@@ 0,0 1,390 @@
+"""Model file. This file contains all of the functions that work with board management, and AI management"""
+import pickle as pk
+import random as rd
+from copy import deepcopy
+import controller
+import math as ma
+class Board:
+ """Board class"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Constructor"""
+ # 0. Empty Space
+ # 1. P1 Piece
+ # 2. P2 Piece
+ self.grid = [[0 for _ in range(7)] for _ in range(6)]
+ self.currentplayer = 1
+ self.previouspos = 0
+ # For AI purposes, shows what y pos the previous token was placed in
+ self.gameType = 0
+ # AI purposes
+ def addPiece(self, pos: int, toRemember: bool):
+ """Drops a piece in the selected column to the lowest available free space"""
+ dropped = False
+ ypos = 5
+ while not dropped:
+ if self.grid[ypos][pos] == 0:
+ self.grid[ypos][pos] = self.currentplayer
+ dropped = True
+ else:
+ ypos -= 1
+ if ypos < 0:
+ raise Exception("Column full; no error checking for full columns")
+ if self.currentplayer == 1:
+ self.currentplayer = 2
+ else:
+ self.currentplayer = 1
+ self.previouspos = pos
+ if toRemember:
+ for x in range(len(AILIST)):
+ AILIST[x].rememberCurrentBoard(self.clone())
+ def winCheck(self):
+ """Checks the board for any four adjacent identical pieces"""
+ # Returns:
+ # 0. None
+ # 1. Player 1
+ # 2. Player 2
+ # 3. Draw
+ draw = True
+ for checkdraw in range(7):
+ if not self.colFullCheck(checkdraw):
+ draw = False
+ if draw:
+ return 3
+ for y in range(6):
+ for x in range(7):
+ if self.grid[y][x] != 0:
+ # Horz victory
+ try:
+ if self.grid[y][x+1] == self.grid[y][x] and self.grid[y][x+2] == self.grid[y][x]\
+ and self.grid[y][x+3] == self.grid[y][x]:
+ return self.grid[y][x]
+ except:
+ pass
+ # Vert victory
+ try:
+ if self.grid[y+1][x] == self.grid[y][x] and self.grid[y+2][x] == self.grid[y][x]\
+ and self.grid[y+3][x] == self.grid[y][x]:
+ return self.grid[y][x]
+ except:
+ pass
+ # \ Diag victory
+ try:
+ if self.grid[y+1][x+1] == self.grid[y][x] and self.grid[y+2][x+2] == self.grid[y][x]\
+ and self.grid[y+3][x+3] == self.grid[y][x]:
+ return self.grid[y][x]
+ except:
+ pass
+ # / Diag victory
+ try:
+ if self.grid[nonNegative(y-1)][x+1] == self.grid[y][x]\
+ and self.grid[nonNegative(y-2)][x+2] == self.grid[y][x]\
+ and self.grid[nonNegative(y-3)][x+3] == self.grid[y][x]:
+ return self.grid[y][x]
+ except:
+ pass
+ return 0
+ def colFullCheck(self, pos):
+ """Checks if any column is full. Returns false if not full, returns true if full."""
+ if self.grid[0][pos] == 0:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ def clone(self):
+ """Clones the current state of the game."""
