
e4fe5b4e7ea92100aa80e78231c987a8ada7b3e4 — Benjamin Vincent Schulenburg 2 years ago 0bdadfb
MUCH better reference/documentation
A content/reference/core/generator.nuj => content/reference/core/generator.nuj +99 -0
@@ 0,0 1,99 @@
[import [pp-nujel] :pretty/nujel]

[defn closure-signature [f]
      [def args ""]
      [def arg-i 0]
      [def arguments [closure/arguments f]]
      [while arguments
        [if [pair? arguments]
            [when [car arguments] [set! args [fmt "{args} <span class=\"argument\" arg-i=\"{}\">{}</span>" [inc! arg-i] [car arguments]]]]
            [set! args [fmt "{args} <span class=\"argument rest-argument\" arg-i=\"{}\">{}</span>" [inc! arg-i] arguments]]]
        [cdr! arguments]]
      [fmt "<div class=\"signature\"><h1>{}</h1>{}</div>" [closure/name f] args]]

[defn closure-html-arg [f arg]
      [def i [index-of arg ":"]]
      [when [< i 0] [return arg]]
      [return [fmt "<div class=\"docstring-arg-name\">{}</div><div class=\"docstring-arg-desc\">{}</div>" [string/cut arg 0 i] [color-args f [string/cut arg [inc i]]]]]]

[defn closure-html-arguments [f args]
      [def i 0]
      [fmt "<div class=\"docstring-args-wrap\">{}</div>"
           [join [map [split args "\n"]
                      [fn [arg]
                          [fmt "<div class=\"docstring-arg\" arg-i=\"{}\">{}</div>" [inc! i] [closure-html-arg f arg]]]] ""]]]

[defn closure-html-return-val [f v]
      [fmt "<div class=\"docstring-return-val\">{}</div>" [color-args f v]]]

[defn color-args [f text]
      [def i 0]
      [def args [closure/arguments f]]
      [while args
             [inc! i]
             [if [pair? args]
                 [def arg [car args]]
                 [def arg args]]
             [set! text [join [split text [string arg]] [fmt "<span class=\"arg-ref\" arg-i=\"{}\">{arg}</span>" i]]]
             [cdr! args]]
      [return text]]

[defn closure-html-documentation [f]
      [def raw [closure/documentation f]]
      [when-not raw [return "<p>No documentation available</p>"]]
      [def parts [split raw "\n\n"]]
      [def ret [fmt "<h4>Summary</h4><p class=\"docstring-intro\">{}</p>" [color-args f [car parts]]]]
      [cdr! parts]
      [def len [length parts]]
      [when [> len 2]
        [set! ret [fmt "{ret}<h4>Description</h4>"]]]
      [while [> len 2]
        [set! ret [fmt "{ret}<p class=\"docstring-desc\">{}</p>" [color-args f [car parts]]]]
        [cdr! parts]
        [dec! len]]
      [when [>= len 2]
        [set! ret [fmt "{ret}<h4>Arguments</h4>{}" [closure-html-arguments f [car parts]]]]
        [cdr! parts]
        [dec! len]]
      [when [>= len 1]
        [set! ret [fmt "{ret}<h4>Return value</h4>{}" [closure-html-return-val f [car parts]]]]
        [cdr! parts]
        [dec! len]]
      [return ret]]

[defn closure-html-examples [f]
      [def examples [meta f :tests]]
      [when examples
        [cat "<h4>Examples</h4><pre class=\"docstring-examples source source-nujel\">"
             [-> examples
                 [map [fn [e] [pp-nujel [fmt "{:?}\n{:?}\n\n" [cadr e] [car e]] :html]]]
                 [join ""]]

[defn closure-html-related [f]
      [def rel [meta f :related]]
      [when rel
        [cat "<h4>Related</h4><div class=\"docstring-related-wrap\">"
             [-> rel
                 [map [fn [e] [fmt "{} "  e]]]
                 [join ""]]

[defn generate-reference-for [f]
      [cat [closure-signature f]
           [closure-html-documentation f]
           [closure-html-examples f]
           [closure-html-related f]]]

[defn generate-content-for [f]
      [def filename [fmt "{}.html" [closure/name f]]]
      [when [= filename ".html"] [return #nil]]
      [queue-content filename
                     @[:type :page :title [closure/name f] :category [closure/cat f]]
                     [fn [] [generate-reference-for f]]]]

