M client/client.mk => client/client.mk +11 -1
@@ 14,7 14,7 @@ TXT_ASSETS := $(shell find client/txt -type f -name '*')
MESHASSETS := $(shell find client/mesh -type f -name '*')
CLIENT_NUJ := $(shell find client/src/nujel/ -type f -name '*.nuj' | sort)
CLIENT_NO := $(CLIENT_NUJ:.nuj=.no)
-CLIENT_NUJ_ASSETS := client/src/tmp/client.no
+CLIENT_NUJ_ASSETS := client/src/tmp/client.nuj
CLIENT_TMP_SRCS := client/src/tmp/objs.c client/src/tmp/gfxAssets.c client/src/tmp/sfxAssets.c client/src/tmp/shdAssets.c client/src/tmp/txtAssets.c client/src/tmp/nujAssets.c client/src/tmp/meshAssets.c common/src/tmp/assets.c common/src/tmp/cto.c client/src/tmp/sfx.c
@@ 33,6 33,11 @@ $(CLIENT_OBJS_EXCL): | common/src/tmp/cto.c
$(CLIENT_OBJS): | client/src/tmp/objs.h
$(CLIENT_OBJS): | client/src/tmp/sfx.h
+.PHONY: common/nujel/nujel.a
+ @$(MAKE) -C common/nujel nujel.a
$(WOLKENWELTEN): $(CLIENT_OBJS) $(ASM_OBJS) $(CLIENT_TMP_OBJS) common/nujel/nujel.a common/nujel/tmp/stdlib.o
@echo "$(ANSI_BG_GREEN)" "[LD] " "$(ANSI_RESET)" $@
@@ 42,6 47,11 @@ client/src/tmp/client.no: $(CLIENT_NO)
@cat $^ > $@
@echo "$(ANSI_GREY)" "[CAT]" "$(ANSI_RESET)" $@
+client/src/tmp/client.nuj: $(CLIENT_NUJ)
+ @mkdir -p client/src/tmp
+ @cat $^ > $@
+ @echo "$(ANSI_GREY)" "[CAT]" "$(ANSI_RESET)" $@
%.ogg: %.aif
@$(FFMPEG) -hide_banner -y -v panic -i $< -ac 1 -ar 22050 -acodec libvorbis $@ < /dev/null
@echo "$(ANSI_CYAN)" "[FF] " "$(ANSI_RESET)" $@
M client/src/binding/widgetGC.c => client/src/binding/widgetGC.c +1 -1
@@ 26,7 26,7 @@
#include "../../../common/nujel/lib/exception.h"
#include "../../../common/nujel/lib/allocation/garbage-collection.h"
#include "../../../common/nujel/lib/allocation/roots.h"
-#include "../../../common/nujel/lib/s-expression/writer.h"
+#include "../../../common/nujel/lib/misc/pf.h"
#include <string.h>
M client/src/game/character.c => client/src/game/character.c +2 -2
@@ 348,7 348,7 @@ void characterDie(character *c){
c->flags |= CHAR_SPAWNING;
printf("Character Died\n");
- lispEval("[event-fire \"on-spawn\"]",false);
+ lispCallFunc("on-spawn-fire", NULL);
static void updateGlide(character *c){
@@ 972,7 972,7 @@ void characterSetData(character *c, const packet *p){
connectionState = 2;
c->flags &= ~CHAR_SPAWNING;
- lispEval("[event-fire \"on-join\"]",false);
+ lispCallFunc("on-join-fire", NULL);
void characterSetName(const packet *p){
M client/src/game/throwable.c => client/src/game/throwable.c +0 -2
@@ 22,12 22,10 @@
#include "../../../common/src/misc/profiling.h"
#include "../../../common/src/network/messages.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
void throwableNew(const vec pos, const vec rot, float speed, const item itm, being thrower, i8 damage, u8 flags){
packet *p = &packetBuffer;
const uint counter = 0;
const vec vel = vecMulS(vecDegToVec(rot),speed);
- printf("Throwable new speed: %f\n",speed);
p->v.u16[ 0] = 0;
p->v.u16[ 1] = 0;
M client/src/main.c => client/src/main.c +2 -2
@@ 215,7 215,7 @@ void checkAutostart(){
-int main( int argc, char* argv[] ){
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
@@ 248,7 248,7 @@ int main( int argc, char* argv[] ){
- lispCallFuncS("event-fire","on-init");
+ lispCallFunc("on-init-fire", NULL);
M client/src/misc/lisp.c => client/src/misc/lisp.c +53 -40
@@ 52,7 52,7 @@
#include "../../../common/nujel/lib/nujel.h"
#include "../../../common/nujel/lib/exception.h"
#include "../../../common/nujel/lib/allocation/roots.h"
-#include "../../../common/nujel/lib/s-expression/writer.h"
+#include "../../../common/nujel/lib/misc/pf.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
@@ 61,8 61,8 @@
u8 SEvalID;
-extern unsigned int src_tmp_client_no_len;
-extern unsigned char src_tmp_client_no_data[];
+extern unsigned int src_tmp_client_nuj_len;
+extern unsigned char src_tmp_client_nuj_data[];
void lispInputHandler(lSymbol *input, int key, int action){
const int SP = lRootsGet();
@@ 110,8 110,7 @@ static lVal *wwlnfSEval(lClosure *c, lVal *v){
char buf[1<<14];
const int SP = lRootsGet();
- lVal *l = RVP(lCons(RVP(lValSym("do")),v));
- lSWriteVal(l,buf,&buf[sizeof(buf)-1],0,false);
+ spf(buf, &buf[sizeof(buf)-1], "%V", lCar(v));
return NULL;
@@ 188,47 187,59 @@ static lVal *wwlnfWindowed(lClosure *c, lVal *v){
return NULL;
-static lVal *wwlnfDebugInfo(lClosure *c, lVal *v){
- (void)c;
- if((v != NULL) && (v->type == ltPair)){
- optionDebugInfo = castToBool(lCar(v));
- }
+static lVal *wwlnfDebugInfoGet(lClosure *c, lVal *v){
+ (void)c; (void)v;
return lValBool(optionDebugInfo);
-static lVal *wwlnfConsMode(lClosure *c, lVal *v){
- (void)c;
- if((v != NULL) && (v->type == ltPair)){
- if(castToBool(lCar(v))){
- player->flags |= CHAR_CONS_MODE;
- }else{
- player->flags &= ~CHAR_CONS_MODE;
- }
- }
+static lVal *wwlnfDebugInfoSet(lClosure *c, lVal *v){
+ (void)c; (void)v;
+ optionDebugInfo = castToBool(lCar(v));
+ return NULL;
+static lVal *wwlnfConsModeGet(lClosure *c, lVal *v){
+ (void)c; (void)v;
return lValBool(player->flags & CHAR_CONS_MODE);
-static lVal *wwlnfNoClip(lClosure *c, lVal *v){
+static lVal *wwlnfConsModeSet(lClosure *c, lVal *v){
- if((v != NULL) && (v->type == ltPair)){
- if(castToBool(lCar(v))){
- player->flags |= CHAR_NOCLIP;
- }else{
- player->flags &= ~CHAR_NOCLIP;
- }
+ if(castToBool(lCar(v))){
+ player->flags |= CHAR_CONS_MODE;
+ }else{
+ player->flags &= ~CHAR_CONS_MODE;
+ return NULL;
+static lVal *wwlnfNoClipGet(lClosure *c, lVal *v){
+ (void)c; (void)v;
return lValBool(player->flags & CHAR_NOCLIP);
-static lVal *wwlnfWireFrame(lClosure *c, lVal *v){
- (void)c;
- if((v != NULL) && (v->type == ltPair)){
- optionWireframe = castToBool(lCar(v));
- initGL();
+static lVal *wwlnfNoClipSet(lClosure *c, lVal *v){
+ (void)c; (void)v;
+ if(castToBool(lCar(v))){
+ player->flags |= CHAR_NOCLIP;
+ }else{
+ player->flags &= ~CHAR_NOCLIP;
+ return NULL;
+static lVal *wwlnfWireFrameGet(lClosure *c, lVal *v){
+ (void)c; (void)v;
return lValBool(optionWireframe);
+static lVal *wwlnfWireFrameSet(lClosure *c, lVal *v){
+ (void)c;
+ optionWireframe = castToBool(lCar(v));
+ initGL();
+ return NULL;
static lVal *wwlnfScreenshot(lClosure *c, lVal *v){
queueScreenshot = true;
@@ 729,7 740,7 @@ static lVal *wwlnfChatOpenSet(lClosure *c, lVal *v){
static void lispAddClientNFuncs(lClosure *c){
- lAddSpecialForm(c,"s", "(...body)", "Evaluates ...body on the serverside and returns the last result",wwlnfSEval);
+ lAddNativeFunc(c,"s*", "(form)", "Evaluates form on the server and returns the last result", wwlnfSEval);
lAddNativeFunc(c,"text-focus?", "()", "Returns if a text input field is currently focused", wwlnfTextInputFocusPred);
lAddNativeFunc(c,"player-pos", "()", "Return players position", wwlnfPlayerPos);
lAddNativeFunc(c,"player-rot", "()", "Return players rotation", wwlnfPlayerRot);
@@ 764,10 775,14 @@ static void lispAddClientNFuncs(lClosure *c){
lAddNativeFunc(c,"window-height", "()", "Returns the height of the widow in pixels", wwlnfWindowHeight);
lAddNativeFunc(c,"save-options", "()", "Save options to disk", wwlnfSaveOptions);
lAddNativeFunc(c,"reset-worst-f", "()", "Resets the worst frame counter", wwlnfResetWorstFrame);
- lAddNativeFunc(c,"debug-info!", "(b)", "Sets debug info view to b", wwlnfDebugInfo);
- lAddNativeFunc(c,"cons-mode!", "(b)", "Sets cons-mode to b if passed, always returns the current state",wwlnfConsMode);
- lAddNativeFunc(c,"no-clip!", "(b)", "Sets no clip to b if passed, always returns the current state", wwlnfNoClip);
- lAddNativeFunc(c,"wire-frame!", "(b)", "Sets wireframe mode to b, always returns the current state", wwlnfWireFrame);
+ lAddNativeFunc(c,"debug-info!", "(b)", "Sets debug info view to b", wwlnfDebugInfoSet);
+ lAddNativeFunc(c,"debug-info?", "()", "Gets debug info view to b", wwlnfDebugInfoGet);
+ lAddNativeFunc(c,"cons-mode!", "(b)", "Sets cons-mode to b if passed, always returns the current state",wwlnfConsModeSet);
+ lAddNativeFunc(c,"cons-mode?", "()", "Gets cons-mode to b if passed, always returns the current state",wwlnfConsModeGet);
+ lAddNativeFunc(c,"no-clip!", "(b)", "Sets no clip to b if passed, always returns the current state", wwlnfNoClipSet);
+ lAddNativeFunc(c,"no-clip?", "()", "Gets no clip to b if passed, always returns the current state", wwlnfNoClipGet);
+ lAddNativeFunc(c,"wire-frame!", "(b)", "Sets wireframe mode to b, always returns the current state", wwlnfWireFrameSet);
+ lAddNativeFunc(c,"wire-frame?", "()", "Sets wireframe mode to b, always returns the current state", wwlnfWireFrameGet);
lAddNativeFunc(c,"send-message", "(s)", "Sends string s as a chat message", wwlnfSendMessage);
lAddNativeFunc(c,"console-print", "(s)", "Prints string s to the REPL", wwlnfConsolePrint);
lAddNativeFunc(c,"sfx-play", "(s &vol &pos)", "Plays SFX S with volume &VOL=1.0 as if emitting from &POS.", wwlnfSfxPlay);
@@ 812,9 827,7 @@ void *lispInitReal(void *a, void *b){
(void)a; (void)b;
clRoot = lispCommonRoot(lispAddClientNFuncs);
- lVal *expr = lRead((const char *)src_tmp_client_no_data);
- lnfDo(clRoot,expr);
- lGarbageCollect();
+ lLoadS(clRoot, (const char *)src_tmp_client_nuj_data, src_tmp_client_nuj_len);
return NULL;
@@ 833,7 846,7 @@ const char *lispEval(const char *str, bool humanReadable){
lVal *v = lispCallFuncS("repl/console",str);
- lSWriteVal(v,reply,&reply[sizeof(reply)-1],0,humanReadable);
+ spf(reply,&reply[sizeof(reply)-1],humanReadable ? "%v" : "%V", v);
return reply;
M client/src/nujel/client.nuj => client/src/nujel/client.nuj +43 -93
@@ 2,100 2,83 @@
[def client? #t]
[def server? #f]
-[test-add #t [string? OS]]
-[test-add #t [and [not server?] client?]]
+[event-bind on-spawn :snide-remarks [λ [] [say [ansi-yellow "Better luck next time!"]]]]
+[event-bind on-join :greetings [λ []
+ [yield [timeout 1000] [λ [] [say "Guten Tag!"]]]
+ [yield [timeout 3000] [λ [] [say ["Press " [ansi-green "F2"] " for some equipment"]]]]
+ [yield [timeout 5000] [λ [] [say ["Use your " [ansi-yellow "grappling hook"] " with " [ansi-green "E"]]]]]
+ [yield [timeout 7000] [λ [] [say ["Open Inventory/Crafting panel with " [ansi-green "TAB"]]]]]]]
+[test/add #t [string? OS]]
+[test/add #t [and [not server?] client?]]
+[defun gameplay-run []
+ [event-fire on-gameplay-tick]]
+[defmacro s forms
+ "Run FORMS on the server"
+ `[s* [quote ~[cons do forms]]]]
[defun player-active-item-id []
"Return the Id of the currenlty selected item"
- [car [player-inventory [player-active-slot]]]
+ [car [player-inventory [player-active-slot]]]]
[defun player-active-item-amount []
"Return the Id of the currenlty selected item"
- [cdr [player-inventory [player-active-slot]]]
+ [cdr [player-inventory [player-active-slot]]]]
-[defun error [...args]
+[defun error args
"Print its arguments into the LISP console and might alert the user"
- [console-print [" " [apply cat ...args]]]
+ [console-print [" " [apply cat args]]]]
-[defun log [...args]
+[defun log args
"Print its arguments into the LISP console"
- [console-print [" " [apply cat ...args]]]
+ [console-print [" " [apply cat args]]]]
[def print log]
-[defun conf-v1! [@...body]
+[defmacro conf-v1! body
"Wrapper for auto generated config s-expressions, will be overwritten on every optionsave"
- [eval [cons 'begin @...body]]
-[def help [let []
- [defun iter [l]
- [cond [[nil? l] #t]
- [#t [log [describe [car l]]] [iter [cdr l]]
- ]]
- ]
- [λ [i]
- "Describes 10 functions at offset 1"
- [let [[off [* [int i] 10]]]
- [iter [map cat [symbol-table off 10]]]
- [log ["Help page " [int i] " of " [/ [symbol-count] 10]]]
- ]
- #t
- ]
+ `[eval [do ~@body]]]
[defun time/fast! [a]
"Speeds up the game to about 4x"
[mst! 1]
- [s [mst! 1]]
+ [s [mst! 1]]]
[defun time/norm! [a]
"Sets the game speed to the default 1x"
[mst! 4]
- [s [mst! 4]]
+ [s [mst! 4]]]
[defun time/slow! [a]
"Sets the game speed to about 1/4x"
[mst! 16]
- [s [mst! 16]]
+ [s [mst! 16]]]
[defun time/bullet! [a]
"Sets the game speed to about 1/16x"
[mst! 64]
- [s [mst! 64]]
+ [s [mst! 64]]]
[defun time/morning! []
"Sets the Time to 8:00 AM"
- [s [time/morning!]]