+ new = Board()
+ new.grid = deepcopy(self.grid)
+ new.currentplayer = deepcopy(self.currentplayer)
+ new.previouspos = deepcopy(self.previouspos)
+ return new
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """repr function"""
+ ret = ''
+ for y in range(6):
+ for x in range(7):
+ ret += str(self.grid[y][x]) + ' '
+ ret += '\n'
+ ret += "WIN: " + str(self.winCheck())
+ return ret
+# noinspection PyTypeChecker
+class Node:
+ """Node class which will be used in the brain"""
+ def __init__(self, parent=None, state: Board=Board()):
+ """Constructor"""
+ # where state must be the Board class and referenced when theBoard clones itself
+ self.state = state
+ self.children = [None for _ in range(7)]
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.visits = 0
+ self.wins = 0
+ self.payoff = 10 + rd.uniform(0, 0.15)
+ def backprop(self, win=False):
+ """Updates node and parents with new information"""
+ self.visits += 1
+ if win:
+ self.wins += 1
+ # This backpropagation is ignored if the node has no parent. Used for the root node
+ if self.parent is not None:
+ self.parent.backprop(win)
+ self.updatePayoff()
+ def updatePayoff(self):
+ """Updates the payoff attribute of a single node"""
+ if self.visits == 0:
+ self.payoff = 10
+ elif self.parent is not None:
+ self.payoff = (self.wins / self.visits) + (ma.sqrt(2) * ma.sqrt(ma.log(self.parent.visits)/self.visits))
+ if self.state.winCheck() == 3:
+ self.payoff = 0
+ def expand(self, pos: int, toRemember: bool):
+ """Adds a child node"""
+ temp = self.state.clone()
+ temp.addPiece(pos, toRemember)
+ self.children[pos] = Node(parent=self, state=deepcopy(temp))
+ def getChild(self, pos):
+ """Returns the child node found in a specific position"""
+ try:
+ return self.children[pos]
+ except:
+ return None
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "V: " + str(self.visits) + " W: " + str(self.wins) + " P: " + str(self.payoff)
+# noinspection PyTypeChecker
+class Brain:
+ """AI Brain class"""
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ """Constructor"""
+ self.root = Node()
+ self.playinstance = [] # for recording the current play instance history to aid the tree search.
+ # each input is a dropped token position.
+ self.name = name
+ def selection(self, anynode: Node, route):
+ """Selects a route to take within the tree to reach a leaf"""
+ # Going through a known route
+ # checking for wins
+ if anynode.state.winCheck() == 1:
+ if controller.getAIPlayerPos(self.name) == 1:
+ self.backpropagation(anynode, True)
+ else:
+ self.backpropagation(anynode, False)
+ elif anynode.state.winCheck() == 2:
+ if controller.getAIPlayerPos(self.name) == 2:
+ self.backpropagation(anynode, True)
+ else:
+ self.backpropagation(anynode, False)
+ elif anynode.state.winCheck() == 3:
+ self.backpropagation(anynode, False)
+ else:
+ if len(route) != 0:
+ if anynode.getChild(head(route)) is not None:
+ self.selection(anynode.getChild(head(route)), tail(route))
+ else:
+ anynode.expand(head(route), False)
+ self.selection(anynode.getChild(head(route)), tail(route))
+ # Going through an unknown route until a None is hit
+ else:
+ childsuccessrates = [None for _ in range(7)]
+ for x in range(7):
+ try:
+ if anynode.state.colFullCheck(x):
+ childsuccessrates[x] = -1
+ else: # where t is an instance of a child
+ t = anynode.getChild(x)
+ t.updatePayoff()
+ childsuccessrates[x] = t.payoff
+ except:
+ childsuccessrates[x] = 10 + rd.uniform(0, 0.15)
+ complete = False
+ while not complete:
+ goto = highestPosInArray(childsuccessrates)
+ if anynode.getChild(goto) is not None:
+ if goto == -1:
+ raise Exception
+ self.selection(anynode.getChild(goto), [])
+ complete = True
+ else:
+ self.expansion(anynode, goto)
+ complete = True
+ def expansion(self, currentnode: Node, pos: int):