[-> [symbol-table]
    [map resolve]
    [filter callable?]
    [for-each generate-content-for]]

M content/reference/index.html => content/reference/index.html +17 -4
@@ 5,8 5,21 @@ date: "2022-09-13"

<h1>The Nujel reference</h1>
<p>This is an experiment in generating a usable reference using the builtin reflection abilities, they will be pretty terrible at first, but hopefully will improve over time in quality.</p>
    This is an experiment in generating a usable reference using the builtin reflection abilities,
    they will be pretty terrible at first, but hopefully will improve over time in quality.
    The ones that are categorized should hopefully have some passable documentation attached, the unsorted rest will hopefully shrink over time as I document the standard library.
    All the documentation here is generated by parsing the built-in documentation and some additional metadata. All the examples seen here are also just pretty printed unit tests which are run on every commit.

    {{ [join [sort [map [navigation 2 "reference/"] [fn [v] [render-link v]]]] "<br/>"] }}
\ No newline at end of file
    [def cats @[]]
    [-> [symbol-table]
        [map resolve]
        [for-each [fn [a] [tree/set! cats [closure/cat a] #t]]]]
    [join [map [tree/keys cats] [fn [a] [component :CategoryNavigation @[:category a]]]] "<br/><br/>"]

M main.nuj => main.nuj +9 -4
@@ 4,16 4,21 @@
;;; Most functionality is separated into modules that can be found under /ssg/

[import [rainbow] :ansi]
[import [get :as context/get] "ssg/context"]
[import [build :as content/build add-resources] "ssg/content"]
[import [get :as context-get] "ssg/context"]
[import [build-ctx build-queued generate-content build-frontmatter-index add-resources] "ssg/content"]
[import [load-builtin-themes load-components] "ssg/theme"]
[import [build-prev-next-list] "ssg/navigation"]

[defn main [args]
      [pfmtln "Welcome to the {} SSG" [rainbow "Nujel"]]
      [when [and [car args] [string? [car args]]] [cd [car args]]]
      [-> [context/get "./"]
      [-> [context-get "./"]

M ssg/content.nuj => ssg/content.nuj +45 -11
@@ 1,6 1,5 @@
[import [build :as loader/build] "loader"]
[import [parse-frontmatter frontmatter get-frontmatter] "theme"]
[import [build-prev-next-list] "navigation"]
[import [build :as loader/build mkdir-safe get-out-path] "loader"]
[import [render parse-frontmatter frontmatter get-frontmatter] "theme"]

[defn add-resources [ctx]

@@ 21,13 20,37 @@
[defn build-content [ctx path content-frontmatter build-fun]
      [when [file/file? [cat path "/config.nuj"]]
        [set! ctx [tree/merge ctx [file/eval [cat path "/config.nuj"]]]]]
      [doseq [c [directory/read-relative path] content-frontmatter]
      [doseq [c [directory/read-relative path] ctx]
             [if [file/dir? c]
                 [build-content ctx c content-frontmatter build-fun]
                 [build-fun ctx c content-frontmatter]]]]

[defn build [ctx]
      "Build everything"
[defn queue-content* [ctx base-path out-path fm content-fun]
      [def path [cat base-path out-path]]
      [def href [string/cut path [inc [length [tree/ref ctx :content-root-dir]]]]]
      [tree/set! fm :href href]
      [tree/set! fm :depth [- [length [split [tree/ref fm :href] "/"]] 1]]
      [tree/set! [tree/ref ctx :frontmatter] [string->keyword href] fm]
      [tree/set! [tree/ref ctx :generator-queue] [string->keyword href] @[:path path :meta fm :fun content-fun]]]

[defn generate-content [ctx]
      "Generate all autogenerated content"
      [build-content ctx
                     [tree/ref ctx :content-root-dir]
                     [tree/ref ctx :frontmatter]
                     [fn [ctx path content-frontmatter]
                         [when-not [== [path/basename path] "generator.nuj"]
                                   [return #nil]]
                       [def base-path [cat [path/dirname path] "/"]]
                       [defn queue-content [out-path fm content-fun]
                             [queue-content* ctx base-path out-path fm content-fun]]
                       [file/eval path [current-closure]]]]]