+ [s [time/morning!]]]
[defun time/noon! []
"Sets the Time to 12:00 PM"
- [s [time/noon!]]
+ [s [time/noon!]]]
[defun time/evening! []
"Sets the Time to 21:30 PM"
- [s [time/evening!]]
+ [s [time/evening!]]]
[defun time/night! []
"Set the Time to Midnight"
- [s [time/night!]]
+ [s [time/night!]]]
[defun animal-stress []
"Generate a bunch of bunnies surrounding the player"
- [s [animal-stress [player-pos] 6]]
+ [s [animal-stress [player-pos] 6]]]
[defun countdown [i]
"Count down on the console"
@@ 104,67 87,34 @@
[[< i 4] [ansi-red i]]
[[< i 6] [ansi-yellow i]]
[#t i]]]
- [yield [timeout 1000] [lambda [] [countdown [-- i]]]]]
- ]
+ [yield [timeout 1000] [λ [] [countdown [-- i]]]]]]]
[defun hammertime [i]
"Spawn I countdown coroutines that run for 10 Minutes"
[cond [[<= i 0] #t]
- [#t [countdown 600] [hammertime [-- i]]]
- ]
+ [#t [countdown 600] [hammertime [-- i]]]]]
[defun chiseltime [i]
"Spawn I coundown coroutines that run for 10 Seconds"
[cond [[<= i 0] #t]
- [#t [countdown 5] [chiseltime [-- i]]]
- ]
-[event-bind "on-spawn" [λ [] [say [ansi-yellow "Better luck next time!"]]]]
-[event-bind "on-join" [λ []
- [say "Guten Tag!"]
- [say ["Press " [ansi-green "F2"] " for some equipment"]]
- [say ["Use your " [ansi-yellow "grappling hook"] " with " [ansi-green "E"]]]
- [say ["Open Inventory/Crafting panel with " [ansi-green "TAB"]]]
- ;[yield [timeout 10] [λ [] [pop]]]
-[defun gameplay-run []
- [event-fire "on-gameplay-tick"]
+ [#t [countdown 5] [chiseltime [-- i]]]]]
[def inv-has-atleast? [let*
[defun iter [id amount-goal i amount-found]
- [def slot [player-inventory i]]
- [when [eq? id [car slot]]
+ [def slot [player-inventory i]]
+ [when [== id [car slot]]
[set! amount-found [+ amount-found [cdr slot]]]
[if [>= amount-found amount-goal]
[if [< i [player-inventory-size]]
[iter id amount-goal [+ 1 i] amount-found]
- #f]]
- ]
+ #f]]]
[λ [id amount-goal]
- [unless id [set! 0]]
- [unless amount-goal [set! 1]]
- [iter id amount-goal 0 0]
- ]
+ [when-not id [set! 0]]
+ [when-not amount-goal [set! 1]]
+ [iter id amount-goal 0 0]]]]
[defun game-active? []
- [eq? [widget/focus] w-game-screen]
-[defun fltest []
- [fluid/box! #xFF
- [- [vec/x [player-pos]] 4]
- [- [vec/y [player-pos]] 4]
- [- [vec/z [player-pos]] 4]
- [+ [vec/x [player-pos]] 4]
- [+ [vec/y [player-pos]] 4]
- [+ [vec/z [player-pos]] 4]]
+ [== [widget/focus] w-game-screen]]
M client/src/nujel/input.nuj => client/src/nujel/input.nuj +2 -2
@@ 14,7 14,7 @@
"Make the player do a primary action"
[let [[itemid [player-active-item-id]]]
- [if [< itemid 256] [player-do-primary!] [unless [item-primary! itemid] [player-do-primary!]]]
+ [if [< itemid 256] [player-do-primary!] [when-not [item-primary! itemid] [player-do-primary!]]]
[set! did-primary #t]
@@ 66,7 66,7 @@
[when [not did-primary] [player-stop-mining!]]
[when did-primary [set! did-primary #f]]
- [when [and [not did-throw] [ineq? throw-start 0]] [player-do-throw! [- [time/milliseconds] throw-start]]]
+ [when [and [not did-throw] [!= throw-start 0]] [player-do-throw! [- [time/milliseconds] throw-start]]]
[set! did-throw #f]
M client/src/nujel/input_keyboard.nuj => client/src/nujel/input_keyboard.nuj +49 -49
@@ 1,5 1,5 @@
-[def input-keyboard-handler [arr-new 256]]
-[def input-keyboard-state [arr-new 256]]
+[def input-keyboard-handler [array/allocate 256]]
+[def input-keyboard-state [array/allocate 256]]
[def key-a 4]
[def key-b 5]
@@ 77,7 77,7 @@
[defun input-keyboard-handler-default [code value]
"Default handler to be used for continuously firing actions"
- [arr-set! input-keyboard-state code [> value 0]]
+ [array/set! input-keyboard-state code [> value 0]]
[defun toggle-chat! []
@@ 89,9 89,9 @@
"Run FUN only once per keypress"
[λ [code value]
[if [zero? value]
- [arr-set! input-keyboard-state code #f]
+ [array/set! input-keyboard-state code #f]
[when [not [input-keyboard-state code]]
- [arr-set! input-keyboard-state code #t]
+ [array/set! input-keyboard-state code #t]
@@ 101,39 101,39 @@
[λ [code value]
[if [game-active?]
[handler code value]
- [arr-set! input-keyboard-state code #f]]
+ [array/set! input-keyboard-state code #f]]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-r input-keyboard-handler-default]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-q input-keyboard-handler-default]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-space input-keyboard-handler-default]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-w input-keyboard-handler-default]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-a input-keyboard-handler-default]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-s input-keyboard-handler-default]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-d input-keyboard-handler-default]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-v input-keyboard-handler-default]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-lshift input-keyboard-handler-default]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-c [keyboard-once-game-active [λ [] [cons-mode! [not [cons-mode!]]]]]]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-e [keyboard-once-game-active [λ [] [fire-hook]]]]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-m [keyboard-once [λ [] [debug-info! [not [debug-info!]]]]]]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-n [keyboard-once-game-active [λ [] [no-clip! [not [no-clip!]]]]]]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-f1 [keyboard-once [λ [] [third-person! #f] [save-options]]]]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-f2 [keyboard-once [λ [] [s [debug-stuff! pid]]]]]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-f3 [keyboard-once [λ [] [third-person! #t] [save-options]]]]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-f4 [keyboard-once [λ [] [widget/test-gc]]]]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-f8 [keyboard-once [λ [] [player-hp 12]]]]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-f9 [keyboard-once [λ [] [draw-boundaries! [wrap-value [++ [draw-boundaries]] 0 3]]]]]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-f10 [keyboard-once [λ [] [wire-frame! [not [wire-frame?]]]]]]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-print [keyboard-once [λ [] [screenshot]]]]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-tab [keyboard-once [λ [] [toggle-inventory!]]]]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-t [keyboard-once [λ [] [toggle-chat!]]]]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-y [keyboard-once [λ [] [toggle-chat!]]]]
-[unless [eq? OS "Emscripten"]
- [arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-f11 [λ [code value]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-r input-keyboard-handler-default]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-q input-keyboard-handler-default]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-space input-keyboard-handler-default]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-w input-keyboard-handler-default]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-a input-keyboard-handler-default]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-s input-keyboard-handler-default]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-d input-keyboard-handler-default]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-v input-keyboard-handler-default]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-lshift input-keyboard-handler-default]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-c [keyboard-once-game-active [λ [] [cons-mode! [not [cons-mode?]]]]]]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-e [keyboard-once-game-active [λ [] [fire-hook]]]]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-m [keyboard-once [λ [] [println "Consing"] [debug-info! [not [debug-info?]]]]]]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-n [keyboard-once-game-active [λ [] [no-clip! [not [no-clip?]]]]]]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-f1 [keyboard-once [λ [] [third-person! #f] [save-options]]]]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-f2 [keyboard-once [λ [] [s [debug-stuff! pid]]]]]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-f3 [keyboard-once [λ [] [third-person! #t] [save-options]]]]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-f4 [keyboard-once [λ [] [widget/test-gc]]]]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-f8 [keyboard-once [λ [] [player-hp 12]]]]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-f9 [keyboard-once [λ [] [draw-boundaries! [wrap-value [++ [draw-boundaries]] 0 3]]]]]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-f10 [keyboard-once [λ [] [wire-frame! [not [wire-frame?]]]]]]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-print [keyboard-once [λ [] [screenshot]]]]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-tab [keyboard-once [λ [] [toggle-inventory!]]]]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-t [keyboard-once [λ [] [toggle-chat!]]]]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-y [keyboard-once [λ [] [toggle-chat!]]]]
+[when-not [== OS "Emscripten"]
+ [array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-f11 [λ [code value]
[when value
[fullscreen! [not [fullscreen?]]]
@@ 150,16 150,16 @@
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-1 inv-active-kh]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-2 inv-active-kh]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-3 inv-active-kh]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-4 inv-active-kh]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-5 inv-active-kh]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-6 inv-active-kh]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-7 inv-active-kh]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-8 inv-active-kh]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-9 inv-active-kh]
-[arr-set! input-keyboard-handler key-0 inv-active-kh]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-1 inv-active-kh]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-2 inv-active-kh]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-3 inv-active-kh]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-4 inv-active-kh]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-5 inv-active-kh]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-6 inv-active-kh]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-7 inv-active-kh]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-8 inv-active-kh]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-9 inv-active-kh]
+[array/set! input-keyboard-handler key-0 inv-active-kh]
[defun input-keyboard-tick []
"Keyboard input handler"
@@ 184,7 184,7 @@
-[test-add #t [int? key-1]]
-[test-add #t [arr? input-keyboard-handler]]
-[test-add 58 key-f1]
-[test-add #t [bool? [widget-focus-on-game?]]]
+[test/add #t [int? key-1]]
+[test/add #t [arr? input-keyboard-handler]]
+[test/add 58 key-f1]
+[test/add #t [bool? [widget-focus-on-game?]]]
M client/src/nujel/input_mouse.nuj => client/src/nujel/input_mouse.nuj +4 -4
@@ 1,4 1,4 @@
-[def input-mouse-handler [arr-new 6]]
+[def input-mouse-handler [array/allocate 6]]
[def input-mouse-tick]
[let []
@@ 10,14 10,14 @@
[when input-mouse-button-right [player-secondary!]]
- [arr-set! input-mouse-handler 0 [λ [code value]
+ [array/set! input-mouse-handler 0 [λ [code value]
[when [widget-focus-on-game?] [set! input-mouse-button-left [> value 0]]]
- [arr-set! input-mouse-handler 2 [λ [code value]
+ [array/set! input-mouse-handler 2 [λ [code value]
[when [widget-focus-on-game?] [set! input-mouse-button-right [> value 0]]]
- [arr-set! input-mouse-handler 5 [λ [code value]
+ [array/set! input-mouse-handler 5 [λ [code value]
[when [widget-focus-on-game?]
[let [[newvalue [- [player-active-slot] [if [> value 0] 1 -1]]]]
[when [< newvalue 0] [set! newvalue 9]]
D client/src/nujel/quest.nuj => client/src/nujel/quest.nuj +0 -239
@@ 1,239 0,0 @@
-[def quests #nil]
-[def quest/panels #nil]
-[defun duration-to-clock-string [secs]
- [cat [string [/ secs 60]] [if [zero? [logand secs 1]] " " ":"] [% secs 60]]
-[defun quest/panel/position! []
- [def y 64]
- [for-each [λ [cur-panel]
- [widget/y! cur-panel y]
- [set! y [+ y [widget/height cur-panel] 8]]
- ]
- quest/panels]
-[defun quest/panel/remove! [panel]
- [set! quest/panels
- [filter [λ [cur-panel]
- [!= cur-panel panel]]
- quest/panels]]
-[defun quest/panel/new! [headline bodytext wid panel-height]
- [when-not panel-height [def panel-height 120]]
- [def panel [widget/new w-panel]]
- [def head [widget/new w-label]]
- [def text [widget/new w-label]]
- [def wid-height 0]
- [when wid [set! wid-height [+ 8 [widget/height wid]]]]
- [widget/parent! panel w-game-screen]
- [widget/x! panel -8]
- [widget/y! panel 8]
- [widget/width! panel 320]
- [widget/height! panel [+ panel-height wid-height]]
- [widget/val/int! panel 8]
- [widget/parent! head panel]
- [widget/width! head -1]
- [widget/height! head 64]
- [widget/label! head headline]
- [widget/parent! text panel]
- [widget/y! text 48]
- [widget/width! text -1]
- [widget/height! text [- -48 wid-height]]
- [widget/flags! text wf-small]
- [widget/label! text bodytext]
- [when wid
- [widget/parent! wid panel]
- [widget/y! 120]
- [widget/x! 8]
- [widget/width! -1]
- ]
- [set! quest/panels [cons panel quest/panels]]
- [quest/panel/position!]
- panel
-[def quest/default [ω
- [def active #f]
- [def finished #f]
- [def name "Default Quest"]
- [def body "Placeholder for some descriptive text"]
- [def refresh! [λ [] #f]]
- [def active? [λ [] #f]]
- [def active! [δ []
- [say [cat [ansi-yellow "New Quest: "] name]]
- ]]
- [def finish? [λ [] #f]]
- [def finish! [δ []
- [say [cat [ansi-green "Quest finished: "] name]]
- ]]
- [def check-finished! [δ []
- [when [finish?]
- [finish!]
- [set! finished #t]]
- ]]
- [def check-active! [δ []
- [when [active?]
- [active!]
- [set! active #t]]
- ]]
-[defun quest/new [@...args]
- "Create a new quest object"
- [def ret [quest/default [ω]]]
- [apply ret '[[def active #f] [def finished #f]]]
- [apply ret @...args]
- [set! quests [cons ret quests]]
- ret
-[def quest-test-time [quest/new
- [def name [cat "Staying alive for " [ansi-red "300"] " Seconds"]]
- [def body ["As your first task you have to stay alive for just " [ansi-red "300"] " seconds, hopefully you can achieve this goals and continue onwards on your adventures. Best of luck there, adventurer!"]]
- [def panel]
- [def quest-start 0]
- [def progress-widget]
- [def refresh! [λ []
- [widget/label! progress-widget
- [ duration-to-clock-string[/ [[quest-start + 300000] - [time/milliseconds]] 1000]]]
- [def progress [[[time/milliseconds] - quest-start] / 300000.0]]
- [widget/val/int! progress-widget
- [int [progress * 4096.0]]]
- ]]
- [def finished #f]
- [def finish? [λ []
- [[widget/val/int progress-widget] >= 4080]
- ]]
- [def finish! [λ []
- [[[self 1] finish!]]
- [widget/parent! panel #nil]
- [quest/panel/remove! panel]
- [set! panel #nil]
- [quest/panel/position!]
- ]]
- [def active? [λ [] #t]]
- [def active! [λ []
- [[[self 1] active!]]
- [set! quest-start [time/milliseconds]]
- [set! progress-widget [widget/new w-slider]]
- [widget/height! progress-widget 32]
- [widget/width! progress-widget -1]
- [widget/y! progress-widget -1]
- ;[widget/label! progress-widget ""]
- [set! panel [quest/panel/new! name body progress-widget]]
- ]]
-[defun player-inventory-fetch-string [id name goal-amount]
- [[if [>= [player-ingredient-get id] goal-amount]
- ansi-green
- cat] [int [player-ingredient-get id]] " / " goal-amount " - " name]
-[def quest-test-fetch [quest/new
- [def name "Gather material for a Pickaxe"]
- [def body ["To help you on your journey, building a pickaxe should make mining much more convenient. To build a pickaxe you need 2 wooden boards, 4 stones and 2 plantmatter." ]]
- [def panel]
- [def progress-widget]
- [def finish! [λ []
- [[[self 1] finish!]]