+ """Add a new child node for either a new learned state or a potential state and leads to simulation"""
+ currentnode.expand(pos, False)
+ self.simulation(currentnode.getChild(pos))
+ def simulation(self, anynode: Node):
+ """Runs simulations of a hypothetical occurance and backpropagates results"""
+ playerID = controller.getAIPlayerPos(self.name)
+ nodestateclone = anynode.state.clone()
+ complete = False
+ # Random playout
+ if playerID is not None:
+ while not complete:
+ if nodestateclone.winCheck() != 0:
+ if nodestateclone.winCheck() == playerID:
+ # Win
+ complete = True
+ self.backpropagation(anynode, True)
+ else:
+ # Lose
+ complete = True
+ self.backpropagation(anynode, False)
+ else:
+ try:
+ nodestateclone.addPiece(rd.randint(0, 6), False)
+ except:
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise Exception("playerID is None")
+ @staticmethod
+ def backpropagation(anynode: Node, victory):
+ """Backpropagates the reults of one simulation to all the parent nodes where anynode is a leaf"""
+ if anynode is not None:
+ anynode.backprop(victory)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def getStatePossibilities(self, anynode: Node, route):
+ """Gets the current state's known children and their status"""
+ if route:
+ return self.getStatePossibilities(anynode.getChild(head(route)), tail(route))
+ else:
+ childsuccessrates = [10 for _ in range(7)]
+ for x in range(7):
+ if anynode.getChild(x) is not None:
+ t = anynode.getChild(x)
+ t.updatePayoff()
+ childsuccessrates[x] = t.payoff
+ return childsuccessrates
+ def MCTS(self):
+ """Runs a lot of instances of the MCTS algorithm"""
+ scalar = rd.uniform(0.7, 1)
+ for run in range(rd.randint(420, ma.floor(720 * scalar))):
+ self.selection(self.root, deepcopy(self.playinstance))
+ def addHistory(self, instance):
+ """Adds history"""
+ self.playinstance.append(instance.previouspos)
+ def resetHistory(self):
+ """Resets history"""
+ self.playinstance = []
+class AI:
+ """AI index class"""
+ def __init__(self, name: str):
+ """Constructor"""
+ self.name = name
+ self.brain = Brain(name)
+ def forgetboard(self):
+ """Forgets the board history"""
+ self.brain.resetHistory()
+ # def randomDropPos(self):
+ # """Randomly picks a dropping position"""
+ # drop = rd.randint(0, 6)
+ # self.brain.playinstance.append(drop)
+ # return drop
+ def chooseDropPos(self):
+ """Returns where the AI wishes to drop a piece."""
+ self.brain.MCTS()
+ childsuccessrates = self.brain.getStatePossibilities(self.brain.root, self.brain.playinstance)
+ a = False
+ while not a:
+ if not theBoard.colFullCheck(highestPosInArray(childsuccessrates)):
+ drop = highestPosInArray(childsuccessrates)
+ return drop
+ else:
+ childsuccessrates[highestPosInArray(childsuccessrates)] = -1
+ def rememberCurrentBoard(self, state: Board):
+ """Adds any state's recently dropped piece to the brain's playinstance"""
+ self.brain.playinstance.append(state.previouspos)
+ def saveToFile(self, filename):
+ """Saves the AI to an external file"""
+ saver = open(str("ai/" + filename + ".c4ai"), "wb")
+ pk.dump(self, saver)
+def loadFromFile(filename):
+ """Loads an AI from an external file"""
+ loader = open(str("ai/" + filename + ".c4ai"), "rb")
+ toreturn = pk.load(loader)
+ return toreturn
+def nonNegative(check):
+ """Prevents negative indexing"""
+ if check >= 0:
+ return check
+ else:
+ raise Exception
+def head(anything):
+ """Returns the head of something"""
+ if anything:
+ return anything[0]
+ else:
+ return None
+def tail(anything):
+ """Returns the tail of something"""
+ if len(anything) > 1:
+ return anything[1:]
+ else:
+ return []
+def highestPosInArray(anything):
+ """Returns the respective position of the highest thing in an array"""
+ if len(anything) == 1:
+ return [0]
+ elif not anything:
+ raise Exception("Empty array inputted in the highestInArray() function.")
