
46268cb74fb2dd48aeefdd2cccb1b9fa6b6a4f0d — Ben (Xeon/Arch) 1 year, 7 months ago 6345fcf master
Updated to new nujel
M ssg/content.nuj => ssg/content.nuj +16 -16
@@ 4,8 4,8 @@
(defn add-resources (ctx)
      "Copy all resources used over"
      (def deploy-dir (tree/ref ctx :deploy-dir))
      (doseq (res (tree/values (tree/ref ctx :resources-needed)) ctx)
      (def deploy-dir (ref ctx :deploy-dir))
      (doseq (res (tree/values (ref ctx :resources-needed)) ctx)
             (mkdir (fmt "{deploy-dir}/{}" (path/dirname (cdr res))))
             (file/copy (car res) (fmt "{deploy-dir}/{}" (cdr res)))))

@@ 27,19 27,19 @@

(defn queue-content* (ctx base-path out-path fm content-fun)
      (def path (cat base-path out-path))
      (def href (string/cut path (inc (length (tree/ref ctx :content-root-dir)))))
      (def href (string/cut path (inc (length (ref ctx :content-root-dir)))))
      (tree/set! fm :href href)
      (tree/set! fm :depth (- (length (split (tree/ref fm :href) "/")) 1))
      (tree/set! (tree/ref ctx :frontmatter) (string->keyword href) fm)
      (tree/set! (tree/ref ctx :generator-queue) (string->keyword href) {:path path :meta fm :fun content-fun}))
      (tree/set! fm :depth (- (length (split (ref fm :href) "/")) 1))
      (tree/set! (ref ctx :frontmatter) (string->keyword href) fm)
      (tree/set! (ref ctx :generator-queue) (string->keyword href) {:path path :meta fm :fun content-fun}))

(defn generate-content (ctx)
      "Generate all autogenerated content"
      (build-content ctx
                     (tree/ref ctx :content-root-dir)
                     (tree/ref ctx :frontmatter)
                     (ref ctx :content-root-dir)
                     (ref ctx :frontmatter)
                     (fn (ctx path content-frontmatter)
                         (when-not (== (path/basename path) "generator.nuj")
                                   (return #nil))

@@ 55,11 55,11 @@
      (def content-frontmatter {})
      (build-content ctx
                     (tree/ref ctx :content-root-dir)
                     (ref ctx :content-root-dir)
                     (fn (ctx path content-frontmatter)
                         (load-frontmatter path
                                           (string/cut path (inc (length (tree/ref ctx :content-root-dir))))
                                           (string/cut path (inc (length (ref ctx :content-root-dir))))
      (tree/set! ctx :frontmatter content-frontmatter))

@@ 67,15 67,15 @@
      "Build everything"
      (build-content ctx
                     (tree/ref ctx :content-root-dir)
                     (tree/ref ctx :frontmatter)
                     (ref ctx :content-root-dir)
                     (ref ctx :frontmatter)

(defn build-queued (ctx)
      "Build queued generator content"
      (doseq (d (tree/values (tree/ref ctx :generator-queue)) ctx)
             (def raw-content ((tree/ref d :fun)))
             (def path (get-out-path ctx (tree/ref d :path)))
      (doseq (d (tree/values (ref ctx :generator-queue)) ctx)
             (def raw-content ((ref d :fun)))
             (def path (get-out-path ctx (ref d :path)))
             (mkdir-safe (path/dirname path))
             (spit path (render ctx path (tree/ref d :meta) raw-content))))
             (spit path (render ctx path (ref d :meta) raw-content))))

M ssg/loader.nuj => ssg/loader.nuj +3 -3
@@ 2,8 2,8 @@

(defn get-out-path (ctx path)
      (cat (tree/ref ctx :deploy-dir)
           (string/cut path (length (tree/ref ctx :content-root-dir)))))
      (cat (ref ctx :deploy-dir)
           (string/cut path (length (ref ctx :content-root-dir)))))

(defn mkdir-safe (full-path)

@@ 23,7 23,7 @@
      (mkdir-safe (path/dirname dest-path))
      (def page-parts (split-frontmatter (slurp path)))
      (def meta (get-frontmatter path
                                 (string/cut path (inc (length (tree/ref ctx :content-root-dir))))
                                 (string/cut path (inc (length (ref ctx :content-root-dir))))
                                 (car page-parts)))
      (spit dest-path (render ctx path meta (cdr page-parts)))
      (return dest-path))

