M content/reference/core/generator.nuj => content/reference/core/generator.nuj +7 -2
@@ 66,8 66,8 @@
[when examples
[cat "<h4>Examples</h4><pre class=\"docstring-examples source source-nujel\">"
[-> examples
- [map [fn [e] [pp-nujel [fmt "{:?}\n{:?}\n\n" [cadr e] [car e]] :html]]]
- [join ""]]
+ [map [fn [e] [pp-nujel [fmt "{:?}\n{:?}\n" [cadr e] [car e]] :html]]]
+ [join "\n"]]
[defn closure-html-related [f]
@@ 79,9 79,14 @@
[join ""]]
+[defn closure-html-internal [f]
+ [when [meta f :internal]
+ "{{ [component :InternalWarning] }}"]]
[defn generate-reference-for [f]
[cat [closure-signature f]
+ [closure-html-internal f]
[closure-html-documentation f]
[closure-html-examples f]
[closure-html-related f]]]
M content/reference/index.html => content/reference/index.html +3 -1
@@ 16,10 16,12 @@ date: "2022-09-13"
All the documentation here is generated by parsing the built-in documentation and some additional metadata. All the examples seen here are also just pretty printed unit tests which are run on every commit.
+<div class="category-list">
[def cats @[]]
[-> [symbol-table]
[map resolve]
[for-each [fn [a] [tree/set! cats [closure/cat a] #t]]]]
- [join [map [tree/keys cats] [fn [a] [component :CategoryNavigation @[:category a]]]] "<br/><br/>"]
+ [join [map [tree/keys cats] [fn [a] [component :CategoryNavigation @[:category a]]]] ""]
\ No newline at end of file
M ssg/content.nuj => ssg/content.nuj +1 -1
@@ 10,7 10,7 @@
[file/copy [car res] [fmt "{deploy-dir}/{}" [cdr res]]]]]
[defn path/content? [path]
- [= [lowercase [path/extension path]] "html"]]
+ [= [lower-case [path/extension path]] "html"]]
[defn load-frontmatter [path name content-frontmatter]
[when-not [path/content? path] [return #nil]]
M ssg/loader.nuj => ssg/loader.nuj +1 -1
@@ 38,7 38,7 @@
[defn build [ctx path]
"Build a certain path using the loader"
- [def ext [string->keyword [lowercase [path/extension path]]]]
+ [def ext [string->keyword [lower-case [path/extension path]]]]
[if [== ext :html]
[build-html ctx path]
[build-copy ctx path]]]
M ssg/theme/default/components/CategoryNavigation.html => ssg/theme/default/components/CategoryNavigation.html +10 -4
@@ 1,4 1,10 @@
-<h2>{{ [def cur-cat [tree/ref props :category]] [keyword->string cur-cat] }}</h2>
-{{ [join [sort [map [navigation #nil #nil cur-cat] [fn [v] [render-link v]]]] "<br/>"] }}
\ No newline at end of file
+<div class="category-navigation">
+ <h2>{{
+ [def cur-cat [tree/ref props :category]]
+ [def items [navigation #nil #nil cur-cat]]
+ [fmt "{} ({})" [capitalize [keyword->string cur-cat]] [length items]]
+ }}</h2>
+ <nav>
+ {{ [join [sort [map items [fn [v] [render-link v]]]] "<br/>"] }}
+ </nav>
\ No newline at end of file
A ssg/theme/default/components/InternalWarning.html => ssg/theme/default/components/InternalWarning.html +5 -0
@@ 0,0 1,5 @@
+<box-wrap box-color="red">
+ <h3>Warning</h3>
+ <p>This function is declared internal, so there are no guarantees whatsoever regarding its existence or functionality.</p>
+ <p>Have fun playing around with the internals but please try not to use any of these in any library or application.</p>
\ No newline at end of file
M ssg/theme/default/resources/main.css => ssg/theme/default/resources/main.css +13 -0
@@ 466,4 466,17 @@ h4 {
color: #8f949e;
font-size: 1.4rem;
margin-bottom: 0.25em;
+.category-navigation > nav {
+ display: block;
+ column-count: 5;
+ margin-bottom: 2rem;
+@media (max-width: 780px) {
+ .category-navigation > nav {
+ display: block;
+ column-count: 3;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file