- [widget/parent! panel #nil]
- [quest/panel/remove! panel]
- [quest/panel/position!]
- [set! panel #nil]
- ]]
- [def refresh! [λ []
- [widget/label! progress-widget
- [cat [player-inventory-fetch-string i-boards "Boards" 2] "\n"
- [player-inventory-fetch-string i-stone "Stones" 4] "\n"
- [player-inventory-fetch-string i-plantmatter "Plants" 2]]]
- ]]
- [def finish? [λ []
- [and [[player-ingredient-get i-boards] >= 2]
- [[player-ingredient-get i-stone] >= 4]
- [[player-ingredient-get i-plantmatter] >= 2]]
- ]]
- [def active? [λ [] #t]]
- [def active! [λ []
- [[[self 1] active!]]
- [set! progress-widget [widget/new w-label]]
- [widget/height! progress-widget 96]
- [widget/width! progress-widget -1]
- [widget/y! progress-widget -8]
- [widget/x! progress-widget 0]
- [refresh!]
- [set! panel [quest/panel/new! name body progress-widget 140]]
- ]]
-[def quest-test-fetch [quest/new
- [def name "Build a stone Pickaxe"]
- [def body ["Now use the gathered materials to build your first tool, a pickaxe." ]]
- [def panel]
- [def progress-widget]
- [def finish! [λ []
- [[[self 1] finish!]]
- [widget/parent! panel #nil]
- [quest/panel/remove! panel]
- [quest/panel/position!]
- [set! panel #nil]
- ]]
- [def refresh! [λ []
- [widget/label! progress-widget [player-inventory-fetch-string i-stone-pickaxe "Pickaxe" 1]]
- ]]
- [def finish? [λ []
- [[player-ingredient-get i-stone-pickaxe] >= 1]
- ]]
- [def active? [λ [] #t]]
- [def active! [λ []
- [[[self 1] active!]]
- [set! progress-widget [widget/new w-label]]
- [widget/height! progress-widget 48]
- [widget/width! progress-widget -1]
- [widget/y! progress-widget -8]
- [widget/x! progress-widget 0]
- [refresh!]
- [set! panel [quest/panel/new! name body progress-widget]]
- ]]
-[defun quest/refresh []
- [def l quests]
- [def cur #nil]
- [while l
- [try repl/exception-handler
- [set! cur [car l]]
- [if [cur active]
- [unless [cur finished] [cur [check-finished!]] [[cur refresh!]] ]
- [cur [check-active!]]]
- ]
- [set! l [cdr l]]
- ]
-[event-bind "on-join" [λ []
- ;[quest/refresh]
-[event-bind "on-gameplay-tick" [λ []
- ;[quest/refresh]
-[event-bind "on-leave" [λ []
- [println "Test"]
- [for-each [λ [panel] [widget/parent! panel #nil]] quest/panels]
- [set! quests #nil]
- [set! quest/panels #nil]
M common/common.mk => common/common.mk +6 -1
@@ 1,7 1,7 @@
ARCH := $(shell uname -m)
NUJ_WWLIB := $(shell find common/src/nuj/ -type f -name '*.nuj' | sort)
NO_WWLIB := $(NUJ_WWLIB:.nuj=.no)
-COMMON_ASSETS := common/src/tmp/wwlib.no
+COMMON_ASSETS := common/src/tmp/wwlib.nuj
COMMON_HDRS := $(shell find common/src -type f -name '*.h')
COMMON_SRCS := $(shell find common/src -type f -name '*.c')
@@ 48,6 48,11 @@ common/src/tmp/wwlib.no: $(NO_WWLIB)
@cat $^ > $@
@echo "$(ANSI_GREY)" "[CAT]" "$(ANSI_RESET)" $@
+common/src/tmp/wwlib.nuj: $(NUJ_WWLIB)
+ @mkdir -p common/src/tmp
+ @cat $^ > $@
+ @echo "$(ANSI_GREY)" "[CAT]" "$(ANSI_RESET)" $@
common/src/tmp/assets.c: $(ASSET) $(COMMON_ASSETS)
@mkdir -p common/src/tmp/
@$(ASSET) common/src/tmp/assets $(COMMON_ASSETS)
M common/nujel => common/nujel +1 -1
@@ 1,1 1,1 @@
-Subproject commit 03467bc2661b7ca3e4ba5484d88743417cc3717b
+Subproject commit 51ba3c74685e68e5c5a3ebcc64901521e6f606fa
M common/src/misc/lisp.c => common/src/misc/lisp.c +51 -17
@@ 31,8 31,8 @@
#include "../../nujel/lib/exception.h"
#include "../../nujel/lib/allocation/roots.h"
-extern unsigned int src_tmp_wwlib_no_len;
-extern unsigned char src_tmp_wwlib_no_data[];
+extern uint src_tmp_wwlib_nuj_len;
+extern u8 src_tmp_wwlib_nuj_data[];
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
@@ 183,6 183,20 @@ static lVal *wwlnfFluidSet(lClosure *c, lVal *v){
return lCar(v);
+static lVal *wwlnfPrint(lClosure *c, lVal *v){
+ (void)c;
+ if(v == NULL){return v;}
+ lWriteVal(lCar(v));
+ return NULL;
+static lVal *wwlnfError(lClosure *c, lVal *v){
+ (void)c;
+ if(v == NULL){return v;}
+ lDisplayErrorVal(lCar(v));
+ return NULL;
void lispDefineInt(const char *symbol, int val){
@@ 194,9 208,11 @@ void lispDefineString(const char *symbol, char *str){
void *lispCommonRootReal(void *a, void *b){
(void)a; (void)b;
- lClosure *c = lClosureNewRoot();
+ lClosure *c = lNewRoot();
void (*specificInit)(lClosure *c) = (void (*)(lClosure *))a;
+ lAddNativeFunc(c,"error", "args", "Prints ...args to stderr", wwlnfError);
+ lAddNativeFunc(c,"print", "args", "Displays ...args", wwlnfPrint);
lAddNativeFunc(c,"mst!", "(a)", "Set ms per tick to s", wwlnfMsPerTick);
lAddNativeFunc(c,"prof", "()", "Return profiler info", wwlnfProf);
lAddNativeFunc(c,"prof-reset!", "()", "Reset performance counters", wwlnfProfReset);
@@ 221,8 237,7 @@ void *lispCommonRootReal(void *a, void *b){
- lVal *expr = lRead((const char *)src_tmp_wwlib_no_data);
- lnfDo(c,expr);
+ lLoadS(c,(const char *)src_tmp_wwlib_nuj_data, src_tmp_wwlib_nuj_len);
return c;
@@ 237,19 252,32 @@ void *lispCallFuncReal(void *closure, void *vv){
return lEval(c,v);
+lVal *lispCallFunc(const char *symbol, lVal *v){
+ const int SP = lRootsGet();
+ lVal *form = RVP(lCons(NULL,NULL));
+ form->vList.car = lValSym(symbol);
+ form->vList.cdr = lCons(v, NULL);
+ lVal *ret = lExceptionTry(lispCallFuncReal,clRoot,form);
+ lRootsRet(SP);
+ return ret;
lVal *lispCallFuncI(const char *symbol, int ia){
- lVal *form = lCons(NULL,NULL);
- lRootsValPush(form);
+ const int SP = lRootsGet();
+ lVal *form = RVP(lCons(NULL,NULL));
form->vList.car = lValSym(symbol);
lVal *l = form->vList.cdr = lCons(NULL,NULL);
l->vList.car = lValInt(ia);
- return lExceptionTry(lispCallFuncReal,clRoot,form);
+ lVal *ret = lExceptionTry(lispCallFuncReal,clRoot,form);
+ lRootsRet(SP);
+ return ret;
lVal *lispCallFuncIII(const char *symbol, int ia, int ib, int ic){
- lVal *form = lCons(NULL,NULL);
- lRootsValPush(form);
+ const int SP = lRootsGet();
+ lVal *form = RVP(lCons(NULL,NULL));
form->vList.car = lValSym(symbol);
lVal *l = form->vList.cdr = lCons(NULL,NULL);
l->vList.car = lValInt(ia);
@@ 260,22 288,26 @@ lVal *lispCallFuncIII(const char *symbol, int ia, int ib, int ic){
l = l->vList.cdr;
l->vList.car = lValInt(ic);
- return lExceptionTry(lispCallFuncReal,clRoot,form);
+ lVal *ret = lExceptionTry(lispCallFuncReal,clRoot,form);
+ lRootsRet(SP);
+ return ret;
lVal *lispCallFuncS(const char *symbol, const char *str){
- lVal *form = lCons(NULL,NULL);
- lRootsValPush(form);
+ const int SP = lRootsGet();
+ lVal *form = RVP(lCons(NULL,NULL));
form->vList.car = lValSym(symbol);
lVal *l = form->vList.cdr = lCons(NULL,NULL);
l->vList.car = lValString(str);
- return lExceptionTry(lispCallFuncReal,clRoot,form);
+ lVal *ret = lExceptionTry(lispCallFuncReal,clRoot,form);
+ lRootsRet(SP);
+ return ret;
lVal *lispCallFuncVII(const char *symbol,const vec va, int ib , int ic){
- lVal *form = lCons(NULL,NULL);
- lRootsValPush(form);
+ const int SP = lRootsGet();
+ lVal *form = RVP(lCons(NULL,NULL));
form->vList.car = lValSym(symbol);
lVal *l = form->vList.cdr = lCons(NULL,NULL);
l->vList.car = lValVec(va);
@@ 286,7 318,9 @@ lVal *lispCallFuncVII(const char *symbol,const vec va, int ib , int ic){
l = l->vList.cdr;
l->vList.car = lValInt(ic);
- return lExceptionTry(lispCallFuncReal,clRoot,form);
+ lVal *ret = lExceptionTry(lispCallFuncReal,clRoot,form);
+ lRootsRet(SP);
+ return ret;
void lispDefineID(const char *prefix, const char *symbol, int val){
M common/src/misc/lisp.h => common/src/misc/lisp.h +9 -8
@@ 4,12 4,13 @@
extern lClosure *clRoot;
-lClosure *lispCommonRoot ();
-void lispDefineInt (const char *symbol, int val);
-void lispDefineString(const char *symbol, char *str);
-lVal *lispCallFuncI (const char *symbol, int ia);
-lVal *lispCallFuncIII (const char *symbol, int ia, int ib, int ic);
-lVal *lispCallFuncS (const char *symbol, const char *str);
-lVal *lispCallFuncVII (const char *symbol, const vec va, int ib, int ic);
+lClosure *lispCommonRoot ();
+void lispDefineInt (const char *symbol, int val);
+void lispDefineString (const char *symbol, char *str);
+lVal *lispCallFunc (const char *symbol, lVal *v);
+lVal *lispCallFuncI (const char *symbol, int ia);
+lVal *lispCallFuncIII (const char *symbol, int ia, int ib, int ic);
+lVal *lispCallFuncS (const char *symbol, const char *str);
+lVal *lispCallFuncVII (const char *symbol, const vec va, int ib, int ic);
-void *lispCallFuncReal(void *closure, void *vv);
+void *lispCallFuncReal (void *closure, void *vv);
M common/src/nuj/_init.nuj => common/src/nuj/_init.nuj +15 -14
@@ 1,10 1,10 @@
; Contains definitions needed in the other .nuj files
-[def on-init '[]]
-[def on-spawn '[]]
-[def on-join '[]]
-[def on-leave '[]]
-[def on-gameplay-tick '[]]
+[def on-init @[]]
+[def on-spawn @[]]
+[def on-join @[]]
+[def on-leave @[]]
+[def on-gameplay-tick @[]]
[def cat-none 0]
[def cat-dirt 1]
@@ 25,22 25,23 @@
[def anim-eat 4]
[def anim-switch 5]
-[event-bind "on-init" [λ []
+[defun on-init-fire [] [event-fire on-init]]
+[defun on-spawn-fire [] [event-fire on-spawn]]
+[defun on-join-fire [] [event-fire on-join]]
+[defun on-leave-fire [] [event-fire on-leave]]
+[event-bind on-init :test-run [λ []
[log [ansi-blue "Let's test the Nujel Runtime"]]
- [test-run]
+ [test-run]]]
[def vx+ [λ [v a]
"Return the sum of vector v and [vec a 0 0]"
- [+ v [vec a 0 0]]
+ [+ v [vec a 0 0]]]]
[def vy+ [λ [v a]
"Return the sum of vector v and [vec 0 a 0]"
- [+ v [vec 0 a 0]]
+ [+ v [vec 0 a 0]]]]
[def vz+ [λ [v a]
"Return the sum of vector v and [vec 0 0 a]"
- [+ v [vec 0 0 a]]
+ [+ v [vec 0 0 a]]]]
M common/src/nuj/beings.nuj => common/src/nuj/beings.nuj +3 -3
@@ 1,6 1,6 @@
; Contains defines having to do with all kinds of beings, mostly players
-[def player-die [λ [&player]
+[defun player-die [player]
"Orders PLAYER=pid to Die"
- [player-dmg 8192 &player]
+ [player-dmg 8192 player]
M common/src/nuj/io.nuj => common/src/nuj/io.nuj +4 -30
@@ 1,30 1,4 @@
-[def say [λ [...args]
- "Sends ...ARGS as a chat message"
- [send-message [apply cat ...args]]
-[def display/error [let*
- [def wrap [λ [i text]
- [cond [[eq? i 0] [ansi-red text]]
- [[eq? i 1] text]
- [[eq? i 2] [ansi-yellow text]]
- [#t text]
- ]
- ]]
- [def iter [λ [error i]
- [if error
- [cons [wrap i [string [car error]]]
- [iter [cdr error] [++ i]]]
- [cons "" #nil]]
- ]]
- [λ [error]
- "Display ERROR in a nice, human readable way"
- [say [join [iter error 0] "\n"]]
- ]
-[def repl/exception-handler [λ [error]
- [display/error error]
+[defun say args
+ "Sends ...ARGS as a chat message"
+ [send-message [apply cat args]]
M common/src/nuj/items.nuj => common/src/nuj/items.nuj +537 -791
@@ 1,73 1,60 @@
-[def items [arr-new 256]]
