
7a19da3b7bd96699f6f544496ce12539a21be989 — Michael Forney 11 months ago ef02840 master
Day 17 improvements
1 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)

M 2023/17.lua
M 2023/17.lua => 2023/17.lua +40 -53
@@ 5,67 5,54 @@ for line in io.lines() do
local w, h = #grid[1], #grid

local function put(self, x, y, d, c)
	local k = x | y << 10 | d << 20
	if not self.seen[k] then
		local t, i = k | c << 21, #self + 1
		while i > 1 do
			local j = i >> 1
			if t > self[j] then break end
			self[i], i = self[j], j
		self[i] = t
local function enc(x, y, d) return (x - 1) + ((y - 1) * w) << 1 | d end
local function dec(k)
	local xy, d = k >> 1, k & 1
	return xy % w + 1, xy // w + 1, d
local function pop(self)
	local k, h
		local t, i = table.remove(self), 1
		if #self == 0 then return t end
		h = self[1]
			local j, l, r, s = i, i << 1, (i << 1) + 1, t
			if l <= #self and self[l] < s then i, s = l, self[l] end
			if r <= #self and self[r] < s then i, s = r, self[r] end
			self[j] = s
		until i == j
		k = h & 0x1fffff
	until not self.seen[k]
	self.seen[k] = true
	return h & 0x3ff, h >> 10 & 0x3ff, h >> 20 & 1, h >> 21
local function remove(queue, c)
	local t
	repeat c, t = c + 1, table.remove(queue, 1)
	until t ~= false
	if t ~= nil then return c, t end
local function visit(q, x, y, d, cost)
local queue, seen
local function visit(x, y, d, cost, add)
	if x >= 1 and x <= w and y >= 1 and y <= h then
		cost = cost + (string.byte(grid[y], x) - Z)
		if q then put(q, x, y, d, cost) end
		local k = enc(x, y, d)
		if add and not seen[k] then
			local t = queue[cost]
			if not t then
				for i = #queue + 1, cost - 1 do queue[i] = false end
				t = {}
				queue[cost] = t
			t[#t + 1] = k
	return cost
local function search(min, max)
	local q = {seen={}}
	put(q, 1, 1, H, 0)
	put(q, 1, 1, V, 0)
	for x, y, d, cost in pop, q do
		if x == w and y == h then return cost end
		if d == H then
			local costU, costD = cost, cost
			for dy = 1, min - 1 do
				costU = visit(nil, x, y - dy, V, costU)
				costD = visit(nil, x, y + dy, V, costD)
			for dy = min, max do
				costU = visit(q, x, y - dy, V, costU)
				costD = visit(q, x, y + dy, V, costD)
			local costL, costR = cost, cost
			for dx = 1, min - 1 do
				costL = visit(nil, x - dx, y, H, costL)
				costR = visit(nil, x + dx, y, H, costR)
			for dx = min, max do
				costL = visit(q, x - dx, y, H, costL)
				costR = visit(q, x + dx, y, H, costR)
	queue, seen = {{enc(1, 1, H), enc(1, 1, V)}}, {}
	for cost, t in remove, queue, -1 do
		for _, k in ipairs(t) do
			if not seen[k] then
				seen[k] = true
				local cost1, cost2, x, y, d = 0, 0, dec(k)
				if x == w and y == h then return cost end
				d = d ~ 1
				if d == V then
					for dy = 1, max do
						cost1 = visit(x, y - dy, d, cost1, dy >= min)
						cost2 = visit(x, y + dy, d, cost2, dy >= min)
					for dx = 1, max do
						cost1 = visit(x - dx, y, d, cost1, dx >= min)
						cost2 = visit(x + dx, y, d, cost2, dx >= min)