[defn build-frontmatter-index [ctx]
      "Load all the frontmatters and look generate datastructures necessary for building navigations"
      [def content-frontmatter @[]]
      [build-content ctx

@@ 37,10 60,21 @@
                         [load-frontmatter path
                                           [string/cut path [inc [length [tree/ref ctx :content-root-dir]]]]
      [tree/set! ctx :frontmatter content-frontmatter]
      [build-prev-next-list ctx]
      [tree/set! ctx :frontmatter content-frontmatter]]

[defn build-ctx [ctx]
      "Build everything"
      [build-content ctx
                     [tree/ref ctx :content-root-dir]
      [return ctx]]
                     [tree/ref ctx :frontmatter]

[defn build-queued [ctx]
      "Build queued generator content"
      [doseq [d [tree/values [tree/ref ctx :generator-queue]] ctx]
             [def raw-content [[tree/ref d :fun]]]
             [def path [get-out-path ctx [tree/ref d :path]]]
             [mkdir-safe [path/dirname path]]
             [spit path [render ctx path [tree/ref d :meta] raw-content]]]]

M ssg/context.nuj => ssg/context.nuj +1 -1
@@ 12,4 12,4 @@
         :templates @[]

         :resources-needed @[]
         :loaders @[]]]
         :generator-queue @[]]]

M ssg/loader.nuj => ssg/loader.nuj +10 -3
@@ 1,10 1,12 @@
[import [render] "theme"]
[import [render split-frontmatter get-frontmatter] "theme"]

[defn get-out-path [ctx path]
      [cat [tree/ref ctx :deploy-dir]
           [string/cut path [length [tree/ref ctx :content-root-dir]]]]]

[defn mkdir-safe [full-path]
      [def parts [split full-path "/"]]
      [def path #nil]
      [while parts

@@ 15,10 17,15 @@
        [mkdir path]]]

[defn build-html [ctx path]
      "Loader that just copies the file over"
      "Loader that renders a HTML template"
      [def dest-path [get-out-path ctx path]]
      [mkdir-safe [path/dirname dest-path]]
      [spit dest-path [render ctx path]]
      [def page-parts [split-frontmatter [slurp path]]]
      [def meta [get-frontmatter path
                                 [string/cut path [inc [length [tree/ref ctx :content-root-dir]]]]
                                 [car page-parts]]]
      [spit dest-path [render ctx path meta [cdr page-parts]]]
      [return dest-path]]

[defn build-copy [ctx path]

M ssg/navigation.nuj => ssg/navigation.nuj +3 -1
@@ 22,7 22,7 @@
        [cdr! c]]
      [tree/set! ctx :prev-next-nav nav]]

[defn build [ctx depth prefix]
[defn build [ctx depth prefix category]
      "Build up a navigation and return a list of trees, describing the entries"
      [def l [-> [tree/values [tree/ref ctx :frontmatter]]

@@ 31,5 31,7 @@
        [set! l [filter l [fn [a] [== depth [tree/ref a :depth]]]]]]
      [when prefix
        [set! l [filter l [fn [a] [== prefix [cut [tree/ref a :href] 0 [buffer/length prefix]]]]]]]
      [when category
        [set! l [filter l [fn [a] [== category [tree/ref a :category]]]]]]
      [list/sort l [fn [a b] [< [tree/ref a :href]
                                [tree/ref b :href]]]]]

M ssg/theme.nuj => ssg/theme.nuj +15 -9
@@ 115,13 115,23 @@
[defn set-component-path! [new-path]
      [set! *cur-component-path* new-path]]

[defn urlescape [in]
      [with-string-port out
                        [dotimes [i [buffer/length in]]
                          [def c [buffer/ref in i]]
                          [case c
                                [#\# [out 'block-write "%23"]]
                                [#\& [out 'block-write "%26"]]
                                [#\? [out 'block-write "%3F"]]
                                [otherwise [out 'char-write c]]]]]]

[defn get-href* [ctx path target]
      [def name [string/cut path [inc [length [tree/ref ctx :content-root-dir]]]]]
      [def depth [- [length [split name "/"]] 1]]
      [def href [if [tree? target]
                    [tree/ref target :href]
      [dotimes [i depth href]
      [dotimes [i depth [urlescape href]]
        [set! href [cat "../" href]]]]