+[def items [array/allocate 256]]
[def item-new-id [let [[item-cur-id 256]]
[λ []
"Return an unused item ID"
[set! item-cur-id [+ item-cur-id 1]]
- [- item-cur-id 1]
- ]
-[def item-sync [λ [obj] "Syncs the itemType with the ω OBJ"
- [unless [nil? obj]
- [it-name [obj id] [obj name]]
- [it-fire-health [obj id] [obj fire-health]]
- [it-fire-damage [obj id] [obj fire-dmg]]
- [it-ammunition [obj id] [resolve [obj ammunition]]]
- [it-mesh [obj id] [resolve [obj mesh]]]
- [it-damage [obj id] cat-none [obj dmg]]
- [it-damage [obj id] cat-dirt [obj dmg-dirt]]
- [it-damage [obj id] cat-stone [obj dmg-stone]]
- [it-damage [obj id] cat-wood [obj dmg-wood]]
- [it-damage [obj id] cat-leaves [obj dmg-leaves]]
- [it-inaccuracy [obj id] [obj inaccuracy]]
- [it-mag-size [obj id] [obj mag-size]]
- [it-stack-size [obj id] [obj stack-size]]
- [it-item-drop-cb [obj id] [obj drop-chance]]
- [it-sprite-id [obj id] 0 [obj sprite-id-0]]
- [it-sprite-id [obj id] 1 [obj sprite-id-1]]
- [it-sprite-id [obj id] 2 [obj sprite-id-2]]
- [it-sprite-id [obj id] 3 [obj sprite-id-3]]
- [it-sprite-color [obj id] 0 [obj sprite-color-0]]
- [it-sprite-color [obj id] 1 [obj sprite-color-1]]
- [it-sprite-color [obj id] 2 [obj sprite-color-2]]
- [it-sprite-color [obj id] 3 [obj sprite-color-3]]
- [it-weight [obj id] [obj weight]]
- [set! [obj sym] [obj id]]
- [arr-set! items [- [obj id] 256] obj]
- ]
-[def item-sync-all [λ [i] "Syncs all itemTypes with their respective ω"
- [cond [[> i [arr-length items]] #t]
- [#t [item-sync [items [int i]]] [item-sync-all [+ i 1]]]
- ]
-[def item-primary! [λ [id] "Evaluates the primary callback of item ID"
- [cond [[procedure? [[items [- id 256]] primary]] [[[items [- id 256]] primary]]]
- [#t #f]
- ]
+ [- item-cur-id 1]]]]
+[defun item-sync [obj]
+ "Syncs the itemType with the ω OBJ"
+ [it-name [obj id] [obj name]]
+ [it-fire-health [obj id] [obj fire-health]]
+ [it-fire-damage [obj id] [obj fire-dmg]]
+ [it-ammunition [obj id] [resolve [obj ammunition]]]
+ [it-mesh [obj id] [resolve [obj mesh]]]
+ [it-damage [obj id] cat-none [obj dmg]]
+ [it-damage [obj id] cat-dirt [obj dmg-dirt]]
+ [it-damage [obj id] cat-stone [obj dmg-stone]]
+ [it-damage [obj id] cat-wood [obj dmg-wood]]
+ [it-damage [obj id] cat-leaves [obj dmg-leaves]]
+ [it-inaccuracy [obj id] [obj inaccuracy]]
+ [it-mag-size [obj id] [obj mag-size]]
+ [it-stack-size [obj id] [obj stack-size]]
+ [it-item-drop-cb [obj id] [obj drop-chance]]
+ [it-sprite-id [obj id] 0 [obj sprite-id-0]]
+ [it-sprite-id [obj id] 1 [obj sprite-id-1]]
+ [it-sprite-id [obj id] 2 [obj sprite-id-2]]
+ [it-sprite-id [obj id] 3 [obj sprite-id-3]]
+ [it-sprite-color [obj id] 0 [obj sprite-color-0]]
+ [it-sprite-color [obj id] 1 [obj sprite-color-1]]
+ [it-sprite-color [obj id] 2 [obj sprite-color-2]]
+ [it-sprite-color [obj id] 3 [obj sprite-color-3]]
+ [it-weight [obj id] [obj weight]]]
+[defun item-sync-all [i]
+ "Syncs all itemTypes with their respective ω"
+ [for [i 0 [array/length items]]
+ [def itm [array/ref items i]]
+ [when itm [item-sync itm]]]]
+[defun item-primary! [id]
+ "Evaluates the primary callback of item ID"
+ [cond [[procedure? [[items [- id 256]] primary]] [[[items [- id 256]] primary]]]
+ [#t #f]]]
[def item-secondary! [λ [id] "Evaluates the secondary callback of item ID"
[cond [[procedure? [[items [- id 256]] secondary]] [[[items [- id 256]] secondary]]]
- [#t #f]
- ]
+ [#t #f]]]]
[def item-tertiary! [λ [id] "Evaluates the tertiary callback of item ID"
[cond [[procedure? [[items [- id 256]] tertiary]] [[[items [- id 256]] tertiary]]]
- [#t #f]
- ]
+ [#t #f]]]]
[def add-inaccuracy [λ [amt] "Increase players inaccuracy my AMT"
- [inaccuracy [+ [inaccuracy] amt]]
+ [inaccuracy [+ [inaccuracy] amt]]]]
[def do-eat [λ [hp itemid] "Make the player Eat and restores HP health over time"
[cond [[ineq? itemid [player-active-item-id]] #t]
@@ 79,28 66,20 @@
[player-hp [+ [player-hp] 1]]
[start-anim anim-eat 800]
[sfx-play sfx-chomp]
- #t]
- ]
+ #t]]]]
[def item-burn-up [λ [pos id amount] "Calls the specific burn up handler that AMOUNT ID items have burned up at POS"
[cond [[procedure? [items [- id 256]] burn-up] [[[items [- id 256]] burn-up]]
[[[items [- id 256]] burn-up] pos id amount]]
- [#t #f]
- ]
+ [#t #f]]]]
[def item-drop-cb [λ [pos id amount] "Calls the specific drop handler that AMOUNT ID items are dropped at POS, only gets called when the a random value masked by chance equals 0"
[cond [[procedure? [[items [- id 256]] drop-handler]] [[[items [- id 256]] drop-handler] pos id amount]]
- [#t 0]
- ]
+ [#t 0]]]]
[def shotgun-shot [λ [i] "Shoots I shots"
[cond [[<= i 0] #t]
- [#t [projectile 0 4] [shotgun-shot [-- i]]]
- ]
+ [#t [projectile 0 4] [shotgun-shot [-- i]]]]]]
[def item-default [ω
@@ 120,13 99,11 @@
[def dmg-leaves 1]
[def inaccuracy 8.0]
[def mag-size 0]
- [def primary [λ [] #f]]
+ [def primary [λ [] #f]]
[def secondary [λ [] #f]]
[def tertiary [λ [] #f]]
- [def sync [δ []
- "Syncs the C state with the Object state"
- [item-sync [self]]
- ]]
[def sprite-id-0 -1]
[def sprite-id-1 -1]
[def sprite-id-2 -1]
@@ 140,137 117,107 @@
[def weight 1.0]
-[def i-grenade]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-grenade]
- [def name "Grenade"]
- [def description ["Grenade that after being\nthrown goes B" [ansi-yellow "OO"] [ansi-red "M!!!"]]]
- [def fire-health 48]
- [def fire-dmg 24]
- [def ammunition id]
- [def secondary [λ []
- [cond [[try-to-use]
- [grenade-new [vy+ [player-pos] 0.5]]
- [start-anim anim-hit 300] #t]
- [#t #f]
- ]
- ]]
- [def burn-up [λ [pos id amount]
- [explode pos [* [sqrt amount] 3]]
- [say [ansi-red "Kabloom"]]
- ]]
- [def sprite-id-0 256]
- [def mesh 'm-grenade]
- [sync]
-[def i-bomb]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-bomb]
- [def name "Bomb"]
- [def fire-health 48]
- [def fire-dmg 16]
- [def ammunition id]
- [def secondary [λ []
- [cond [[try-to-use]
- [grenade-new [vy+ [player-pos] 0.5] [player-rot] 8.0]
- [start-anim anim-hit 300] #t]
- [#t #f]
- ]
- ]]
- [def burn-up [λ [pos id amount]
- [explode pos [* [sqrt amount] 6]]
- [say [[ansi-yellow "Ka"] [ansi-red "booooom"]]]
- ]]
- [def sprite-id-0 257]
- [def mesh 'm-bomb]
- [sync]
-[def i-pear]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-pear]
- [def name "Pear"]
- [def fire-health 48]
- [def fire-dmg 8]
- [def ammunition id]
- [def secondary [λ []
+[defmacro defitem [item-symbol . body]
+ [def item-id [item-new-id]]
+ `[do [array/set! items [- ~item-id 256] [item-default [ω [def id ~item-id]
+ [def sym [quote ~item-symbol]]
+ ~@[map body [\ [v] [cons 'def v]]]]]]
+ [def ~item-symbol ~item-id]
+ [item-sync [array/ref items [- ~item-id 256]]]]]
+[defitem i-grenade
+ [name "Grenade"]
+ [description [cat "Grenade that after being\nthrown goes B" [ansi-yellow "OO"] [ansi-red "M!!!"]]]
+ [fire-health 48]
+ [fire-dmg 24]
+ [ammunition id]
+ [secondary [λ []
+ [if [try-to-use]
+ [do [grenade-new [vy+ [player-pos] 0.5]]
+ [start-anim anim-hit 300]
+ #t]
+ #f]]]
+ [burn-up [λ [pos id amount]
+ [explode pos [* [sqrt amount] 3]]
+ [say [ansi-red "Kabloom"]]]]
+ [sprite-id-0 256]
+ [mesh 'm-grenade]]
+[defitem i-bomb
+ [name "Bomb"]
+ [fire-health 48]
+ [fire-dmg 16]
+ [ammunition id]
+ [secondary [λ []
+ [cond [[try-to-use]
+ [grenade-new [vy+ [player-pos] 0.5] [player-rot] 8.0]
+ [start-anim anim-hit 300] #t]
+ [#t #f]]]]
+ [burn-up [λ [pos id amount]
+ [explode pos [* [sqrt amount] 6]]
+ [say [[ansi-yellow "Ka"] [ansi-red "booooom"]]]]]
+ [sprite-id-0 257]
+ [mesh 'm-bomb]]
+[defitem i-pear
+ [name "Pear"]
+ [fire-health 48]
+ [fire-dmg 8]
+ [ammunition id]
+ [secondary [λ []
[cond [[>= [player-hp] [player-maxhp]] #f]
[[try-to-use] [do-eat 8 id] #t]
[#t #f]]]]
- [def sprite-id-0 258]
- [def mesh 'm-pear]
- [def weight 0.2]
- [sync]
-[def i-stoneaxe]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-stoneaxe]
- [def name "Stone Axe"]
- [def stack-size 1]
- [def dmg 4]
- [def dmg-wood 3]
- [def primary [λ []
+ [sprite-id-0 258]
+ [mesh 'm-pear]
+ [weight 0.2]]
+[defitem i-stoneaxe
+ [name "Stone Axe"]
+ [stack-size 1]
+ [dmg 4]
+ [dmg-wood 3]
+ [primary [λ []
[cond [[throwing?] [throw-item [logior throw-spin throw-pierce] 0.17 3]]
[#t #f]
- [def secondary [λ []
+ [secondary [λ []
- [def sprite-id-0 291]
- [def sprite-color-0 #xFF01232F]
- [def sprite-id-1 259]
- [def sprite-color-1 #xFF666666]
- [def sprite-id-2 260]
- [def sprite-color-2 #xFFDDDDDD]
- [def mesh 'm-stoneaxe]
- [def weight 5.0]
- [sync]
-[def i-stonepickaxe]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-stonepickaxe]
- [def name "Stone Pickaxe"]
- [def stack-size 1]
- [def dmg 4]
- [def dmg-stone 3]
- [def dmg-dirt 2]
- [def sprite-id-0 291]
- [def sprite-color-0 #xFF01232F]
- [def sprite-id-1 267]
- [def sprite-color-1 #xFF666666]
- [def sprite-id-2 268]
- [def sprite-color-2 #xFFDDDDDD]
- [def mesh 'm-stonepickaxe]
- [def weight 5.0]
- [sync]
-[def i-blaster]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-blaster]
- [def name "Blaster"]
- [def inaccuracy 2]
- [def ammunition 'i-crystalbullet]
- [def fire-dmg 6]
- [def fire-health 64]
- [def stack-size 1]
- [def mag-size 30]
- [def primary [λ []
+ [sprite-id-0 291]
+ [sprite-color-0 #xFF01232F]
+ [sprite-id-1 259]
+ [sprite-color-1 #xFF666666]
+ [sprite-id-2 260]
+ [sprite-color-2 #xFFDDDDDD]
+ [weight 5.0]
+ [mesh 'm-stoneaxe]]
+[defitem i-stonepickaxe
+ [name "Stone Pickaxe"]
+ [stack-size 1]
+ [dmg 4]
+ [dmg-stone 3]
+ [dmg-dirt 2]
+ [sprite-id-0 291]
+ [sprite-color-0 #xFF01232F]
+ [sprite-id-1 267]
+ [sprite-color-1 #xFF666666]
+ [sprite-id-2 268]
+ [sprite-color-2 #xFFDDDDDD]
+ [weight 5.0]
+ [mesh 'm-stonepickaxe]]
+[defitem i-blaster
+ [name "Blaster"]
+ [inaccuracy 2]
+ [ammunition 'i-crystalbullet]
+ [fire-dmg 6]
+ [fire-health 64]
+ [stack-size 1]
+ [mag-size 30]
+ [primary [λ []
[cond [[try-to-shoot 600 6]
[beamblast 0.8 4.0 2]
[recoil 2.0]
@@ 278,7 225,7 @@
[#t #f]
- [def secondary [λ []
+ [secondary [λ []
[cond [[try-to-use 800 0]
[toggle-aim 4.0]
[add-inaccuracy 64.0]
@@ 286,26 233,20 @@
[#t #f]
- [def tertiary [λ [] [item-reload 1200]]]
- [def burn-up [λ [pos id amount] [explode pos [* amount 0.5]]]]
- [def sprite-id-0 261]
- [def mesh 'm-blaster]
- [sync]
-[def i-masterblaster]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-masterblaster]
- [def name "Master Blaster"]
- [def inaccuracy 4]
- [def ammunition 'i-crystalbullet]
- [def fire-dmg 6]
- [def fire-health 64]
- [def stack-size 1]
- [def mag-size 90]
- [def primary [λ []
+ [tertiary [λ [] [item-reload 1200]]]
+ [burn-up [λ [pos id amount] [explode pos [* amount 0.5]]]]
