
baae0387a3e1205b2124f1556aab7092993a9ba0 — David Lichteblau 17 years ago bdb9b46
document -p
1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M ldapvi/arguments.c
M ldapvi/arguments.c => ldapvi/arguments.c +3 -0
@@ 35,6 35,9 @@ static void parse_configuration(char *, cmdline *, GPtrArray *);
"       ldapvi --delete [OPTION]... DN...          Edit a delete record\n"    \
"       ldapvi --rename [OPTION]... DN1 DN2        Edit a rename record\n"    \
"\n"									      \
"Configuration profiles:\n"						      \
"  -p, --profile NAME     Section of ~/.ldapvirc or /etc/ldap.conf to use.\n" \
"\n"									      \
"Connection options:\n"							      \
"  -h, --host URL         Server.\n"					      \
"  -D, --user USER        Search filter or DN: User to bind as.     [1]\n"    \