[defn render-link* [ctx path target]

@@ 140,8 150,8 @@
[defn get-href [target]
      [get-href* [get-ctx] [get-path] target]]

[defn navigation [depth prefix]
      [navigation/build [get-ctx] depth prefix]]
[defn navigation [depth prefix category]
      [navigation/build [get-ctx] depth prefix category]]

[defn get-posts []
      [def ret #nil]

@@ 208,14 218,10 @@
                 [set-component-path! old-component-path]
                 [return ret]]]]

[defn render [ctx path]
[defn render [ctx path meta raw-content]
      [def page-parts [split-frontmatter [slurp path]]]
      [def meta [get-frontmatter path
                                 [string/cut path [inc [length [tree/ref ctx :content-root-dir]]]]
                                 [car page-parts]]]
      [set-page-ctx! ctx path meta]
      [def content [parse-content ctx path [cdr page-parts] meta]]
      [def content [parse-content ctx path raw-content meta]]
      [def ret [template [tree/ref [get-meta] :type] meta content]]
      [return ret]]

A ssg/theme/default/components/CategoryNavigation.html => ssg/theme/default/components/CategoryNavigation.html +4 -0
@@ 0,0 1,4 @@
<h2>{{ [def cur-cat [tree/ref props :category]] [keyword->string cur-cat] }}</h2>
{{ [join [sort [map [navigation #nil #nil cur-cat] [fn [v] [render-link v]]]] "<br/>"] }}
\ No newline at end of file

M ssg/theme/default/resources/main.css => ssg/theme/default/resources/main.css +94 -1
@@ 373,4 373,97 @@ h6 a{
.nujel-hl-12 {color:#528bff;}
.nujel-hl-13 {color:#7e0097;}
.nujel-hl-14 {color:#56b6c2;}
.nujel-hl-15 {color:#d7dae0; font-weight: bold;}
\ No newline at end of file
.nujel-hl-15 {color:#d7dae0; font-weight: bold;}

.signature {
	display: inline-block;
	font-size: 1.4rem;
.signature::before {
.signature::after {

.signature h1 {
	display: inline;
	padding: 0;
	margin: 0;
	font-size: inherit;
	font-weight: normal;
	font-family: 'Gill Sans', 'Gill Sans MT', Calibri, 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif;

.signature > .argument {
.signature > .argument.rest-argument::before {
	content:' . ';

.signature > .argument[arg-i="1"] {color:#56b6c2;}
.signature > .argument[arg-i="2"] {color:#98c379;}
.signature > .argument[arg-i="3"] {color:#d5b06b;}
.signature > .argument[arg-i="4"] {color:#e06c75;}
.signature > .argument[arg-i="5"] {color:#c678dd;}
.signature > .argument[arg-i="6"] {color:#528bff;}

.docstring-intro {

.docstring-desc {
	margin-bottom: 1em;

.docstring-arg-name {
	display: block;
.docstring-arg-desc {
	display: inline-block;
.docstring-arg {
	margin-bottom: 1em;
.docstring-arg:last-child {
	margin-bottom: 0;

.docstring-args-wrap {
	margin-bottom: 2em;

.docstring-arg[arg-i="1"] .docstring-arg-name {color:#56b6c2;}
.docstring-arg[arg-i="2"] .docstring-arg-name {color:#98c379;}
.docstring-arg[arg-i="3"] .docstring-arg-name {color:#d5b06b;}
.docstring-arg[arg-i="4"] .docstring-arg-name {color:#e06c75;}
.docstring-arg[arg-i="5"] .docstring-arg-name {color:#c678dd;}
.docstring-arg[arg-i="6"] .docstring-arg-name {color:#528bff;}

.arg-ref[arg-i="1"] {color:#56b6c2;}
.arg-ref[arg-i="2"] {color:#98c379;}
.arg-ref[arg-i="3"] {color:#d5b06b;}
.arg-ref[arg-i="4"] {color:#e06c75;}
.arg-ref[arg-i="5"] {color:#c678dd;}
.arg-ref[arg-i="6"] {color:#528bff;}

p {
	margin: 0 0 1em 0;
	font-size: 1rem;
	line-height: 1.35em;

h4 {
	color: #8f949e;
	font-size: 1.4rem;
	margin-bottom: 0.25em;
\ No newline at end of file