+ [sprite-id-0 261]
+ [mesh 'm-blaster]]
+[defitem i-masterblaster
+ [name "Master Blaster"]
+ [inaccuracy 4]
+ [ammunition 'i-crystalbullet]
+ [fire-dmg 6]
+ [fire-health 64]
+ [stack-size 1]
+ [mag-size 90]
+ [primary [λ []
[cond [[try-to-shoot 1400 45]
[beamblast 6.0 12.0 1024]
[recoil 16.0]
@@ 313,7 254,7 @@
[#t #f]
- [def secondary [λ []
+ [secondary [λ []
[cond [[try-to-use 800 0]
[toggle-aim 3.0]
[add-inaccuracy 48.0]
@@ 321,27 262,21 @@
[#t #f]
- [def tertiary [λ [] [item-reload 800]]]
- [def burn-up [λ [pos id amount] [explode pos [* amount 0.5]]]]
- [def sprite-id-0 262]
- [def mesh 'm-masterblaster]
- [def weight 3.0]
- [sync]
-[def i-assaultblaster]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-assaultblaster]
- [def name "Assault Blaster"]
- [def inaccuracy 8]
- [def ammunition 'i-flamebullet]
- [def fire-dmg 6]
- [def fire-health 64]
- [def stack-size 1]
- [def mag-size 60]
- [def primary [λ []
+ [tertiary [λ [] [item-reload 800]]]
+ [burn-up [λ [pos id amount] [explode pos [* amount 0.5]]]]
+ [sprite-id-0 262]
+ [weight 3.0]
+ [mesh 'm-masterblaster]]
+[defitem i-assaultblaster
+ [name "Assault Blaster"]
+ [inaccuracy 8]
+ [ammunition 'i-flamebullet]
+ [fire-dmg 6]
+ [fire-health 64]
+ [stack-size 1]
+ [mag-size 60]
+ [primary [λ []
[cond [[try-to-shoot 60 1]
[sfx-play sfx-phaser 0.2]
[projectile 0 1]
@@ 351,7 286,7 @@
[#t #f]
- [def secondary [λ []
+ [secondary [λ []
[cond [[try-to-use 800 0]
[toggle-aim 2.0]
[add-inaccuracy 32.0]
@@ 359,280 294,197 @@
[#t #f]
- [def tertiary [λ []
+ [tertiary [λ []
[item-reload 200]
- [def burn-up [λ [pos id amount] [explode pos [* amount 0.2]]]]
- [def sprite-id-0 263]
- [def mesh 'm-assaultblaster]
- [def weight 3.0]
- [sync]
-[def i-shotgun]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-shotgun]
- [def name "Shotgun"]
- [def inaccuracy 48]
- [def ammunition 'i-flamebullet]
- [def fire-dmg 6]
- [def fire-health 64]
- [def stack-size 1]
- [def mag-size 60]
- [def primary [λ []
+ [burn-up [λ [pos id amount] [explode pos [* amount 0.2]]]]
+ [sprite-id-0 263]
+ [weight 3.0]
+ [mesh 'm-assaultblaster]]
+[defitem i-shotgun
+ [name "Shotgun"]
+ [inaccuracy 48]
+ [ammunition 'i-flamebullet]
+ [fire-dmg 6]
+ [fire-health 64]
+ [stack-size 1]
+ [mag-size 60]
+ [primary [λ []
[cond [[try-to-shoot 512 6] [sfx-play sfx-phaser 0.5] [shotgun-shot 64] [add-inaccuracy 96.0] [recoil 4.0] #t] [#t #f]]]]
- [def secondary [λ []
+ [secondary [λ []
[cond [[try-to-use 800 0] [toggle-aim 2.0] [add-inaccuracy 32.0] #t] [#t #f]]]]
- [def tertiary [λ [] [item-reload 256]]]
- [def burn-up [λ [pos id amount] [explode pos [* amount 0.2]]]]
- [def sprite-id-0 264]
- [def mesh 'm-shotgunblaster]
- [def weight 3.0]
- [sync]
-[def i-crystalbullet]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-crystalbullet]
- [def name "Crystal Bullet"]
- [def fire-dmg 8]
- [def fire-health 64]
- [def stack-size 999]
- [def burn-up [λ [pos id amount] [explode pos [* amount 0.1]]]]
- [def sprite-id-0 269]
- [def sprite-color-0 #xFFFFFFFF]
- [def sprite-id-1 270]
- [def sprite-color-1 #xFF5f32d6]
- [def mesh 'm-crystalbullet]
- [def weight 5.0]
- [sync]
-[def i-ironbar]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-ironbar]
- [def name "Iron Bar"]
- [def sprite-id-0 265]
- [def sprite-color-0 #xFFAAAAAA]
- [def sprite-id-1 266]
- [def sprite-color-1 #xFFEEEEEE]
- [def mesh 'm-ironbar]
- [def weight 8.0]
- [sync]
-[def i-ironaxe]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-ironaxe]
- [def name "Iron Axe"]
- [def stack-size 1]
- [def dmg 6]
- [def dmg-wood 5]
- [def primary [λ []
+ [tertiary [λ [] [item-reload 256]]]
+ [burn-up [λ [pos id amount] [explode pos [* amount 0.2]]]]
+ [sprite-id-0 264]
+ [weight 3.0]
+ [mesh 'm-shotgunblaster]]
+[defitem i-crystalbullet
+ [name "Crystal Bullet"]
+ [fire-dmg 8]
+ [fire-health 64]
+ [stack-size 999]
+ [burn-up [λ [pos id amount] [explode pos [* amount 0.1]]]]
+ [sprite-id-0 269]
+ [sprite-color-0 #xFFFFFFFF]
+ [sprite-id-1 270]
+ [sprite-color-1 #xFF5f32d6]
+ [weight 5.0]
+ [mesh 'm-crystalbullet]]
+[defitem i-ironbar
+ [name "Iron Bar"]
+ [sprite-id-0 265]
+ [sprite-color-0 #xFFAAAAAA]
+ [sprite-id-1 266]
+ [sprite-color-1 #xFFEEEEEE]
+ [weight 8.0]
+ [mesh 'm-ironbar]]
+[defitem i-ironaxe
+ [name "Iron Axe"]
+ [stack-size 1]
+ [dmg 6]
+ [dmg-wood 5]
+ [primary [λ []
[cond [[throwing?] [throw-item [logior throw-spin throw-pierce] 0.2 5]]
[#t #f]
- [def secondary [λ []
+ [secondary [λ []
- [def sprite-id-0 291]
- [def sprite-color-0 #xFF01232F]
- [def sprite-id-1 259]
- [def sprite-color-1 #xFFAAAAAA]
- [def sprite-id-2 260]
- [def sprite-color-2 #xFFEEEEEE]
- [def mesh 'm-ironaxe]
- [def weight 5.0]
- [sync]
-[def i-ironpickaxe]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-ironpickaxe]
- [def name "Iron Pickaxe"]
- [def stack-size 1]
- [def dmg 6]
- [def dmg-stone 5]
- [def dmg-dirt 3]
- [def sprite-id-0 291]
- [def sprite-color-0 #xFF01232F]
- [def sprite-id-1 267]
- [def sprite-color-1 #xFFAAAAAA]
- [def sprite-id-2 268]
- [def sprite-color-2 #xFFEEEEEE]
- [def mesh 'm-ironpickaxe]
- [def weight 5.0]
- [sync]
-[def i-crystalbar]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-crystalbar]
- [def name "Crystal Bar"]
- [def sprite-id-1 265]
- [def sprite-color-1 #xFF5f32d6]
- [def sprite-id-2 266]
- [def sprite-color-2 #xFFFFFFFF]
- [def mesh 'm-crystalbar]
- [def weight 2.0]
- [sync]
-[def i-crystalaxe]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-crystalaxe]
- [def name "Crystal Axe"]
- [def stack-size 1]
- [def dmg 8]
- [def dmg-wood 8]
- [def primary [λ []
+ [sprite-id-0 291]
+ [sprite-color-0 #xFF01232F]
+ [sprite-id-1 259]
+ [sprite-color-1 #xFFAAAAAA]
+ [sprite-id-2 260]
+ [sprite-color-2 #xFFEEEEEE]
+ [weight 5.0]
+ [mesh 'm-ironaxe]]
+[defitem i-ironpickaxe
+ [name "Iron Pickaxe"]
+ [stack-size 1]
+ [dmg 6]
+ [dmg-stone 5]
+ [dmg-dirt 3]
+ [sprite-id-0 291]
+ [sprite-color-0 #xFF01232F]
+ [sprite-id-1 267]
+ [sprite-color-1 #xFFAAAAAA]
+ [sprite-id-2 268]
+ [sprite-color-2 #xFFEEEEEE]
+ [weight 5.0]
+ [mesh 'm-ironpickaxe]]
+[defitem i-crystalbar
+ [name "Crystal Bar"]
+ [sprite-id-1 265]
+ [sprite-color-1 #xFF5f32d6]
+ [sprite-id-2 266]
+ [sprite-color-2 #xFFFFFFFF]
+ [weight 2.0]
+ [mesh 'm-crystalbar]]
+[defitem i-crystalaxe
+ [name "Crystal Axe"]
+ [stack-size 1]
+ [dmg 8]
+ [dmg-wood 8]
+ [primary [λ []
[cond [[throwing?] [throw-item [logior throw-spin throw-pierce] 0.25 8]]
[#t #f]
- [def secondary [lambda []
+ [secondary [λ []
- [def sprite-id-0 291]
- [def sprite-color-0 #xFF01232F]
- [def sprite-id-1 259]
- [def sprite-color-1 #xFF5f32d6]
- [def sprite-id-2 260]
- [def sprite-color-2 #xFFFFFFFF]
- [def mesh 'm-crystalaxe]
- [def weight 3.0]
- [sync]
-[def i-crystalpickaxe]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-crystalpickaxe]
- [def name "Crystal Pickaxe"]
- [def stack-size 1]
- [def dmg 8]
- [def dmg-stone 8]
- [def dmg-diro 8]
- [def sprite-id-0 291]
- [def sprite-color-0 #xFF01232F]
- [def sprite-id-1 267]
- [def sprite-color-1 #xFF5f32d6]
- [def sprite-id-2 268]
- [def sprite-color-2 #xFFFFFFFF]
- [def mesh 'm-crystalpickaxe]
- [def weight 3.0]
- [sync]
-[def i-cherry]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-cherry]
- [def name "Cherry"]
- [def fire-dmg 6]
- [def fire-health 96]
- [def secondary [λ []
+ [sprite-id-0 291]
+ [sprite-color-0 #xFF01232F]
+ [sprite-id-1 259]
+ [sprite-color-1 #xFF5f32d6]
+ [sprite-id-2 260]
+ [sprite-color-2 #xFFFFFFFF]
+ [mesh 'm-crystalaxe]
+ [weight 3.0]]
+[defitem i-crystalpickaxe
+ [name "Crystal Pickaxe"]
+ [stack-size 1]
+ [dmg 8]
+ [dmg-stone 8]
+ [dmg-dirt 8]
+ [sprite-id-0 291]
+ [sprite-color-0 #xFF01232F]
+ [sprite-id-1 267]
+ [sprite-color-1 #xFF5f32d6]
+ [sprite-id-2 268]
+ [sprite-color-2 #xFFFFFFFF]
+ [weight 3.0]
+ [mesh 'm-crystalpickaxe]]
+[defitem i-cherry
+ [name "Cherry"]
+ [fire-dmg 6]
+ [fire-health 96]
+ [secondary [λ []
[cond [[>= [player-hp] [player-maxhp]] #f]
[[try-to-use] [do-eat 6 id] #t]
[#t #f]
- [def sprite-id-0 272]
- [def mesh 'm-cherry]
- [def weight 0.1]
- [sync]
+ [sprite-id-0 272]
+ [mesh 'm-cherry]
+ [weight 0.1]]
-[def i-clusterbomb]
-[item-default [ω [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-clusterbomb]
- [def name "Cluster Bomb"]
- [def fire-dmg 12]
- [def fire-health 96]
- [def secondary [λ []
+[defitem i-clusterbomb
+ [name "Cluster Bomb"]
+ [fire-dmg 12]
+ [fire-health 96]
+ [secondary [λ []
[cond [[try-to-use]
[grenade-new [vy+ [player-pos] 0.5] [player-rot] 0.1 16 4.0]
[start-anim anim-hit 300]
[#t #f]]
- [def burn-up [λ [pos id amount]
+ [burn-up [λ [pos id amount]
[explode pos [* [sqrt amount] 6]]
[say [[ansi-yellow "Ka"] [ansi-red "bo000oom"]]]
- [def sprite-id-0 273]
- [def mesh 'm-clusterbomb]
- [def weight 3.0]
- [sync]
-[def i-glider]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-glider]
- [def name "Glider"]
- [def stack-size 1]
- [def fire-dmg 8]
- [def fire-health 198]
- [def sprite-id-0 274]
- [def mesh 'm-glider]
- [def weight 3.0]
- [sync]
-[def i-hook]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-hook]
- [def name "Hook"]
- [def stack-size 1]
- [def fire-health 1024]
- [def sprite-id-0 275]
- [def mesh 'm-grapplinghook]
- [def weight 3.0]
- [sync]
-[def i-jetpack]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-jetpack]
- [def name "Jetpack"]
- [def stack-size 1]
- [def sprite-id-0 276]
- [def mesh 'm-jetpack]
- [def weight 3.0]
- [sync]
-[def i-poop]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-poop]
- [def name "Poop"]
- [def secondary [λ []
+ [sprite-id-0 273]
+ [weight 3.0]
+ [mesh 'm-clusterbomb]]
+[defitem i-glider
+ [name "Glider"]
+ [stack-size 1]
+ [fire-dmg 8]
+ [fire-health 198]
+ [sprite-id-0 274]
+ [weight 3.0]
+ [mesh 'm-glider]]
+[defitem i-hook
+ [name "Hook"]
+ [stack-size 1]
+ [fire-health 1024]
+ [sprite-id-0 275]
+ [weight 3.0]
+ [mesh 'm-grapplinghook]]
+[defitem i-jetpack
+ [name "Jetpack"]
+ [stack-size 1]
+ [sprite-id-0 276]
+ [weight 3.0]
+ [mesh 'm-jetpack]]
+[defitem i-poop
+ [name "Poop"]
+ [secondary [λ []
[cond [[try-to-use] [start-anim anim-eat 1200] [player-hp [- [player-hp] 1]] [sfx-play sfx-chomp]
[yield [timeout 1000] [λ [] [say [ansi-brown "Mmmhhhh"]] [player-hp [- [player-hp] 1]]]]
[yield [timeout 2000] [λ [] [say [ansi-yellow "Lecker"]] [player-hp [- [player-hp] 1]]]]
@@ 640,87 492,62 @@
[#t #f]
- [def drop-chance 4095]
+ [drop-chance 4095]
; Still need to spawn in the plants/trees
- [def drop-handler [λ [pos id amount] -1]]
- [def sprite-id-0 277]
- [def mesh 'm-poop]
- ;[def weight 2.0]
- [sync]
