
0bdadfbd1b406a5cd845fbe65113314e9f22b5f3 — Benjamin Vincent Schulenburg 2 years ago 0bf82e1
Some code cleanup
14 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 130 deletions(-)

M content/docs.html
M content/index.html
M content/language/index.html
A content/reference/index.html
M main.nuj
M ssg/content.nuj
M ssg/loader.nuj
D ssg/loader/config.nuj
D ssg/loader/copy.nuj
D ssg/loader/html-content.nuj
M ssg/navigation.nuj
D ssg/pretty.nuj
M ssg/theme.nuj
M ssg/theme/default.nuj
M content/docs.html => content/docs.html +0 -2
@@ 11,6 11,4 @@ hide-prev-next: #t
    {{ [join [sort [map [navigation 1] [fn [v] [render-link v]]]] "<br/>"] }}

M content/index.html => content/index.html +6 -6
@@ 69,6 69,12 @@ hide-in-nav: #t
      <td><a href="https://builds.sr.ht/~melchizedek6809/Nujel/">SourceHut CI</a></td>
      <td>armv7 | aarch64</td>
      <td>RaspberryPI OS</td>
      <td>Semi-regular manual testing</td>
      <td>DragonflyBSD | HaikuOS</td>
      <td>system default</td>

@@ 87,12 93,6 @@ hide-in-nav: #t
      <td>Irregular manual testing</td>
      <td>armv7 | aarch64</td>
      <td>RaspberryPI OS</td>
      <td>Irregular manual testing</td>
      <td>Windows 10</td>
      <td>Visual Studio</td>

M content/language/index.html => content/language/index.html +1 -1
@@ 17,5 17,5 @@ Most functions/macros borrow their name directly from <i>Clojure</i> or <i>Commo

    {{ [join [sort [map [navigation 2] [fn [v] [render-link v]]]] "<br/>"] }}
    {{ [join [sort [map [navigation #nil "language/chapters"] [fn [v] [render-link v]]]] "<br/>"] }}
\ No newline at end of file

A content/reference/index.html => content/reference/index.html +12 -0
@@ 0,0 1,12 @@
title: "Nujel reference"
nav-title: "Nujel reference"
date: "2022-09-13"

<h1>The Nujel reference</h1>
<p>This is an experiment in generating a usable reference using the builtin reflection abilities, they will be pretty terrible at first, but hopefully will improve over time in quality.</p>

    {{ [join [sort [map [navigation 2 "reference/"] [fn [v] [render-link v]]]] "<br/>"] }}
\ No newline at end of file

M main.nuj => main.nuj +0 -3
@@ 6,16 6,13 @@
[import [rainbow] :ansi]
[import [get :as context/get] "ssg/context"]
[import [build :as content/build add-resources] "ssg/content"]
[import [add-default :as loader/add-default] "ssg/loader"]
[import [load-builtin-themes load-components] "ssg/theme"]

[defn main [args]
      [pfmtln "Welcome to the {} SSG" [rainbow "Nujel"]]
      [when [and [car args] [string? [car args]]] [cd [car args]]]

      [-> [context/get "./"]

M ssg/content.nuj => ssg/content.nuj +1 -6
@@ 2,11 2,6 @@
[import [parse-frontmatter frontmatter get-frontmatter] "theme"]
[import [build-prev-next-list] "navigation"]

[defn get-out-path [ctx path]
      [cat [tree/ref ctx :deploy-dir]
           [string/cut path [length [tree/ref ctx :content-root-dir]]]]]

[defn add-resources [ctx]
      "Copy all resources used over"

@@ 48,4 43,4 @@
                     [tree/ref ctx :content-root-dir]
      [return ctx]]

M ssg/loader.nuj => ssg/loader.nuj +29 -20
@@ 1,28 1,37 @@
[def loaders @[]]
[import [render] "theme"]

[defn add-loader [extension handler]
      "Add a loader for a specific file extension"
      [tree/set! loaders extension handler]]
[defn get-out-path [ctx path]
      [cat [tree/ref ctx :deploy-dir]
           [string/cut path [length [tree/ref ctx :content-root-dir]]]]]

[defn init [ctx]
      [require "loader/copy"]
      [require "loader/config"]
      [require "loader/html-content"]
      [return ctx]]
[defn mkdir-safe [full-path]
      [def parts [split full-path "/"]]
      [def path #nil]
      [while parts
        [set! path [if path
                       [cat path "/" [car parts]]
                       [car parts]]]
        [cdr! parts]
        [mkdir path]]]

[defn add-default [ctx]
      "Add the default loaders to the CTX"
      [init ctx]
      [def ctx-loaders [tree/ref ctx :loaders]]
      [doseq [ext [tree/keys loaders] ctx]
             [tree/set! ctx-loaders ext [tree/ref loaders ext]]]]
[defn build-html [ctx path]
      "Loader that just copies the file over"
      [def dest-path [get-out-path ctx path]]
      [mkdir-safe [path/dirname dest-path]]
      [spit dest-path [render ctx path]]
      [return dest-path]]

[defn build-copy [ctx path]
      "Loader that just copies the file over"
      [def dest-path [get-out-path ctx path]]
      [mkdir-safe [path/dirname dest-path]]
      [file/copy path dest-path]

[defn build [ctx path]
      "Build a certain path using the loader"
      [def ctx-loaders [tree/ref ctx :loaders]]
      [def ext [string->keyword [lowercase [path/extension path]]]]
      [[or [tree/ref ctx-loaders ext]
           [tree/ref ctx-loaders :otherwise]] ctx path]]
      [if [== ext :html]
          [build-html ctx path]
          [build-copy ctx path]]]