+ else:
+ highest = -1
+ pos = 0
+ for x in range(len(anything)):
+ if anything[x] > highest:
+ highest = anything[x]
+ pos = x
+ if highest == -1:
+ return 0
+ return pos
+def posInArray(anything, tofind):
+ """Returns the position of something in an array if applicable"""
+ for x in range(len(anything)):
+ if anything[x] == tofind:
+ return x
+theBoard = Board()
+AILIST = []
+gameAIPos = []
+ AILIST.append(loadFromFile("Miyagi"))
+ AILIST.append(AI("Miyagi"))
+ AILIST.append(loadFromFile("Chizuru"))
+ AILIST.append(AI("Chizuru"))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ print("Please run view.py to play")
@@ 0,0 1,472 @@
+"""View file. This creates a GUI so that the user can interact with the game. It sends instrunctions
+to the controller based on what the user inputs and updates based on what it receives from the Controller"""
+import tkinter as tk
+import tkinter.colorchooser as tkCol
+import controller
+import atexit
+class MainMenu(tk.Frame):
+ """Main menu class"""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Constructor"""
+ tk.Frame.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ lb1 = tk.Label(self, text="Connect Four")
+ lb1.grid(row=0, padx=180, sticky='N')
+ lb2 = tk.Label(self, text="Please pick an option")
+ lb2.grid(row=1, sticky='N')
+ # bt1, 2, 3 - gameplay buttons
+ # bt4 - options button
+ # bt5 - quit button
+ bt1 = tk.Button(self, text="Human vs Human", command=lambda: FRAME2.initialiseGame(0)) # Game type HvH
+ bt1.grid(row=4, ipadx=10, ipady=10, pady=5, sticky='N')
+ bt2 = tk.Button(self, text="Human vs AI", command=lambda: FRAME2.initialiseGame(1)) # Game type HvA
+ bt2.grid(row=5, ipadx=10, ipady=10, pady=5, sticky='N')
+ bt3 = tk.Button(self, text="AI vs AI", command=lambda: FRAME2.initialiseGame(2)) # Game type AvA
+ bt3.grid(row=6, ipadx=10, ipady=10, pady=5, sticky='N')
+ bt4 = tk.Button(self, text="Options", command=lambda: FRAME3.show()) # Options menu
+ bt4.grid(row=7, ipadx=3, ipady=3, pady=5, sticky='N')
+ bt5 = tk.Button(self, text="Quit", command=lambda: MainMenu.quitting()) # Exit game
+ bt5.grid(row=8, ipadx=3, ipady=3, pady=5, sticky='N')
+ def show(self):
+ """Lifts the Main Menu to the front"""
+ self.lift()
+ @staticmethod
+ def quitting():
+ """Saves all new data of the AI to their respective files then quits the game"""
+ controller.saveAI()
+ exit()
+class GameBoard(tk.Frame):
+ """Game Board and interactions class"""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Constructor"""
+ tk.Frame.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.board = []
+ self.gameOver = False
+ # storing names in a list for easy access
+ self.names = [tk.StringVar(), tk.StringVar()]
+ # humannames are for replacing AI names in the names array when accesing gametype 0 or 1
+ self.humannames = [tk.StringVar(), tk.StringVar()]
+ self.humannames[0].set("Human 1")
+ self.humannames[1].set("Human 2")
+ self.gameType = 0
+ self.names[0].set("Human 1")
+ self.names[1].set("Human 2")
+ self.pl1score = tk.IntVar()
+ self.pl1score.set(0)
+ self.pl2score = tk.IntVar()
+ self.pl2score.set(0)
+ self.currentturn = tk.IntVar()
+ self.currentturn.set(0)
+ self.turnmsg = tk.StringVar()
+ self.turnmsg.set("It is now " + self.names[0].get() + "'s turn...")