-[def i-meat]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-meat]
- [def name "Meat"]
- [def ammunition id]
- [def fire-health 384]
- [def secondary [λ []
+ [drop-handler [λ [pos id amount] -1]]
+ [sprite-id-0 277]
+ [mesh 'm-poop]]
+[defitem i-meat
+ [name "Meat"]
+ [ammunition id]
+ [fire-health 384]
+ [secondary [λ []
[cond [[>= [player-hp] [player-maxhp]] #f]
[[try-to-use] [do-eat 4 id] #t]
[#t #f]
- [def burn-up [λ [pos id amount]
+ [burn-up [λ [pos id amount]
[say [ansi-rainbow [cat "Meat is done " id " " amount]]]
[item-drop-new pos i-cookedmeat amount]
- [def drop-chance 65535]
- [def drop-handler [λ [pos id amount] -1]]
- [def sprite-id-0 278]
- [def sprite-id-1 279]
- [def sprite-color-1 #xFF274FF7]
- [def mesh 'm-meat]
- [def weight 2.0]
- [sync]
-[def i-cookedmeat]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-cookedmeat]
- [def name "Cooked Meat"]
- [def ammunition id]
- [def fire-health 192]
- [def secondary [λ []
+ [drop-chance 65535]
+ [drop-handler [λ [pos id amount] -1]]
+ [sprite-id-0 278]
+ [sprite-id-1 279]
+ [sprite-color-1 #xFF274FF7]
+ [weight 2.0]
+ [mesh 'm-meat]]
+[defitem i-cookedmeat
+ [name "Cooked Meat"]
+ [ammunition id]
+ [fire-health 192]
+ [secondary [λ []
[cond [[>= [player-hp] [player-maxhp]] #f]
[[try-to-use] [do-eat 20 id] #t]
[#t #f]
- [def burn-up [λ [pos id amount] [item-drop-new pos i-burntmeat amount]]]
- [def sprite-id-0 278]
- [def sprite-id-1 279]
- [def sprite-color-1 #xFF6091D3]
- [def mesh 'm-cookedmeat]
- [def weight 2.0]
- [sync]
-[def i-fur]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-fur]
- [def name "Fur"]
- [def drop-chance 65535]
- [def drop-handler [λ [pos id amount] -1]]
- [def sprite-id-0 280]
- [def mesh 'm-fur]
- [def weight 2.0]
- [sync]
-[def i-burntmeat]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-burntmeat]
- [def name "Burnt Meat"]
- [def secondary [λ []
+ [burn-up [λ [pos id amount] [item-drop-new pos i-burntmeat amount]]]
+ [sprite-id-0 278]
+ [sprite-id-1 279]
+ [sprite-color-1 #xFF6091D3]
+ [weight 2.0]
+ [mesh 'm-cookedmeat]]
+[defitem i-fur
+ [name "Fur"]
+ [drop-chance 65535]
+ [drop-handler [λ [pos id amount] -1]]
+ [sprite-id-0 280]
+ [weight 2.0]
+ [mesh 'm-fur]]
+[defitem i-burntmeat
+ [name "Burnt Meat"]
+ [secondary [λ []
[cond [[try-to-use]
[start-anim anim-eat 1800]
[sfx-play sfx-chomp]
@@ 728,24 555,18 @@
[#t #f]
- [def drop-chance 65535]
- [def drop-handler [λ [pos id amount] -1]]
- [def sprite-id-0 278]
- [def sprite-id-1 279]
- [def sprite-color-1 #xFF606060]
- [def mesh 'm-burntmeat]
- [def weight 2.0]
- [sync]
-[def i-flintandsteel]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-flintandsteel]
- [def stack-size 1]
- [def name "Flint and Steel"]
- [def primary [λ []
+ [drop-chance 65535]
+ [drop-handler [λ [pos id amount] -1]]
+ [sprite-id-0 278]
+ [sprite-id-1 279]
+ [sprite-color-1 #xFF606060]
+ [weight 2.0]
+ [mesh 'm-burntmeat]]
+[defitem i-flintandsteel
+ [stack-size 1]
+ [name "Flint and Steel"]
+ [primary [λ []
[cond [[try-to-use 800 0]
[set-cooldown 800]
[start-anim anim-empty 600]
@@ 754,7 575,7 @@
[#t #t]
- [def secondary [λ []
+ [secondary [λ []
[cond [[try-to-use 800 0]
[set-cooldown 800]
[start-anim anim-empty 600]
@@ 763,25 584,19 @@
[#t #f]
- [def sprite-id-0 286]
- [def mesh 'm-flintandsteel]
- [def weight 2.0]
- [sync]
-[def i-flamethrower]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-flamethrower]
- [def stack-size 1]
- [def mag-size 90]
- [def fire-dmg 8]
- [def fire-health 128]
- [def inaccuracy 16]
- [def ammunition 'i-flamebullet]
- [def name "Flamethrower"]
- [def primary [λ []
+ [sprite-id-0 286]
+ [weight 2.0]
+ [mesh 'm-flintandsteel]]
+[defitem i-flamethrower
+ [stack-size 1]
+ [mag-size 90]
+ [fire-dmg 8]
+ [fire-health 128]
+ [inaccuracy 16]
+ [ammunition 'i-flamebullet]
+ [name "Flamethrower"]
+ [primary [λ []
[cond [[try-to-shoot 60 1]
[sfx-play sfx-phaser 0.2]
[projectile 0 5]
@@ 793,7 608,7 @@
[#t #f]]
- [def secondary [λ []
+ [secondary [λ []
[cond [[try-to-use 800 0]
[toggle-aim 2.0]
[add-inaccuracy 32.0]
@@ 801,80 616,56 @@
[#t #f]
- [def tertiary [lambda [] [item-reload 512]]]
- [def burn-up [λ [pos id amount] [explode pos [* amount 0.2]]]]
- [def sprite-id-0 283]
- [def sprite-id-1 284]
- [def sprite-color-1 #xFF2163D4]
- [def mesh 'm-flamethrower]
- [def weight 3.0]
- [sync]
-[def i-flamebullet]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-flamebullet]
- [def stack-size 999]
- [def fire-dmg 8]
- [def fire-health 64]
- [def name "Flamebullet"]
- [def burn-up [λ [pos id amount]
+ [tertiary [λ [] [item-reload 512]]]
+ [burn-up [λ [pos id amount] [explode pos [* amount 0.2]]]]
+ [sprite-id-0 283]
+ [sprite-id-1 284]
+ [sprite-color-1 #xFF2163D4]
+ [weight 3.0]
+ [mesh 'm-flamethrower]]
+[defitem i-flamebullet
+ [stack-size 999]
+ [fire-dmg 8]
+ [fire-health 64]
+ [name "Flamebullet"]
+ [burn-up [λ [pos id amount]
[explode pos [* amount 0.1]]
- [def sprite-id-0 269]
- [def sprite-color-0 #xFFFFFFFF]
- [def sprite-id-1 271]
- [def sprite-color-1 #xFF2468e0]
- [def mesh 'm-flamebullet]
- [def weight 0.2]
- [sync]
-[def i-irondust]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-irondust]
- [def fire-dmg 1]
- [def fire-health 256]
- [def name "Irondust"]
- [def burn-up [λ [pos id amount]
+ [sprite-id-0 269]
+ [sprite-color-0 #xFFFFFFFF]
+ [sprite-id-1 271]
+ [sprite-color-1 #xFF2468e0]
+ [weight 0.2]
+ [mesh 'm-flamebullet]]
+[defitem i-irondust
+ [fire-dmg 1]
+ [fire-health 256]
+ [name "Irondust"]
+ [burn-up [λ [pos id amount]
[item-drop-new pos i-ironbar amount]
- [def sprite-id-0 285]
- [def sprite-color-0 #xFF3e3e8f]
- [def mesh 'm-irondust]
- [def weight 2.0]
+ [sprite-id-0 285]
+ [sprite-color-0 #xFF3e3e8f]
+ [weight 2.0]
+ [mesh 'm-irondust]]
- [sync]
-[def i-crystaldust]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-crystaldust]
- [def fire-dmg 1]
- [def fire-health 512]
- [def name "Crystaldust"]
- [def burn-up [λ [pos id amount]
+[defitem i-crystaldust
+ [fire-dmg 1]
+ [fire-health 512]
+ [name "Crystaldust"]
+ [burn-up [λ [pos id amount]
[item-drop-new pos i-crystalbar amount]
- [def sprite-id-0 285]
- [def sprite-color-0 #xFF794DEA]
- [def mesh 'm-crystaldust]
+ [sprite-id-0 285]
+ [sprite-color-0 #xFF794DEA]
+ [mesh 'm-crystaldust]]
- [sync]
-[def i-firedrill]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-firedrill]
- [def stack-size 1]
- [def name "Fire drill"]
- [def primary [λ []
+[defitem i-firedrill
+ [stack-size 1]
+ [name "Fire drill"]
+ [primary [λ []
[cond [[try-to-use 800 0]
[set-cooldown 2400]
[start-anim anim-empty 600]
@@ 884,7 675,7 @@
[#t #t]
- [def secondary [λ []
+ [secondary [λ []
[cond [[try-to-use 800 0]
[set-cooldown 800]
[start-anim anim-empty 600]
@@ 893,22 684,16 @@
[#t #f]
- [def sprite-id-0 287]
- [def mesh 'm-firedrill]
+ [sprite-id-0 287]
+ [mesh 'm-firedrill]]
- [sync]
-[def i-waterthrower]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-waterthrower]
- [def name "Waterthrower"]
- [def ammunition 'i-flamebullet]
- [def inaccuracy 16]
- [def mag-size 90]
- [def stack-size 1]
- [def primary [λ []
+[defitem i-waterthrower
+ [name "Waterthrower"]
+ [ammunition 'i-flamebullet]
+ [inaccuracy 16]
+ [mag-size 90]
+ [stack-size 1]
+ [primary [λ []
[cond [[try-to-shoot 60 1]
[sfx-play sfx-phaser 0.2]
[projectile 0 6]
@@ 921,7 706,7 @@
[#t #f]
- [def secondary [λ []
+ [secondary [λ []
[cond [[try-to-use 800 0]
[toggle-aim 2.0]
[add-inaccuracy 32.0]
@@ 929,147 714,108 @@
[#t #f]
- [def tertiary [λ [] [item-reload 512]]]
- [def sprite-id-0 283]
- [def sprite-id-1 284]
- [def sprite-color-1 #xFFB36213]
- [def mesh 'm-waterthrower]
- [sync]
-[def i-stonespear]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-stonespear]
- [def name "Stone Spear"]
- [def stack-size 1]
- [def dmg 6]
- [def primary [λ []
+ [tertiary [λ [] [item-reload 512]]]
+ [sprite-id-0 283]
+ [sprite-id-1 284]
+ [sprite-color-1 #xFFB36213]
+ [mesh 'm-waterthrower]]
+[defitem i-stonespear
+ [name "Stone Spear"]
+ [stack-size 1]
+ [dmg 6]
+ [primary [λ []
[cond [[throwing?] [throw-item [+ throw-heavy throw-pierce] 0.25 4]]
[#t #f]
- [def secondary [λ []
+ [secondary [λ []
- [def sprite-id-0 291]
- [def sprite-color-0 #xFF01232F]
- [def sprite-id-1 290]
- [def sprite-color-1 #xFF666666]
- [def sprite-id-2 289]
- [def sprite-color-2 #xFFDDDDDD]
- [def mesh 'm-stonespear]
- [def weight 3.0]
- [sync]
-[def i-ironspear]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-ironspear]
- [def name "Iron Spear"]
- [def stack-size 1]
- [def dmg 8]
- [def primary [λ []
+ [sprite-id-0 291]
+ [sprite-color-0 #xFF01232F]
+ [sprite-id-1 290]
+ [sprite-color-1 #xFF666666]
+ [sprite-id-2 289]
+ [sprite-color-2 #xFFDDDDDD]
+ [weight 3.0]
+ [mesh 'm-stonespear]]
+[defitem i-ironspear
+ [name "Iron Spear"]
+ [stack-size 1]
+ [dmg 8]
+ [primary [λ []
[cond [[throwing?] [throw-item [+ throw-heavy throw-pierce] 0.35 8]]
[#t #f]
- [def secondary [λ []
+ [secondary [λ []
- [def sprite-id-0 291]
- [def sprite-color-0 #xFF01232F]
- [def sprite-id-1 290]
- [def sprite-color-1 #xFFAAAAAA]
- [def sprite-id-2 289]
- [def sprite-color-2 #xFFFFFFFF]
- [def mesh 'm-ironspear]
- [def weight 3.0]
- [sync]
-[def i-crystalspear]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-crystalspear]
- [def name "Crystal Spear"]
- [def stack-size 1]
- [def dmg 10]
- [def primary [λ []
+ [sprite-id-0 291]
+ [sprite-color-0 #xFF01232F]
+ [sprite-id-1 290]
+ [sprite-color-1 #xFFAAAAAA]
+ [sprite-id-2 289]
+ [sprite-color-2 #xFFFFFFFF]
+ [weight 3.0]
+ [mesh 'm-ironspear]]
+[defitem i-crystalspear
+ [name "Crystal Spear"]
+ [stack-size 1]
+ [dmg 10]
+ [primary [λ []
[cond [[throwing?] [throw-item [+ throw-heavy throw-pierce] 0.4 12]]
[#t #f]
- [def secondary [λ []
+ [secondary [λ []
- [def sprite-id-0 291]
- [def sprite-color-0 #xFF01232F]
- [def sprite-id-1 290]
- [def sprite-color-1 #xFF5f32d6]
- [def sprite-id-2 289]
- [def sprite-color-2 #xFFFFFFFF]
- [def mesh 'm-crystalspear]
- [def weight 2.0]
- [sync]
-[def i-plantmatter]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-plantmatter]
- [def name "Plantmatter"]
- [def fire-dmg 2]
- [def fire-health 256]
- [def drop-chance 65535]
- [def drop-handler [λ [pos id amount]
+ [sprite-id-0 291]
+ [sprite-color-0 #xFF01232F]
+ [sprite-id-1 290]
+ [sprite-color-1 #xFF5f32d6]
+ [sprite-id-2 289]
+ [sprite-color-2 #xFFFFFFFF]
+ [mesh 'm-crystalspear]
+ [weight 2.0]]
+[defitem i-plantmatter
+ [name "Plantmatter"]
+ [fire-dmg 2]
+ [fire-health 256]
+ [drop-chance 65535]
+ [drop-handler [λ [pos id amount]
[say [ansi-yellow "Straw!"]]