M ssg/navigation.nuj => ssg/navigation.nuj +20 -20
@@ 3,35 3,35 @@
      "not be displayed on every page but will be calculated nonetheless"
      (def nav {})
      (def l (-> (tree/values (tree/ref ctx :frontmatter))
                 (list/sort (fn (a b) (< (tree/ref a :href)
                                         (tree/ref b :href))))))
      (def l (-> (tree/values (ref ctx :frontmatter))
                 (list/sort (fn (a b) (< (ref a :href)
                                         (ref b :href))))))
      (def c l)
      (while (cdr c)
        (when (== (path/dirname (tree/ref (car c) :href))
                  (path/dirname (tree/ref (cadr c) :href)))
          (def cur-href (string->keyword (tree/ref (cadr c) :href)))
          (def prev-href (tree/ref (car c) :href))
          (when-not (tree/ref nav cur-href) (tree/set! nav cur-href {:prev #nil :next #nil}))
          (tree/set! (tree/ref nav cur-href) :prev prev-href)
        (when (== (path/dirname (ref (car c) :href))
                  (path/dirname (ref (cadr c) :href)))
          (def cur-href (string->keyword (ref (cadr c) :href)))
          (def prev-href (ref (car c) :href))
          (when-not (ref nav cur-href) (tree/set! nav cur-href {:prev #nil :next #nil}))
          (tree/set! (ref nav cur-href) :prev prev-href)

          (def cur-href (string->keyword (tree/ref (car c) :href)))
          (def next-href (tree/ref (cadr c) :href))
          (when-not (tree/ref nav cur-href) (tree/set! nav cur-href {:prev #nil :next #nil}))
          (tree/set! (tree/ref nav cur-href) :next next-href))
          (def cur-href (string->keyword (ref (car c) :href)))
          (def next-href (ref (cadr c) :href))
          (when-not (ref nav cur-href) (tree/set! nav cur-href {:prev #nil :next #nil}))
          (tree/set! (ref nav cur-href) :next next-href))
        (cdr! c))
      (tree/set! ctx :prev-next-nav nav))

(defn build (ctx depth prefix category)
      "Build up a navigation and return a list of trees, describing the entries"
      (def l (-> (tree/values (tree/ref ctx :frontmatter))
                 (filter (fn (a) (not (tree/ref a :hide-in-nav))))))
      (def l (-> (tree/values (ref ctx :frontmatter))
                 (filter (fn (a) (not (ref a :hide-in-nav))))))
      (when depth
        (set! l (filter l (fn (a) (== depth (tree/ref a :depth))))))
        (set! l (filter l (fn (a) (== depth (ref a :depth))))))
      (when prefix
        (set! l (filter l (fn (a) (== prefix (cut (tree/ref a :href) 0 (buffer/length prefix)))))))
        (set! l (filter l (fn (a) (== prefix (cut (ref a :href) 0 (buffer/length prefix)))))))
      (when category
        (set! l (filter l (fn (a) (== category (tree/ref a :category))))))
      (list/sort l (fn (a b) (< (tree/ref a :href)
                                (tree/ref b :href)))))
        (set! l (filter l (fn (a) (== category (ref a :category))))))
      (list/sort l (fn (a b) (< (ref a :href)
                                (ref b :href)))))

M ssg/theme.nuj => ssg/theme.nuj +21 -21
@@ 15,20 15,20 @@
      (return ctx))

(defn include-resource* (ctx path dest-path)
      (tree/set! (tree/ref ctx :resources-needed) (string->keyword path) (cons path dest-path))
      (tree/set! (ref ctx :resources-needed) (string->keyword path) (cons path dest-path))
      (return dest-path))

(defn load-components (ctx)
      (import (init :as theme/init)
              (tree/ref themes (tree/ref ctx :theme)))
              (ref themes (ref ctx :theme)))
      (theme/init ctx)

(defn render (ctx path)
      "Apply a theme to a particular file in PATH"
      (def theme (tree/ref themes (tree/ref ctx :theme)))
      (def theme (ref themes (ref ctx :theme)))
      (import (render :as cur/render load-components) theme)
      (load-components ctx)
      (cur/render ctx path))

@@ 120,7 120,7 @@
(defn urlescape (in)
      (with-string-port out
                        (dotimes (i (buffer/length in))
                          (def c (buffer/ref in i))
                          (def c (ref in i))
                          (case c
                                (#\# (out 'block-write "%23"))
                                (#\& (out 'block-write "%26"))

@@ 128,26 128,26 @@
                                (otherwise (out 'char-write c))))))

(defn get-href* (ctx path target)
      (def name (string/cut path (inc (length (tree/ref ctx :content-root-dir)))))
      (def name (string/cut path (inc (length (ref ctx :content-root-dir)))))
      (def depth (- (length (split name "/")) 1))
      (def href (if (tree? target)
                    (tree/ref target :href)
                    (ref target :href)
      (dotimes (i depth (urlescape href))
        (set! href (cat "../" href))))