+ # score display player 1
+ sc1disp = tk.Label(self, textvariable=self.pl1score, bg='#FFFFFF', borderwidth=2, relief='ridge')
+ sc1disp.grid(row=0, column=0, pady=7, ipadx=9, ipady=7)
+ # name display player 1
+ nam1disp = tk.Label(self, textvariable=self.names[0], bg='#FFFFFF', borderwidth=2,
+ relief='ridge', wraplength=52)
+ nam1disp.grid(row=0, column=1, pady=7, ipadx=7, ipady=7, columnspan=2)
+ # VS text display
+ vs = tk.Label(self, text="VS")
+ vs.grid(row=0, column=3)
+ #score display player 2
+ sc2disp = tk.Label(self, textvariable=self.pl2score, bg='#FFFFFF', borderwidth=2, relief='ridge')
+ sc2disp.grid(row=0, column=6, pady=7, ipadx=9, ipady=7)
+ # name display player 2
+ nam2disp = tk.Label(self, textvariable=self.names[1], bg='#FFFFFF', borderwidth=2,
+ relief='ridge', wraplength=52)
+ nam2disp.grid(row=0, column=4, pady=7, ipadx=7, ipady=7, columnspan=2)
+ # turn display
+ turndisp = tk.Label(self, textvariable=self.turnmsg, wraplength=170)
+ turndisp.grid(row=1, ipadx=5, ipady=3, columnspan=7)
+ # grid cells
+ for y in range(6):
+ self.board.append([])
+ for x in range(7):
+ self.board[y].append(tk.Label(self, text=' ', bg='#FFFFFF', borderwidth=2, relief='ridge'))
+ self.board[y][x].grid(row=y+2, column=x, ipadx=10, ipady=10)
+ # drop button row
+ self.buttonarray = []
+ self.buttonarray.append(tk.Button(self, text='V', command=lambda: self.sendPieceToDrop(0)))
+ self.buttonarray.append(tk.Button(self, text='V', command=lambda: self.sendPieceToDrop(1)))
+ self.buttonarray.append(tk.Button(self, text='V', command=lambda: self.sendPieceToDrop(2)))
+ self.buttonarray.append(tk.Button(self, text='V', command=lambda: self.sendPieceToDrop(3)))
+ self.buttonarray.append(tk.Button(self, text='V', command=lambda: self.sendPieceToDrop(4)))
+ self.buttonarray.append(tk.Button(self, text='V', command=lambda: self.sendPieceToDrop(5)))
+ self.buttonarray.append(tk.Button(self, text='V', command=lambda: self.sendPieceToDrop(6)))
+ for bt in range(7):
+ self.buttonarray[bt].grid(row=9, column=bt, ipadx=7, ipady=3)
+ # other buttons
+ retirebt = tk.Button(self, text="Retire", command=lambda: FRAME1.show())
+ self.playagainbt = tk.Button(self, text="Play Again", command=lambda: self.playAgain())
+ self.playagainbt.config(state='disabled')
+ self.playagainbt.grid(row=10, column=2, columnspan=2, pady=15)
+ retirebt.grid(row=10, column=0, columnspan=2, pady=15)
+ def show(self):
+ """Lifts the Game Board to the front"""
+ self.lift()
+ def initialiseGame(self, gameType):
+ """Initialises game, including resetting the board, setting up any AI, etc."""
+ # Game Types:
+ # 0. Human vs Human
+ # 1. Human vs AI
+ # 2. AI vs AI
+ self.gameOver = False
+ self.gameType = gameType
+ controller.setGameType(gameType)
+ # Name setup
+ self.names[0].set(self.humannames[0].get())
+ self.names[1].set(self.humannames[1].get())
+ if gameType == 1 or gameType == 2:
+ self.names[1].set(controller.model.AILIST[AI1].name)
+ if gameType == 2:
+ self.names[0].set(controller.model.AILIST[AI1].name)
+ self.names[1].set(controller.model.AILIST[AI2].name)
+ controller.resetBoard()
+ self.currentturn.set(0)
+ self.pl1score.set(0)
+ self.pl2score.set(0)
+ self.buttonEnableDisable(0)
+ self.playagainbt.config(state='disabled')
+ self.updateBoard()
+ self.show()
+ if gameType == 2:
+ controller.sendAIpositions(AI1, AI2)
+ self.buttonEnableDisable(1)
+ self.gameOver = True
+ self.playagainbt.config(state='active')
+ self.turnmsg.set("Press 'Play Again' to start!")