[item-drop-new pos i-straw 1]
- [def sprite-id-0 292]
- [def sprite-color-0 #xFF087500]
- [def mesh 'm-plantmatter]
- [def weight 0.4]
- [sync]
-[def i-straw]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-straw]
- [def name "Straw"]
- [def fire-dmg 8]
- [def fire-health 256]
- [def sprite-id-0 292]
- [def sprite-color-0 #xFF48A7D3]
- [def mesh 'm-straw]
- [def weight 0.3]
- [sync]
-[def i-backpack]
-[item-default [ω
- [def id [item-new-id]]
- [def sym 'i-backpack]
- [def name "Backpack"]
- [def stack-size 1]
- [def sprite-id-0 281]
- [def mesh 'm-backpack]
- [def weight 3.0]
- [sync]
-[event-bind "on-init" [λ []
- [item-sync-all 0]
+ [sprite-id-0 292]
+ [sprite-color-0 #xFF087500]
+ [weight 0.4]
+ [mesh 'm-plantmatter]]
+[defitem i-straw
+ [name "Straw"]
+ [fire-dmg 8]
+ [fire-health 256]
+ [sprite-id-0 292]
+ [sprite-color-0 #xFF48A7D3]
+ [weight 0.3]
+ [mesh 'm-straw]]
+[defitem i-backpack
+ [name "Backpack"]
+ [stack-size 1]
+ [sprite-id-0 281]
+ [weight 3.0]
+ [mesh 'm-backpack]]
+[event-bind on-init :item-init [λ []
+ [item-sync-all]
[log [ansi-green "Items initialized"]]
[recipe-sync-all 0]
M common/src/nuj/recipes.nuj => common/src/nuj/recipes.nuj +276 -451
@@ 1,6 1,6 @@
; All the Recipes
-[def recipes [arr-new 256]]
+[def recipes [array/allocate 256]]
[def recipe-new-id [let*
[def recipe-cur-id 0]
@@ 10,472 10,297 @@
-[def recipe-sync [λ [obj]
+[defun recipe-sync [obj]
"Syncs the Recipe with the ω OBJ"
- [when [symbol? [resolve [obj result-id]]] [log "Invalid Result ID for Recipe [:id " [obj id] [ansi-red " :result-id " [obj result-id]] " :result-amt " [obj result-amt] "]"]]
- [when [zn? [obj result-amt]] [log "Invalid Result Amount for Recipe [:id " [obj id] " :result-id " [obj result-id] [ansi-red " :result-amt " [obj result-amt]] "]"]]
+ #_[when [symbol? [resolve [obj result-id]]] [println "Invalid Result ID for Recipe [:id " [obj id] [ansi-red " :result-id " [obj result-id]] " :result-amt " [obj result-amt] "]"]]
+ #_[when [zero-neg? [obj result-amt]] [println "Invalid Result Amount for Recipe [:id " [obj id] " :result-id " [obj result-id] [ansi-red " :result-amt " [obj result-amt]] "]"]]
- [when [symbol? [resolve [obj ingred-id-0]]] [log "Invalid first Ingredient ID for Recipe [:id " [obj id] [ansi-red " :result-id " [obj ingred-id-0]] " :result-amt " [obj ingred-amt-0] "]"]]
- [when [zn? [obj ingred-amt-0]] [log "Invalid first Ingredient Amount for Recipe [:id " [obj id] " :result-id " [obj ingred-id-0] [ansi-red " :result-amt " [obj ingred-amt-0]] "]"]]
+ #_[when [symbol? [resolve [obj ingred-id-0]]] [println "Invalid first Ingredient ID for Recipe [:id " [obj id] [ansi-red " :result-id " [obj ingred-id-0]] " :result-amt " [obj ingred-amt-0] "]"]]
+ #_[when [zero-neg? [obj ingred-amt-0]] [println "Invalid first Ingredient Amount for Recipe [:id " [obj id] " :result-id " [obj ingred-id-0] [ansi-red " :result-amt " [obj ingred-amt-0]] "]"]]
[r-result [obj id] [resolve [obj result-id]] [obj result-amt]]
[r-ingred [obj id] 0 [resolve [obj ingred-id-0]] [obj ingred-amt-0]]
[r-ingred [obj id] 1 [resolve [obj ingred-id-1]] [obj ingred-amt-1]]
[r-ingred [obj id] 2 [resolve [obj ingred-id-2]] [obj ingred-amt-2]]
[r-ingred [obj id] 3 [resolve [obj ingred-id-3]] [obj ingred-amt-3]]
- [arr-set! recipes [obj id] obj]
-[def recipe-sync-all [λ [i] "Syncs all Recipes with their respective ω"
- [cond [[nil? [recipes [int i]]] #t]
- [#t [recipe-sync [recipes [int i]]] [recipe-sync-all [+ [int i] 1]]]
- ]
-[def recipe-craft [λ [id times]
- "Crafts recipe with ID"
- [[recipes id] craft]
+[defun recipe-sync-all []
+ "Syncs all Recipes with their respective ω"
+ [for [i 0 [array/length recipes]]
+ [def cur-recipe [array/ref recipes i]]
+ [when cur-recipe [recipe-sync cur-recipe]]]]
[def recipe-default [ω
[def id -1]
- [def type :recipe]
- [def ingred-id-0 0]
+ [def ingred-id-0 0]
[def ingred-amt-0 0]
- [def ingred-id-1 0]
+ [def ingred-id-1 0]
[def ingred-amt-1 0]
- [def ingred-id-2 0]
+ [def ingred-id-2 0]
[def ingred-amt-2 0]
- [def ingred-id-3 0]
+ [def ingred-id-3 0]
[def ingred-amt-3 0]
- [def craft [δ [] [say "I got nothing to do"]]]
- [def sync [δ [] "Syncs the C state with the Object state"
- [recipe-sync [self]]]]
[def result-amt 0]
- [def result-id 0]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-oak-log]
- [def ingred-amt-0 1]
- [def result-id 'i-boards]
- [def result-amt 2]
- [sync]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-oak-log]
- [def ingred-amt-0 4]
- [def result-id 'i-coal]
- [def result-amt 1]
- [sync]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-boards]
- [def ingred-amt-0 2]
- [def ingred-id-1 'i-stone]
- [def ingred-amt-1 3]
- [def ingred-id-2 'i-plantmatter]
- [def ingred-amt-2 2]
- [def result-id 'i-stoneaxe]
- [def result-amt 1]
- [sync]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-boards]
- [def ingred-amt-0 2]
- [def ingred-id-1 'i-stone]
- [def ingred-amt-1 4]
- [def ingred-id-2 'i-plantmatter]
- [def ingred-amt-2 2]
- [def result-id 'i-stonepickaxe]
- [def result-amt 1]
- [sync]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-boards]
- [def ingred-amt-0 4]
- [def ingred-id-1 'i-stone]
- [def ingred-amt-1 2]
- [def ingred-id-2 'i-plantmatter]
- [def ingred-amt-2 2]
- [def result-id 'i-stonespear]
- [def result-amt 1]
- [sync]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-boards]
- [def ingred-amt-0 2]
- [def ingred-id-1 'i-stone]
- [def ingred-amt-1 1]
- [def ingred-id-2 'i-plantmatter]
- [def ingred-amt-2 8]
- [def result-id 'i-firedrill]
- [def result-amt 1]
- [sync]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-fur]
- [def ingred-amt-0 12]
- [def result-id 'i-backpack]
- [def result-amt 1]
- [sync]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-boards]
- [def ingred-amt-0 16]
- [def ingred-id-1 'i-fur]
- [def ingred-amt-1 8]
- [def result-id 'i-glider]
- [def result-amt 1]
- [sync]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-boards]
- [def ingred-amt-0 16]
- [def ingred-id-1 'i-straw]
- [def ingred-amt-1 32]
- [def result-id 'i-glider]
- [def result-amt 1]
- [sync]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-hematite-ore]
- [def ingred-amt-0 1]
- [def result-id 'i-irondust]
- [def result-amt 1]
- [sync]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-ironbar]
- [def ingred-amt-0 1]
- [def ingred-id-1 'i-stone]
- [def ingred-amt-1 2]
- [def result-id 'i-flintandsteel]
- [def result-amt 1]
- [sync]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-ironbar]
- [def ingred-amt-0 8]
- [def ingred-id-1 'i-coal]
- [def ingred-amt-1 2]
- [def result-id 'i-hook]
- [def result-amt 1]
- [sync]
- [ω [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-stoneaxe]
- [def ingred-amt-0 1]
- [def ingred-id-1 'i-ironbar]
- [def ingred-amt-1 4]
- [def ingred-id-2 'i-coal]
- [def ingred-amt-2 2]
- [def result-id 'i-ironaxe]
- [def result-amt 1]
- [sync]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-stonepickaxe]
- [def ingred-amt-0 1]
- [def ingred-id-1 'i-ironbar]
- [def ingred-amt-1 4]
- [def ingred-id-2 'i-coal]
- [def ingred-amt-2 2]
- [def result-id 'i-ironpickaxe]
- [def result-amt 1]
- [sync]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-stonespear]
- [def ingred-amt-0 1]
- [def ingred-id-1 'i-ironbar]
- [def ingred-amt-1 4]
- [def ingred-id-2 'i-coal]
- [def ingred-amt-2 2]
- [def result-id 'i-ironspear]
- [def result-amt 1]
- [sync]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-crystals]
- [def ingred-amt-0 1]
- [def result-id 'i-crystaldust]
- [def result-amt 1]
- [sync]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-ironaxe]
- [def ingred-amt-0 1]
- [def ingred-id-1 'i-crystalbar]
- [def ingred-amt-1 4]
- [def result-id 'i-crystalaxe]
- [def result-amt 1]
- [sync]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-ironpickaxe]
- [def ingred-amt-0 1]
- [def ingred-id-1 'i-crystalbar]
- [def ingred-amt-1 4]
- [def result-id 'i-crystalpickaxe]
- [def result-amt 1]
- [sync]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-ironspear]
- [def ingred-amt-0 1]
- [def ingred-id-1 'i-crystalbar]
- [def ingred-amt-1 4]
- [def result-id 'i-crystalspear]
- [def result-amt 1]
- [sync]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-ironbar]
- [def ingred-amt-0 2]
- [def ingred-id-1 'i-coal]
- [def ingred-amt-1 6]
- [def ingred-id-2 'i-crystals]
- [def ingred-amt-2 1]
- [def result-id 'i-grenade]
- [def result-amt 4]
- [sync]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-ironbar]
- [def ingred-amt-0 1]
- [def ingred-id-1 'i-coal]
- [def ingred-amt-1 4]
- [def ingred-id-2 'i-crystals]
- [def ingred-amt-2 3]
- [def result-id 'i-bomb]
- [def result-amt 1]
- [sync]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-ironbar]
- [def ingred-amt-0 4]
- [def ingred-id-1 'i-coal]
- [def ingred-amt-1 16]
- [def ingred-id-2 'i-crystals]
- [def ingred-amt-2 8]
- [def result-id 'i-clusterbomb]
- [def result-amt 1]
- [sync]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-ironbar]
- [def ingred-amt-0 2]
- [def ingred-id-1 'i-coal]
- [def ingred-amt-1 4]
- [def result-id 'i-flamebullet]
- [def result-amt 30]
- [sync]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-crystalbar]
- [def ingred-amt-0 8]
- [def ingred-id-1 'i-ironbar]
- [def ingred-amt-1 6]
- [def ingred-id-2 'i-flamebullet]
- [def ingred-amt-2 24]
- [def result-id 'i-assaultblaster]
- [def result-amt 1]
- [sync]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-crystalbar]
- [def ingred-amt-0 12]
- [def ingred-id-1 'i-ironbar]
- [def ingred-amt-1 16]
- [def ingred-id-2 'i-crystalbullet]
- [def ingred-amt-2 60]
- [def result-id 'i-shotgun]
- [def result-amt 1]
- [sync]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-crystalbar]
- [def ingred-amt-0 4]
- [def ingred-id-1 'i-ironbar]
- [def ingred-amt-1 16]
- [def ingred-id-2 'i-flamebullet]
- [def ingred-amt-2 12]
- [def result-id 'i-waterthrower]
- [def result-amt 1]
- [sync]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-crystalbar]
- [def ingred-amt-0 8]
- [def ingred-id-1 'i-ironbar]
- [def ingred-amt-1 8]
- [def ingred-id-2 'i-flamebullet]
- [def ingred-amt-2 16]
- [def result-id 'i-flamethrower]
- [def result-amt 1]
- [sync]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-crystals]
- [def ingred-amt-0 1]
- [def ingred-id-1 'i-ironbar]
- [def ingred-amt-1 2]
- [def ingred-id-2 'i-coal]
- [def ingred-amt-2 4]
- [def result-id 'i-crystalbullet]
- [def result-amt 30]
- [sync]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-crystalbar]
- [def ingred-amt-0 3]
- [def ingred-id-1 'i-ironbar]
- [def ingred-amt-1 6]
- [def ingred-id-2 'i-crystalbullet]
- [def ingred-amt-2 12]
- [def result-id 'i-blaster]
- [def result-amt 1]
- [sync]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-crystalbar]
- [def ingred-amt-0 16]
- [def ingred-id-1 'i-ironbar]
- [def ingred-amt-1 24]
- [def ingred-id-2 'i-crystalbullet]
- [def ingred-amt-2 90]
- [def result-id 'i-masterblaster]
- [def result-amt 1]
- [sync]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-crystalbar]
- [def ingred-amt-0 16]
- [def ingred-id-1 'i-ironbar]
- [def ingred-amt-1 16]
- [def ingred-id-2 'i-coal]
- [def ingred-amt-2 32]
- [def result-id 'i-jetpack]
- [def result-amt 1]
- [sync]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-marble-block]
- [def ingred-amt-0 1]
- [def result-id 'i-marble-pillar]
- [def result-amt 1]
- [sync]
-[recipe-default [ω
- [def id [recipe-new-id]]
- [def ingred-id-0 'i-marble-block]
- [def ingred-amt-0 1]
- [def result-id 'i-marble-blocks]
- [def result-amt 1]
- [sync]
+ [def result-id 0]]]
+[defmacro defrecipe body
+ [def r-id [recipe-new-id]]
+ `[do [array/set! recipes ~r-id [recipe-default [ω [def id ~r-id]
+ ~@[map body [\ [v] [cons 'def v]]]]]]
+ [recipe-sync [array/ref recipes ~r-id]]]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-oak-log]
+ [ingred-amt-0 1]
+ [result-id 'i-boards]
+ [result-amt 2]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-oak-log]
+ [ingred-amt-0 4]
+ [result-id 'i-coal]
+ [result-amt 1]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-boards]
+ [ingred-amt-0 2]
+ [ingred-id-1 'i-stone]
+ [ingred-amt-1 3]
+ [ingred-id-2 'i-plantmatter]
+ [ingred-amt-2 2]
+ [result-id 'i-stoneaxe]
+ [result-amt 1]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-boards]
+ [ingred-amt-0 2]
+ [ingred-id-1 'i-stone]
+ [ingred-amt-1 4]
+ [ingred-id-2 'i-plantmatter]
+ [ingred-amt-2 2]
+ [result-id 'i-stonepickaxe]
+ [result-amt 1]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-boards]
+ [ingred-amt-0 4]
+ [ingred-id-1 'i-stone]
+ [ingred-amt-1 2]
+ [ingred-id-2 'i-plantmatter]
+ [ingred-amt-2 2]
+ [result-id 'i-stonespear]
+ [result-amt 1]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-boards]
+ [ingred-amt-0 2]
+ [ingred-id-1 'i-stone]
+ [ingred-amt-1 1]
+ [ingred-id-2 'i-plantmatter]
+ [ingred-amt-2 8]
+ [result-id 'i-firedrill]
+ [result-amt 1]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-fur]
+ [ingred-amt-0 12]
+ [result-id 'i-backpack]
+ [result-amt 1]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-boards]
+ [ingred-amt-0 16]
+ [ingred-id-1 'i-fur]
+ [ingred-amt-1 8]
+ [result-id 'i-glider]
+ [result-amt 1]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-boards]
+ [ingred-amt-0 16]
+ [ingred-id-1 'i-straw]
+ [ingred-amt-1 32]
+ [result-id 'i-glider]
+ [result-amt 1]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-hematite-ore]
+ [ingred-amt-0 1]
+ [result-id 'i-irondust]
+ [result-amt 1]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-ironbar]
+ [ingred-amt-0 1]
+ [ingred-id-1 'i-stone]
+ [ingred-amt-1 2]
+ [result-id 'i-flintandsteel]
+ [result-amt 1]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-ironbar]
+ [ingred-amt-0 8]
+ [ingred-id-1 'i-coal]
+ [ingred-amt-1 2]
+ [result-id 'i-hook]
+ [result-amt 1]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-stoneaxe]
+ [ingred-amt-0 1]
+ [ingred-id-1 'i-ironbar]
