
+ We will compare these algorithms to see how they do when learning Rogue.
- \section{Agent Training and Results}\label{sec:agent-training-and-results} % TODO things here after data collection
- The agent was trained and evaluated on multiple Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 graphics cards using CUDA.
+ \section{Agent Training and Results}\label{sec:agent-training-and-results}
+ The agent was trained and evaluated on an Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 graphics card using CUDA.
Our training code was adapted from the work of~\citet{sebtheiler}.
@@ 362,39 384,96 @@
\subsection{Dueling DQN}\label{subsec:dueling-dqn}
- \subsubsection{First Run}
+ In our first experiment, we ran our Dueling DQN for 13000 steps.
+ From the results that can be seen in Figure~\ref{fig:ddqn_interval_score}, we were unable to extract a satisfactory result.
+ Our model's average reward per interval\footnote{One interval is 10000 steps.} stagnated around 0.02, without increasing except one outlier of Interval 3, with an average reward of 0.049.
+ Since the model could not increase its average reward, we set out to improve our model by configuring our hyperparameters and integrating Prioritised Experience Replay~\citet{schaul16} into our Dueling DQN for our second experiment.
+ \begin{figure}[h]
+ \caption[DDQN: Average reward per interval.]{Average reward per interval. One interval is 10000 steps.}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{interval_score_ddqn}
+ \label{fig:ddqn_interval_score}
+ \end{figure}
+ \subsection{Dueling DQN with Prioritised Experience Replay}\label{subsec:dueling-dqn-with-prioritised-experience-replay}
+ In our second experiment, we integrated Prioritised Experience Replay, another improvement to the DQN algorithm.
+ As shown in Figure~\ref{fig:ddqn_per_interval_score}, we were also unable to extract a satisfactory result, with the average reward per interval stagnating over the entire training period.
+ \begin{figure}[h]
+ \caption[DDQN with PER: Average reward per interval.]{Average reward per interval. One interval is 10000 steps.}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{interval_score_ddqn_per}
+ \label{fig:ddqn_per_interval_score}
+ \end{figure}
- \subsection{Rainbow DQN}\label{subsec:rainbow-dqn}
- \subsubsection{Second Run}
- \subsection{Summary}\label{subsec:summary}
+ \subsection{Dueling DQN with Prioritised Experience Replay, Noisy Networks and Multi-step Learning}\label{subsec:dueling-dqn-with-prioritised-experience-replay-and-noisy-networks}
+ \textbf{Need to be added.}
- In this paper we have set out to improve upon to~\citet{asperti18}`s tests by utilising a Rainbow
- DQN to perform dungeon crawling in Rogue's randomly generated dungeons, while also using a Dueling DQN in order to
- provide a perspective on the performance on the Rainbow DQN.
+ In this paper we have set out to improve upon to~\citet{asperti18} and ~\citet{kanagawa19}`s tests by utilising extensions to the DQN algorithm
+ to perform dungeon crawling in Rogue's randomly generated dungeons, testing a combination of multiple improvements in order to
+ provide a perspective on the performance.
+ We have achieved the following in this article:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Implementation of a Dueling DQN as well as two different improvements for learning the game Rogue
+ \item Deployment of our neural network to run experiments
+ \end{itemize}
+ % TODO go into detail about the actual achievements
+ However, our goal was to achieve a successful improvement upon previous literature, but our models did not achieve satisfactory results.
+ The average reward per interval that our models attained did not increase as the model learnt.
+ This could be due to either more training being required, or our model needing improvement, as we describe in depth in Section~\ref{subsec:future-work}.
+ Our main challenge was creation of the neural network.
+ Another challenge we faced was tuning of hyperparameters.
+ We experimented with several configurations of hyperparameters, and the hyperparameters we used for our tests are noted in Section~\ref{subsec:hyperparameters}.
+ Since we were unsuccessful in obtaining satisfactory results, we must improve upon how we tune our hyperparameters as described in Section~\ref{subsec:future-work}.