+ self.update_idletasks()
+ self.AIprocess()
+ def buttonEnableDisable(self, enabledisable):
+ """Enables or disables the dropper buttons for when an AI is playing to prevent player interference"""
+ # 0. Enable
+ # 1. Disable
+ for bt in range(7):
+ if enabledisable == 0:
+ self.buttonarray[bt].config(state='active')
+ else:
+ self.buttonarray[bt].config(state='disabled')
+ def sendPieceToDrop(self, pos):
+ """Sends a piece to drop to the Controller"""
+ if controller.getColStatus(pos):
+ # Column not full
+ controller.dropPiece(pos)
+ self.switchTurns()
+ self.updateBoard()
+ return True
+ else:
+ # Column full
+ self.turnmsg.set("Cannot drop a piece there!")
+ self.update_idletasks()
+ # Runs another AI process if the AI tries to drop at a full column
+ if self.gameType == 1:
+ if self.currentturn == 1:
+ self.AIprocess()
+ elif self.gameType == 2:
+ self.AIprocess()
+ return False
+ def switchTurns(self):
+ """Switches the player turns from player 1 to player 2 and vice versa and checks for a win"""
+ if self.currentturn.get() == 0:
+ self.currentturn.set(1)
+ if self.gameType == 1 or self.gameType == 2:
+ self.buttonEnableDisable(1)
+ self.wincheck()
+ self.updateBoard()
+ self.AIprocess()
+ else:
+ self.wincheck()
+ else:
+ self.currentturn.set(0)
+ self.buttonEnableDisable(0)
+ if self.gameType == 2:
+ self.buttonEnableDisable(1)
+ self.wincheck()
+ self.updateBoard()
+ self.AIprocess()
+ else:
+ self.wincheck()
+ def AIprocess(self):
+ """The AI process, involving thinking about where to drop pieces"""
+ if not self.gameOver:
+ dropped = False
+ while not dropped:
+ dec = -1
+ if self.gameType == 1:
+ dec = controller.getAIDecision(AI1)
+ elif self.gameType == 2:
+ if self.currentturn.get() == 0:
+ dec = controller.getAIDecision(AI1)
+ elif self.currentturn.get() == 1:
+ dec = controller.getAIDecision(AI2)
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Piece is not dropped")
+ else:
+ pass
+ if dec != -1:
+ dropped = self.sendPieceToDrop(dec)
+ else:
+ raise Exception("dec not reassigned")
+ def updateBoard(self):
+ """Fetches the board fron the Model via Controller and updates the visible board with the new information"""
+ modelboard = controller.fetchBoard()
+ for y in range(6):
+ for x in range(7):
+ if modelboard[y][x] == 0:
+ self.board[y][x].config(bg='#FFFFFF')
+ elif modelboard[y][x] == 1:
+ self.board[y][x].config(bg=pl1col)
+ elif modelboard[y][x] == 2:
+ self.board[y][x].config(bg=pl2col)
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Foreign variable within the modelboard")
+ if not self.gameOver:
+ self.turnmsg.set("It is now " + self.names[self.currentturn.get()].get() + "'s turn...")
+ self.update_idletasks()
+ def wincheck(self):
+ """Checks for a win from the model board and parses the win procedure if a win is attained"""
+ winningplayer = controller.winCheck()
+ if winningplayer == 0:
+ return False
+ elif winningplayer == 3:
+ self.draw()
+ return True
+ else:
+ self.win(winningplayer-1)
+ return True
+ def win(self, player):
+ """Winning procedure, disabling piece dropping, displaying a win message,
+ adding score and enabling the play again button"""
+ self.buttonEnableDisable(1)
+ self.gameOver = True
+ self.turnmsg.set(self.names[player].get() + " has won!")
+ if player == 0:
+ self.pl1score.set(self.pl1score.get() + 1)
+ else:
+ self.pl2score.set(self.pl2score.get() + 1)
+ self.playagainbt.config(state='active')
+ self.update_idletasks()
+ def draw(self):
+ """Draw procedure. Almost identical to the win procedure, except the different message,
+ and no player earns score"""
+ self.gameOver = True
+ self.buttonEnableDisable(1)
+ self.turnmsg.set("It's a draw!")