(defn render-link* (ctx path target)
      (if (string? target)
          (render-link* ctx path (tree/ref (tree/ref ctx :frontmatter) (string->keyword target)))
          (render-link* ctx path (ref (ref ctx :frontmatter) (string->keyword target)))
          (fmt "<a href=\"{}\" class=\"{}\">{}</a>"
               (get-href* ctx path target)
               (do (def classes #nil)
                   (def tags (and (tree? target) (tree/ref target :tags)))
                   (def tags (and (tree? target) (ref target :tags)))
                   (doseq (tag tags) (cons! (cat "tag-" (keyword->string tag)) classes))
                   (join classes " "))
               (if (tree? target)
                   (or (tree/ref target :nav-title)
                       (tree/ref target :title))
                   (or (ref target :nav-title)
                       (ref target :title))

(defn render-link (target)

@@ 161,8 161,8 @@

(defn get-posts ()
      (def ret #nil)
      (doseq (p (tree/values (tree/ref (get-ctx) :frontmatter)) ret)
             (when (== :post (tree/ref p :type))
      (doseq (p (tree/values (ref (get-ctx) :frontmatter)) ret)
             (when (== :post (ref p :type))
               (cons! p ret))))

(defn include-resource (res-path)

@@ 178,29 178,29 @@
          (ref (get-ctx) :title)))

(defn this-href ()
      (string/cut (get-path) (inc (length (tree/ref (get-ctx) :content-root-dir)))))
      (string/cut (get-path) (inc (length (ref (get-ctx) :content-root-dir)))))

(defn this-prev-next ()
      (tree/ref (tree/ref (get-ctx) :prev-next-nav)
      (ref (ref (get-ctx) :prev-next-nav)
                (string->keyword (this-href))))

(defn this-prev ()
      (and (this-prev-next)
           (tree/ref (this-prev-next) :prev)))
           (ref (this-prev-next) :prev)))

(defn this-next ()
      (and (this-prev-next)
           (tree/ref (this-prev-next) :next)))
           (ref (this-prev-next) :next)))

(defn component (name props children)
      (def component-fun (tree/ref (tree/ref (get-ctx) :components) name))
      (def component-fun (ref (ref (get-ctx) :components) name))
      (when-not component-fun (exception "Can't find a component called: " name))
      (try (fn (err)
             (efmtln "Error while rendering component {name}"))
           (component-fun props children)))

(defn template (name props children)
      (def template-fun (tree/ref (tree/ref (get-ctx) :templates) (or name :page)))
      (def template-fun (ref (ref (get-ctx) :templates) (or name :page)))
      (when-not template-fun (exception "Can't find a template named: " name))
      (try (fn (err)
             (efmtln "Error while rendering theme {name}"))

@@ 208,13 208,13 @@

(defn add-component (ctx name raw-text component-path)
      (tree/set! (tree/ref ctx :components)
      (tree/set! (ref ctx :components)
                 (parse-component raw-text component-path)))

(defn add-template (ctx name raw-text component-path)
      (tree/set! (tree/ref ctx :templates)
      (tree/set! (ref ctx :templates)
                 (parse-component raw-text component-path)))

@@ 236,6 236,6 @@
               (efmtln "Error while rendering {path}")
             (efmtln "{err:?}"))
           (def content (parse-content ctx path raw-content meta))
           (set! ret (template (tree/ref (get-meta) :type) meta content)))
           (set! ret (template (ref (get-meta) :type) meta content)))
      (return ret))

M ssg/theme/default/components/CategoryNavigation.html => ssg/theme/default/components/CategoryNavigation.html +1 -1
@@ 1,6 1,6 @@
<div class="category-navigation">
		(def cur-cat (tree/ref props :category))
		(def cur-cat (ref props :category))
		(def items (navigation #nil #nil cur-cat))
		(fmt "{} ({})" (capitalize (keyword->string cur-cat)) (length items))

M ssg/theme/default/components/Error.html => ssg/theme/default/components/Error.html +1 -1
@@ 1,4 1,4 @@
<box-wrap box-color="red">
    {{ (tree/ref props :message) }}
    {{ (ref props :message) }}

M ssg/theme/default/components/Favicon.html => ssg/theme/default/components/Favicon.html +2 -2
@@ 1,4 1,4 @@
(when (tree/ref (get-ctx) :favicon)
      (fmt "<link rel=\"icon\" rel=\"icon\" type=\"image/png\" href=\"{}\"/>" (get-href (tree/ref (get-ctx) :favicon))))
(when (ref (get-ctx) :favicon)
      (fmt "<link rel=\"icon\" rel=\"icon\" type=\"image/png\" href=\"{}\"/>" (get-href (ref (get-ctx) :favicon))))