D ssg/loader/config.nuj => ssg/loader/config.nuj +0 -9
@@ 1,9 0,0 @@
[import [add-loader] "../loader"]
[import [get-out-path] "../content"]
[import [render] "../theme"]

[defn build [ctx path]
      "Loader that just copies the file over"
      [return #nil]]

[add-loader :nuj build]

D ssg/loader/copy.nuj => ssg/loader/copy.nuj +0 -11
@@ 1,11 0,0 @@
[import [add-loader] "../loader"]
[import [get-out-path] "../content"]\

[defn build [ctx path]
      "Loader that just copies the file over"
      [def dest-path [get-out-path ctx path]]
      [mkdir [path/dirname dest-path]]
      [file/copy path dest-path]

[add-loader :otherwise build]

D ssg/loader/html-content.nuj => ssg/loader/html-content.nuj +0 -22
@@ 1,22 0,0 @@
[import [add-loader] "../loader"]
[import [get-out-path] "../content"]
[import [render] "../theme"]

[defn mkdir-safe [full-path]
      [def parts [split full-path "/"]]
      [def path #nil]
      [while parts
        [set! path [if path
                       [cat path "/" [car parts]]
                       [car parts]]]
        [cdr! parts]
        [mkdir path]]]

[defn build [ctx path]
      "Loader that just copies the file over"
      [def dest-path [get-out-path ctx path]]
      [mkdir-safe [path/dirname dest-path]]
      [spit dest-path [render ctx path]]
      [return dest-path]]

[add-loader :html build]

M ssg/navigation.nuj => ssg/navigation.nuj +11 -8
@@ 22,11 22,14 @@
        [cdr! c]]
      [tree/set! ctx :prev-next-nav nav]]

[defn build [ctx depth]
  "Build up a navigation and return a list of trees, describing the entries"
  [-> [tree/values [tree/ref ctx :frontmatter]]
      [filter [fn [a] [== depth [tree/ref a :depth]]]]
      [filter [fn [a] [not [tree/ref a :hide-in-nav]]]]
      [list/sort [fn [a b] [< [tree/ref a :href]
                              [tree/ref b :href]]]]]]
[defn build [ctx depth prefix]
      "Build up a navigation and return a list of trees, describing the entries"
      [def l [-> [tree/values [tree/ref ctx :frontmatter]]
                 [filter [fn [a] [not [tree/ref a :hide-in-nav]]]]]]
      [when depth
        [set! l [filter l [fn [a] [== depth [tree/ref a :depth]]]]]]
      [when prefix
        [set! l [filter l [fn [a] [== prefix [cut [tree/ref a :href] 0 [buffer/length prefix]]]]]]]
      [list/sort l [fn [a b] [< [tree/ref a :href]
                                [tree/ref b :href]]]]]

D ssg/pretty.nuj => ssg/pretty.nuj +0 -14
@@ 1,14 0,0 @@
[defn pp-nujel-top [source i pp]
      [def len [buffer/length i]]
      [while [< i len]
        [def c [buffer/ref source i]]
        [case c
              [\; [set! i [pp-nujel-comment-eol source [inc i] pp]]]
              [otherwise [pp 'char-write c]
                         [inc/int i]]]]]

[defn pretty-print-nujel [source]
      [def pp [make-string-output-port]]
      [pp-nujel-top source 0 pp]
      [pp 'return-string]]

M ssg/theme.nuj => ssg/theme.nuj +4 -3
@@ 1,10 1,11 @@
[import [build :as navigation/build] "navigation"]

[def themes @[]]

[defn Nujel [source]
      [import [pp-nujel] :pretty/nujel]
      [pp-nujel source :html]]

[def themes @[]]
[defn add-theme [name mod]
      [tree/set! themes name [module/load mod [current-closure]]]]

@@ 139,8 140,8 @@
[defn get-href [target]
      [get-href* [get-ctx] [get-path] target]]

[defn navigation [depth]
      [navigation/build [get-ctx] depth]]
[defn navigation [depth prefix]
      [navigation/build [get-ctx] depth prefix]]

[defn get-posts []
      [def ret #nil]

M ssg/theme/default.nuj => ssg/theme/default.nuj +12 -25
@@ 2,31 2,18 @@

[def +theme-path+ [fmt "{}/default" *module-path*]]

[defn load-templates [ctx]
      "Load all the partials"
      [doseq [comp-file [directory/read-recursive [fmt "{+theme-path+}/templates"]] ctx]
             [add-template ctx
                            [-> comp-file
                            [slurp comp-file]
                            [cat [path/dirname comp-file] "/.."]]]]

[defn load-components [ctx]
      "Load all the partials"
      [doseq [comp-file [directory/read-recursive [fmt "{+theme-path+}/components"]] ctx]
             [add-component ctx
                            [-> comp-file
                            [slurp comp-file]
                            [cat [path/dirname comp-file] "/.."]]]]
[defn load-part [ctx suffix fun]
      [doseq [comp-file [directory/read-recursive [fmt "{+theme-path+}/{suffix}"]] ctx]
              [-> comp-file
              [slurp comp-file]
              [cat [path/dirname comp-file] "/.."]]]]

[defn init [ctx]
      [load-components ctx]
      [load-templates ctx]]
      [load-part ctx "templates" add-template]
      [load-part ctx "components" add-component]]