+ self.playagainbt.config(state='active')
+ self.update_idletasks()
+ def playAgain(self):
+ """Procedure for when the Play Again button is pressed"""
+ controller.resetBoard()
+ self.gameOver = False
+ self.updateBoard()
+ if self.gameType != 2:
+ self.buttonEnableDisable(0)
+ self.playagainbt.config(state='disabled')
+ self.currentturn.set(0)
+ self.turnmsg.set("It is now " + self.names[0].get() + "'s turn...")
+ self.update_idletasks()
+ if self.gameType == 2:
+ self.AIprocess()
+class OptionsMenu(tk.Frame):
+ """Options menu class"""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Constructor"""
+ tk.Frame.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ somelabel = tk.Label(self, text="Options menu")
+ somelabel.grid(row=0, padx=5, pady=5, sticky='NW')
+ # P1 Name
+ # p1setprompt - prompt
+ p1setprompt = tk.Label(self, text="Human 1 Name:")
+ p1setprompt.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='W')
+ # p1set - text entry
+ p1set = tk.Entry(self)
+ # p1setbt - button for saving name
+ p1setbt = tk.Button(self, text="SET", command=lambda: self.changeName(0, p1set.get()))
+ # p1disp - name preview
+ self.p1disp = tk.StringVar()
+ self.p1disp.set("Current: " + FRAME2.names[0].get())
+ p1displab = tk.Label(self, textvariable=self.p1disp)
+ p1set.grid(row=2, column=0)
+ p1setbt.grid(row=2, column=1, ipadx=5)
+ p1displab.grid(row=2, column=2, sticky='W')
+ # P2 Name
+ # p2setprompt - prompt
+ p2setprompt = tk.Label(self, text="Human 2 Name:")
+ p2setprompt.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky='W')
+ # p2set - text entry
+ p2set = tk.Entry(self)
+ # p2setbt - button for saving name
+ p2setbt = tk.Button(self, text="SET", command=lambda: self.changeName(1, p2set.get()))
+ # p2disp - name preview
+ self.p2disp = tk.StringVar()
+ self.p2disp.set("Current: " + FRAME2.names[1].get())
+ p2displab = tk.Label(self, textvariable=self.p2disp)
+ p2set.grid(row=4, column=0)
+ p2setbt.grid(row=4, column=1, ipadx=5)
+ p2displab.grid(row=4, column=2, sticky='W')
+ # Col 1
+ # lab3 - prompt
+ lab3 = tk.Label(self, text="Player 1 Colour:")
+ lab3.grid(row=5, column=0, sticky='W', pady=2)
+ # bt1label - text within the button
+ self.bt1label = tk.StringVar()
+ self.bt1label.set(pl1col)
+ # ex1 - example colour
+ self.ex1 = tk.Label(self, text=' ', bg=pl1col, borderwidth=2, relief="ridge")
+ bt1 = tk.Button(self, textvariable=self.bt1label, command=lambda: self.pickColour(0))
+ bt1.grid(row=5, column=1, ipadx=5, sticky='E')
+ self.ex1.grid(row=5, column=2, sticky='W')
+ bt1.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=2)
+ # Col 2
+ # lab4 - prompt
+ lab4 = tk.Label(self, text="Player 2 Colour:")
+ lab4.grid(row=6, column=0, sticky='W', pady=2)
+ # bt2label - text within the button
+ self.bt2label = tk.StringVar()
+ self.bt2label.set(pl2col)
+ # ex2 - example colour
+ self.ex2 = tk.Label(self, text=' ', bg=pl2col, borderwidth=2, relief="ridge")
+ bt2 = tk.Button(self, textvariable=self.bt2label, command=lambda: self.pickColour(1))
+ bt2.grid(row=6, column=1, ipadx=5, sticky='E')
+ self.ex2.grid(row=6, column=2, sticky='W')
+ bt2.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=2)
+ # AI 1
+ # lab1 - prompt
+ lab1 = tk.Label(self, text="First AI to use:")
+ lab1.grid(row=7, column=0, sticky='W', pady=2)
+ # self.disp1 - text in dropdown
+ self.disp1 = tk.StringVar(self)
+ self.disp1.set("Miyagi")
+ # dd1 - dropdown
+ dd1 = tk.OptionMenu(self, self.disp1, "Miyagi", "Chizuru")
+ dd1.grid(row=7, column=1, sticky='E')
+ dd1.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=2)
+ # AI 2
+ # lab2 - prompt
+ lab2 = tk.Label(self, text="Second AI to use:")
+ lab2.grid(row=8, column=0, sticky='W', pady=2)
+ # self.disp2 - text in dropdown
+ self.disp2 = tk.StringVar(self)
+ self.disp2.set("Chizuru")
+ # dd2 - dropdown
+ dd2 = tk.OptionMenu(self, self.disp2, "Chizuru", "Miyagi")
+ dd2.grid(row=8, column=1, sticky='E')
+ dd2.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=2)
+ # Dropdown option menus based on a script from http://effbot.org/tkinterbook/optionmenu.htm
+ # Go Back button
+ btgoback = tk.Button(self, text="Go Back", command=lambda: self.setAI())
+ btgoback.grid(row=9, columnspan=2, ipadx=8)
+ btgoback.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=3)
+ lab5 = tk.Label(self, text="Changes are automatically saved.")