M ssg/theme/default/components/Footer.html => ssg/theme/default/components/Footer.html +1 -1
@@ 1,5 1,5 @@
  (case (tree/ref (get-meta) :type)
  (case (ref (get-meta) :type)
        (:page (component :PageFooter))
        (otherwise ""))

M ssg/theme/default/components/Logo.html => ssg/theme/default/components/Logo.html +3 -3
@@ 1,7 1,7 @@
(when (tree/ref (get-ctx) :logo)
(when (ref (get-ctx) :logo)
      (fmt "<a class=\"logo-link\" href=\"{}\"><img src=\"{}\"/><span>{}</span></a>"
      (get-href "index.html")
      (get-href (tree/ref (get-ctx) :logo))
      (tree/ref (get-ctx) :logo-text)))
      (get-href (ref (get-ctx) :logo))
      (ref (get-ctx) :logo-text)))

M ssg/theme/default/components/PageFooter.html => ssg/theme/default/components/PageFooter.html +8 -8
@@ 1,18 1,18 @@
    {{ (when (tree/ref (get-ctx) :author)
             (cat "by " (tree/ref (get-ctx) :author))) }}
    {{ (when (ref (get-ctx) :author)
             (cat "by " (ref (get-ctx) :author))) }}
    {{ (and (tree/ref (get-meta) :date)
            (cat "Published " (tree/ref (get-meta) :date)))
    {{ (and (ref (get-meta) :date)
            (cat "Published " (ref (get-meta) :date)))
    {{ (and (tree/ref (get-meta) :modified-date)
            (cat "Last modified " (tree/ref (get-meta) :modified-date)))
    {{ (and (ref (get-meta) :modified-date)
            (cat "Last modified " (ref (get-meta) :modified-date)))
  {{ (or (tree/ref (get-ctx) :imprint) "") }}
  {{ (or (ref (get-ctx) :imprint) "") }}
  {{ (or (tree/ref (get-ctx) :contact) "") }}
  {{ (or (ref (get-ctx) :contact) "") }}

M ssg/theme/default/components/PostSnippet.html => ssg/theme/default/components/PostSnippet.html +5 -5
@@ 1,10 1,10 @@
<div class="post-snippet">
	<h4 class="post-date">{{ (tree/ref props :date) }}</h4>
	<h4 class="post-date">{{ (ref props :date) }}</h4>
		<a href="{{ (get-href (tree/ref props :href)) }}">
			{{ (tree/ref props :title) }}
		<a href="{{ (get-href (ref props :href)) }}">
			{{ (ref props :title) }}
	<p>{{ (tree/ref props :summary) }}</p>
	<a href="{{ (get-href (tree/ref props :href)) }}">Read more</a>
	<p>{{ (ref props :summary) }}</p>
	<a href="{{ (get-href (ref props :href)) }}">Read more</a>

M ssg/theme/default/components/PrevNextNav.html => ssg/theme/default/components/PrevNextNav.html +1 -1
@@ 1,5 1,5 @@
(when (and (not (tree/ref (get-meta) :hide-prev-next)) (or (this-prev) (this-next)))
(when (and (not (ref (get-meta) :hide-prev-next)) (or (this-prev) (this-next)))
      (cat (fmt "<div class=\"prev-chapter\">{}</div>" (render-link (this-prev)))
           (fmt "<div class=\"next-chapter\">{}</div>" (render-link (this-next)))))

M ssg/theme/default/templates/page.html => ssg/theme/default/templates/page.html +1 -1
@@ 7,7 7,7 @@
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ (include-resource "resources/main.css") }}"/>
    {{ (component :Favicon) }}
  <body page-type="{{ (keyword->string (or (tree/ref props :type) :page)) }}">
  <body page-type="{{ (keyword->string (or (ref props :type) :page)) }}">
      {{ (component :Header) }}

M ssg/theme/default/templates/post.html => ssg/theme/default/templates/post.html +5 -5
@@ 7,15 7,15 @@
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ (include-resource "resources/main.css") }}"/>
    {{ (component :Favicon) }}
  <body page-type="{{ (keyword->string (or (tree/ref props :type) :post)) }}">
  <body page-type="{{ (keyword->string (or (ref props :type) :post)) }}">
      {{ (component :Header) }}
      <h4 class="post-date">{{ (tree/ref props :date) }}</h4>
      {{ (when (tree/ref props :author)
               (cat "<h4 class=\"byline\">by " (tree/ref props :author) "</h4>")) }}
      <h1>{{ (tree/ref props :title) }}</h1>
      <h4 class="post-date">{{ (ref props :date) }}</h4>
      {{ (when (ref props :author)
               (cat "<h4 class=\"byline\">by " (ref props :author) "</h4>")) }}
      <h1>{{ (ref props :title) }}</h1>
      {{ children }}