+ Our work provides a framework to...
+ This project was good to develop...
% Explain where chizuru performed well, where it screwed up, and the most important aspect about it
% Talk about the neural network here
\subsection{Future work}\label{subsec:future-work}
- While
- % Talk about using a customised neural network to run on Nethack or Angband
-% \begin{figure}[ht]
-% \caption{The structure of the Chizuru neural network *OUTDATED.} % TODO outdated
-% \centering
-% \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{network_structure}
-% \label{fig:netwk}
-% \end{figure}
- \subsection{Summary}\label{subsec:summary4}
- In summary, this project was able to
+ As we were unsuccessful in achieving a satisfactory result, the future work for this project aims to rectify this.
+ Looking at what we have accomplished and read, we have identified four main areas of improvement for future work.
+ The first is memory management of our program.
+ During training of our agent, we ran into an issue where our program was gradually using up more and more memory on the system.
+ This means that training of our agent would have to be interrupted periodically so that it would not impact other processes on the system, decreasing the efficiency of training.
+ We ran the Fil memory profiler\footnote{\url{https://pythonspeed.com/fil/}} on our program and discovered that predicting an action to take for our agent was taking up the bulk of memory as can be seen in Figure~\ref{fig:fil}.
+ In future work investigation into why these memory issues occur should be performed and how to mitigate them.
+ \begin{figure}[h]
+ \caption[Fil Profiler result for DDQN with PER.]{Fil memory profiler result for our DDQN with PER. Larger bars with a deeper shade of red means the line took up more memory.}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.3]{fil}
+ \label{fig:fil}
+ \end{figure}
+ Secondly is the reward function.
+ The reward function currently provides a reward of 0 for moving in the map without collecting gold or descending stairs.
+ In
+ Network architecture
+ The fourth is hyperparameter tweaking.
+ As we did not obtain satisfactory results for our neural network, in future work more research on what hyperparameters
+ are used in what configuration of neural networks and environments are used should be conducted.
+ In addition, more experiments on how different configurations of hyperparameters should also be performed.
- % Write some bollocks on how RL works well on video games and how this can lead to real-world developments with this technology.
+ % Write some bollocks on how RL works well on video games and how this can lead to real-world developments with this technology. End off on a positive note!
%%%%% Everything after here is not counted in the word count. %%%%%
@@ 410,7 489,6 @@
- \subsection{Neural Network}\label{subsec:neural-network2}
\subsection{State Representation}\label{subsec:state-representation}
The state of the game is converted from a 21x79 grid of ASCII characters as displayed to a human player to a 21x79 grid of
numbers each representing one character using rogue-gym's \texttt{state.gray\_image()} function.
@@ 420,7 498,7 @@
\item Reward per movement: 0
\item Reward for collecting gold: based on gold collected
- \item Reward for descending stairs: 50
+ \item Reward for descending stairs: 100
@@ 473,10 551,12 @@ TARGET_UPDATE_FREQUENCY = 750
+ \subsubsection{Dueling DQN/Noisy Networks}
\subsection{Network Architecture}\label{subsec:network-architecture}
\subsubsection{Dueling DQN}
- net_input = tf.keras.Input(shape=(h, w, 1))
+ net_input = tf.keras.Input(shape=(h, w, 4))
net_input = tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda layer: layer / 255)(net_input)
conv1 = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(32, (3, 3), strides=2, activation="relu")(net_input)
@@ 504,14 584,9 @@ PRIORITY_SCALE = 0.7
return final_model
- \end{lstlisting} % XXX do i need to cite this?
- \subsubsection{Rainbow DQN}
+ \end{lstlisting}
- \section{Results}\label{sec:results}
- \subsection{Dueling DQN}\label{subsec:dueling-dqn2}
+ \subsubsection{Dueling DQN/Noisy Networks}
- \subsection{Rainbow DQN}\label{subsec:rainbow-dqn2}