+ lab5.grid(row=10, columnspan=2)
+ def setAI(self):
+ """Sets the AI based on user choice"""
+ global AI1
+ global AI2
+ FRAME1.show()
+ AI1 = self.disp1.get()
+ if AI1 == 'Miyagi':
+ AI1 = 0
+ elif AI1 == 'Chizuru':
+ AI1 = 1
+ AI2 = self.disp2.get()
+ if AI2 == 'Miyagi':
+ AI2 = 0
+ elif AI2 == 'Chizuru':
+ AI2 = 1
+ def pickColour(self, playerIndex):
+ """Lets the user pick a colour via a pop up GUI"""
+ colour = tkCol.askcolor()
+ if playerIndex == 0:
+ global pl1col
+ pl1col = colour[1]
+ self.bt1label.set(pl1col)
+ self.ex1.config(bg=pl1col)
+ self.update_idletasks()
+ else:
+ global pl2col
+ pl2col = colour[1]
+ self.bt2label.set(pl2col)
+ self.ex2.config(bg=pl2col)
+ self.update_idletasks()
+ def changeName(self, nameindex, newname):
+ """Changes the name of a human player"""
+ FRAME2.names[nameindex].set(newname)
+ FRAME2.humannames[nameindex].set(newname)
+ self.p1disp.set("Current: " + FRAME2.humannames[0].get())
+ self.p2disp.set("Current: " + FRAME2.humannames[1].get())
+ self.update_idletasks()
+ def show(self):
+ """Lifts the Options menu to the front"""
+ self.lift()
+class Window(tk.Frame):
+ """Window that keeps all of the pages"""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Constructor"""
+ tk.Frame.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ global FRAME1
+ global FRAME2
+ global FRAME3
+ FRAME1 = MainMenu(self)
+ FRAME2 = GameBoard(self)
+ FRAME3 = OptionsMenu(self)
+ container = tk.Frame(self)
+ container.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True)
+ FRAME1.place(in_=container, x=0, y=0, relwidth=1, relheight=1)
+ FRAME2.place(in_=container, x=0, y=0, relwidth=1, relheight=1)
+ FRAME3.place(in_=container, x=0, y=0, relwidth=1, relheight=1)
+ FRAME1.show()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ pl1col = '#ff0000'
+ pl2col = '#ffff00'
+ AI1 = 0
+ AI2 = 1
+ # 0: Miyagi
+ # 1: Chizuru
+ Root = tk.Tk()
+ mainWindow = Window(Root)
+ mainWindow.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True)
+ Root.wm_geometry("450x550")
+ Root.title("Connect Four")
+ Root.resizable(width=False, height=False)
+ # Root.iconbitmap()
+ Root.mainloop()
+ atexit.register(MainMenu.quitting())
+# Tkinter multi-page code structure taken from
+# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14817210/using-buttons-in-tkinter-to-navigate-to-different-pages-of-the-application