+ [ingred-amt-1 4]
+ [ingred-id-2 'i-coal]
+ [ingred-amt-2 2]
+ [result-id 'i-ironaxe]
+ [result-amt 1]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-stonepickaxe]
+ [ingred-amt-0 1]
+ [ingred-id-1 'i-ironbar]
+ [ingred-amt-1 4]
+ [ingred-id-2 'i-coal]
+ [ingred-amt-2 2]
+ [result-id 'i-ironpickaxe]
+ [result-amt 1]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-stonespear]
+ [ingred-amt-0 1]
+ [ingred-id-1 'i-ironbar]
+ [ingred-amt-1 4]
+ [ingred-id-2 'i-coal]
+ [ingred-amt-2 2]
+ [result-id 'i-ironspear]
+ [result-amt 1]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-crystals]
+ [ingred-amt-0 1]
+ [result-id 'i-crystaldust]
+ [result-amt 1]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-ironaxe]
+ [ingred-amt-0 1]
+ [ingred-id-1 'i-crystalbar]
+ [ingred-amt-1 4]
+ [result-id 'i-crystalaxe]
+ [result-amt 1]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-ironpickaxe]
+ [ingred-amt-0 1]
+ [ingred-id-1 'i-crystalbar]
+ [ingred-amt-1 4]
+ [result-id 'i-crystalpickaxe]
+ [result-amt 1]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-ironspear]
+ [ingred-amt-0 1]
+ [ingred-id-1 'i-crystalbar]
+ [ingred-amt-1 4]
+ [result-id 'i-crystalspear]
+ [result-amt 1]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-ironbar]
+ [ingred-amt-0 2]
+ [ingred-id-1 'i-coal]
+ [ingred-amt-1 6]
+ [ingred-id-2 'i-crystals]
+ [ingred-amt-2 1]
+ [result-id 'i-grenade]
+ [result-amt 4]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-ironbar]
+ [ingred-amt-0 1]
+ [ingred-id-1 'i-coal]
+ [ingred-amt-1 4]
+ [ingred-id-2 'i-crystals]
+ [ingred-amt-2 3]
+ [result-id 'i-bomb]
+ [result-amt 1]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-ironbar]
+ [ingred-amt-0 4]
+ [ingred-id-1 'i-coal]
+ [ingred-amt-1 16]
+ [ingred-id-2 'i-crystals]
+ [ingred-amt-2 8]
+ [result-id 'i-clusterbomb]
+ [result-amt 1]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-ironbar]
+ [ingred-amt-0 2]
+ [ingred-id-1 'i-coal]
+ [ingred-amt-1 4]
+ [result-id 'i-flamebullet]
+ [result-amt 30]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-crystalbar]
+ [ingred-amt-0 8]
+ [ingred-id-1 'i-ironbar]
+ [ingred-amt-1 6]
+ [ingred-id-2 'i-flamebullet]
+ [ingred-amt-2 24]
+ [result-id 'i-assaultblaster]
+ [result-amt 1]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-crystalbar]
+ [ingred-amt-0 12]
+ [ingred-id-1 'i-ironbar]
+ [ingred-amt-1 16]
+ [ingred-id-2 'i-crystalbullet]
+ [ingred-amt-2 60]
+ [result-id 'i-shotgun]
+ [result-amt 1]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-crystalbar]
+ [ingred-amt-0 4]
+ [ingred-id-1 'i-ironbar]
+ [ingred-amt-1 16]
+ [ingred-id-2 'i-flamebullet]
+ [ingred-amt-2 12]
+ [result-id 'i-waterthrower]
+ [result-amt 1]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-crystalbar]
+ [ingred-amt-0 8]
+ [ingred-id-1 'i-ironbar]
+ [ingred-amt-1 8]
+ [ingred-id-2 'i-flamebullet]
+ [ingred-amt-2 16]
+ [result-id 'i-flamethrower]
+ [result-amt 1]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-crystals]
+ [ingred-amt-0 1]
+ [ingred-id-1 'i-ironbar]
+ [ingred-amt-1 2]
+ [ingred-id-2 'i-coal]
+ [ingred-amt-2 4]
+ [result-id 'i-crystalbullet]
+ [result-amt 30]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-crystalbar]
+ [ingred-amt-0 3]
+ [ingred-id-1 'i-ironbar]
+ [ingred-amt-1 6]
+ [ingred-id-2 'i-crystalbullet]
+ [ingred-amt-2 12]
+ [result-id 'i-blaster]
+ [result-amt 1]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-crystalbar]
+ [ingred-amt-0 16]
+ [ingred-id-1 'i-ironbar]
+ [ingred-amt-1 24]
+ [ingred-id-2 'i-crystalbullet]
+ [ingred-amt-2 90]
+ [result-id 'i-masterblaster]
+ [result-amt 1]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-crystalbar]
+ [ingred-amt-0 16]
+ [ingred-id-1 'i-ironbar]
+ [ingred-amt-1 16]
+ [ingred-id-2 'i-coal]
+ [ingred-amt-2 32]
+ [result-id 'i-jetpack]
+ [result-amt 1]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-marble-block]
+ [ingred-amt-0 1]
+ [result-id 'i-marble-pillar]
+ [result-amt 1]]
+[defrecipe [ingred-id-0 'i-marble-block]
+ [ingred-amt-0 1]
+ [result-id 'i-marble-blocks]
+ [result-amt 1]]
M common/src/nuj/repl.nuj => common/src/nuj/repl.nuj +21 -29
@@ 1,35 1,27 @@
-[def display/error [let*
- [def wrap [λ [i text]
- [cond [[eq? i 0] [ansi-red text]]
- [[eq? i 1] text]
- [[eq? i 2] [ansi-yellow text]]
- [#t text]
- ]
- ]]
+[def repl/display/error [let*
+ [defun wrap [i text]
+ [case i
+ [0 [ansi-red text]]
+ [1 text]
+ [2 [ansi-yellow text]]
+ [otherwise text]]]
- [def iter [λ [error i]
- [if error
- [cons [wrap i [string [car error]]]
- [iter [cdr error] [++ i]]]
- [cons "" #nil]]
- ]]
+ [defun iter [error i]
+ [if error
+ [cons [wrap i [string [car error]]]
+ [iter [cdr error] [+ 1 i]]]
+ [cons "" #nil]]]
- [λ [error]
- "Display ERROR in a nice, human readable way"
- [join [iter error 0] "\n"]
- ]
+ [λ [error]
+ "Display ERROR in a nice, human readable way"
+ [join [iter error 0] "\n"]]
[def repl/exception-handler [λ [error]
- [display/error error]
-[def repl/console [let*
- [def ctx [ω]]
+ [repl/display/error error]]]
- [λ [line]
- [try repl/exception-handler
- [def expr [read line]]
- [apply ctx [cons do expr]]
- ]]
+[defun repl/console [line]
+ [try repl/exception-handler
+ [def form [cons do [read line]]]
+ [def compiled-form [list do [compile form root-closure]]]
+ [apply root-closure compiled-form]]]
M server/server.mk => server/server.mk +7 -2
@@ 11,7 11,7 @@ SERVER_DEPS := ${SERVER_SRCS:.c=.d}
SERVER_NUJ := $(shell find server/src/nujel -type f -name '*.nuj' | sort)
SERVER_NO := $(SERVER_NUJ:.nuj=.no)
-SERVER_ASSETS := server/src/tmp/server.no
+SERVER_ASSETS := server/src/tmp/server.nuj
$(SERVER_OBJS_EXCL): | common/src/tmp/cto.c
$(SERVER_OBJS): | server/src/tmp/assets.h
@@ 24,7 24,12 @@ $(WOLKENWELTEN_SERVER): $(SERVER_OBJS) $(ASM_OBJS) ${SERVER_TMP_OBJS} common/nuj
server/src/tmp/server.no: $(SERVER_NO)
@mkdir -p server/src/tmp
- @cat $(SERVER_NUJ) > $@
+ @cat $^ > $@
+ @echo "$(ANSI_GREY)" "[CAT]" "$(ANSI_RESET)" $@
+server/src/tmp/server.nuj: $(SERVER_NUJ)
+ @mkdir -p server/src/tmp
+ @cat $^ > $@
@echo "$(ANSI_GREY)" "[CAT]" "$(ANSI_RESET)" $@
server/src/tmp/sfx.c: $(SFX_ASSETS)
M server/src/main.c => server/src/main.c +1 -1
@@ 179,7 179,7 @@ void mainInit(){
- lispEval("[event-fire \"on-init\"]",false);
+ lispCallFunc("on-init-fire", NULL);
M server/src/misc/lisp.c => server/src/misc/lisp.c +9 -21
@@ 42,7 42,7 @@
#include "../../../common/nujel/lib/api.h"
#include "../../../common/nujel/lib/exception.h"
-#include "../../../common/nujel/lib/s-expression/writer.h"
+#include "../../../common/nujel/lib/misc/pf.h"
#include "../../../common/nujel/lib/allocation/roots.h"
#include <ctype.h>
@@ 52,8 52,8 @@
#include <string.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
-extern unsigned int src_tmp_server_no_len;
-extern unsigned char src_tmp_server_no_data[];
+extern unsigned int src_tmp_server_nuj_len;
+extern unsigned char src_tmp_server_nuj_data[];
lSymbol *lsPID;
@@ 340,14 340,6 @@ static lVal *wwlnfSendMessage(lClosure *c, lVal *v){
return lCar(v);
-static lVal *wwlnfConsolePrint(lClosure *c, lVal *v){
- (void)c;
- const char *msg = castToString(lCar(v),NULL);
- if(msg == NULL){return NULL;}
- printf("%s\n",msg);
- return lCar(v);
static lVal *wwlnfQuit(lClosure *c, lVal *v){
quit = true;
@@ 491,7 483,6 @@ void addServerNativeFuncs(lClosure *c){
lAddNativeFunc(c,"game/time", "(s)", "Sets the time to the time string s", wwlnfTime);
lAddNativeFunc(c,"tp", "(pos)", "Teleports to pos", wwlnfTp);
lAddNativeFunc(c,"send-message", "(s)", "Send a chat message to everyone", wwlnfSendMessage);
- lAddNativeFunc(c,"console-print", "(s)", "Prints something to stdout", wwlnfConsolePrint);
lAddNativeFunc(c,"chunk-info", "(pos)", "Returns a description of the chunk at pos", wwlnfChunkInfo);
lAddNativeFunc(c,"chungus-info", "(pos)", "Returns a description of the chungus at pos", wwlnfChungusInfo);
lAddNativeFunc(c,"spawn-pos", "()", "Return the current spawn position as a vec", wwlnfSpawnPos);
@@ 510,9 501,8 @@ static void *cmdLispReal(void *a, void *b){
u16 pid = *((uint *)a);
const char *str = (const char *)b;
- lVal *expr = lRead(str);
- lVal *v = lnfDo(clients[pid].cl, expr);
- lSWriteVal(v,reply,&reply[sizeof(reply)-1],0,true);
+ lVal *v = lRunS(clients[pid].cl, str, strlen(str));
+ spf(reply, &reply[sizeof(reply)-1], "%v", v);
msgLispSExpr(pid, reply);
@@ 527,9 517,8 @@ static void cmdLisp(uint pid, const char *str){
static void *lispInitReal(void *a, void *b){
(void)a; (void)b;
clRoot = lispCommonRoot(addServerNativeFuncs);
- lVal *expr = lRead((char *)src_tmp_server_no_data);
- lnfDo(clRoot, expr);
- lsPID = lSymS("pid");
+ lLoadS(clRoot,(const char *)src_tmp_server_nuj_data, src_tmp_server_nuj_len);
+ lsPID = RSYMP(lSymS("pid"));
return NULL;
@@ 581,9 570,8 @@ void *lispEvalReal(void *a, void *b){
bool humanReadable = b != NULL;
- lVal *expr = lRead(str);
- lVal *v = lnfDo(clRoot,expr);
- lSWriteVal(v,reply,&reply[sizeof(reply)-1],0,humanReadable);
+ lVal *v = lRunS(clRoot, str, strlen(str));
+ spf(reply, &reply[sizeof(reply)-1], humanReadable ? "%v" : "%V", v);
return reply;
M server/src/nujel/server.nuj => server/src/nujel/server.nuj +36 -72
@@ 2,79 2,49 @@
[def server? #t]
[def test-context "WolkenWelten Server"]
-[test-add #t [and [not client?] server?]]
+[test/add #t [and [not client?] server?]]
-[def error [λ [...args]
+[defun error args
"Print its arguments into the LISP console and might alert the user"
- [say [apply cat ...args]]
+ [say [apply cat args]]]
-[def log [λ [...args]
+[defun log args
"Print its arguments into the LISP console"
- [console-print [apply cat ...args]]
-[def help [let []
- [def iter [λ [l]
- [cond [[nil? l] #t]
- [#t [say [describe [car l]]] [iter [cdr l]]
- ]]
- ]]
- [λ [i]
- "Describe 10 functions at offset 1"
- [let [[off [* [int i] 10]]]
- [iter [map cat [symbol-table off 10]]]
- [say ["Help page " [int i] " of " [/ [symbol-count] 10]]] #t]
- ]
+ [print [apply cat args]]]
-[def print [λ [...a]
- "Print to everyone's chat"
- [say [apply cat ...a]]
-[def heal [δ [a]
+[defun heal [a]
"Heals oneself by a points"
- [- [dmg [cond [a [- a]] [#t -20]]]]
+ [- [dmg [cond [a [- a]] [#t -20]]]]]
-[def time/morning! [λ []
+[defun time/morning! []
"Sets the Time to 8:00 AM"
- [game/time "8:00"]
+ [game/time "8:00"]]
-[def time/noon! [λ []
+[defun time/noon! []
"Sets the Time to 12:00 PM"
- [game/time "12:00"]
+ [game/time "12:00"]]
-[def time/evening! [λ []
+[defun time/evening! []
"Sets the Time to 21:30 PM"
- [game/time "21:30"]
+ [game/time "21:30"]]
-[def time/night! [λ []
+[defun time/night! []
"Sets the Time to Midnight"
- [game/time "24:00"]
+ [game/time "24:00"]]
-[def player-x [δ []
+[defun player-x []
"Return the current players X Position"
- [vec/x [player-pos]]
+ [vec/x [player-pos]]]
-[def player-y [δ []
+[defun player-y []
"Return the current players Y Position"
- [vec/y [player-pos]]
+ [vec/y [player-pos]]]
-[def player-z [δ []
+[defun player-z []
"Return the current players Z Position"
- [vec/z [player-pos]]
+ [vec/z [player-pos]]]
-[def item-drop-stress [let []
+[def item-drop-stress [let*
[def item-drop-stress-xz [λ [pos max x z]
[item-drop-new [+ [vec x -6 z] pos] i-crystals 1]
[when [< z max] [item-drop-stress-xz pos max x [+ 2 z]]]
@@ 86,10 56,9 @@
[λ [pos max]
"Stress test the itemDrop code by generating a lot of them"
[item-drop-stress-x pos max -max]
- ]
+ ]]]
-[def animal-stress [let []
+[def animal-stress [let*
[def stress-xz [λ [pos max x z]
[animal-new [+ [vec x 6 z] pos] 1 1]
[when [< z max] [stress-xz pos max x [+ 4 z]]]
@@ 101,32 70,28 @@
[λ [pos max]
"Generate a lot of animals"
[stress-x pos max -max]
- ]
+ ]]]
-[def rain [λ []
+[defun rain []
"Make it Rain!"
- [cloud-density 0.9]
+ [cloud-density 0.9]]
-[def cloud-density [λ [a]
+[defun cloud-density [a]
"Set the new Goal Density to a which should be a float in the range 0.0 - 1.0."
- [- 1.0 [/ [cloud-threshold! [* [- 1.0 a] 256.0]] 256.0]]
+ [- 1.0 [/ [cloud-threshold! [* [- 1.0 a] 256.0]] 256.0]]]
-[def countdown [λ [i]
+[defun countdown [i]
"Counts down on the console"
[cond [[< [int i] 0] #t]
[#t [say [cond [[zero? i] [[ansi-green "GO!"] [ansi-yellow "!"] [ansi-red "!"]]]
[[< i 4] [ansi-red i]]
[[< i 6] [ansi-yellow i]] [#t i]]]
- [yield [timeout 1000] [lambda [] [countdown [-- i]]]]
- ]]
+ [yield [timeout 1000] [lambda [] [countdown [-- i]]]]]]]
; Needs to be a dynamic function because the player's ID is only in the calling context
-[def debug-stuff! [λ [pid]
+[defun debug-stuff! [pid]
"Gives the issuing player some nice stuff to get started with"
+ [say [ansi-rainbow "Have some stuff!"]]
[clear-eq! pid]
[clear-inv! pid]
@@ 144,8 109,8 @@
[set-inv! 6 i-crystalspear 1 pid]
[set-inv! 7 i-pear 42 pid]
[set-inv! 8 i-dirt 99 pid ]
- [set-inv! 9 i-clusterbomb 99 pid]
- ;[set-inv! 9 i-grenade 99]
+ ;[set-inv! 9 i-clusterbomb 99 pid]
+ [set-inv! 9 i-grenade 99 pid]
[set-inv! 10 i-blaster 1 pid]
[set-inv! 11 i-flamethrower 1 pid]
@@ 161,5 126,4 @@
[set-inv! 27 i-snow-grass 99 pid]
[set-inv! 28 i-marble 99 pid]
[set-inv! 29 i-marble-blocks 99 pid]
- "asd"
+ "asd"]
M tools/tools.nuj => tools/tools.nuj +3 -3
@@ 6,7 6,7 @@
[def git-get-branch [λ []
"Returns the currently active branch"
[let [[cur-head [trim [file/read "./.git/HEAD"]]]]
- [cond [[eq? [substr cur-head 0 4] "ref:"] [join [list-tail [split cur-head "/"] 2] "/"]]
+ [cond [[== [substr cur-head 0 4] "ref:"] [join [list-tail [split cur-head "/"] 2] "/"]]
[#t "UNKNOWN"]
@@ 19,12 19,12 @@
[def infogen-version [λ []
"Return the infogen version"
- [cat [git-get-branch] "-" [strftime [time] "%Y-%m-%d"] "-" [uppercase [substr [git-get-head] 0 8]]]
+ [cat [git-get-branch] "-" [time/strftime [time] "%Y-%m-%d"] "-" [uppercase [substr [git-get-head] 0 8]]]
[def infogen-builddate [λ []
"Return the infogen builddate"
- [strftime [time] "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"]
+ [time/strftime [time] "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"]
[def infogen-commit [λ []