@@ 1,13 1,10 @@
# midi2human
-`midi2human` is a small Python script. It will read notes from a MIDI file, map them to piano keys and draw a piano layout with appropriate keys marked as SVG file.
+`midi2human` is a small Python script to read notes from a MIDI file, map them to piano keys and draw a piano layout with appropriate keys marked as SVG file.
## Installation
-Install using [pipx](https://pipxproject.github.io/pipx/).
-> `pipx` will install and run standalone Python applications in isolated environments.
pipx install git+git.sr.ht/~matthias_schaub/midi2human
@@ 24,32 21,3 @@ Following command will output a FurElise.svg in the same directory as the MIDI f
midi2human FurElise.mid
-## Development Setup
-### Dependencies
-- Python 3.7
-- [Poetry](https://python-poetry.org/) >= 0.12
-### Installation
-git clone https://git.sr.ht/~matthias_schaub/midi2human
-cd midi2human
-poetry install
-poetry run midi2human --help
-### Code formatting
-This project uses `black`, `darglint`, `flake8` and `isort` to keep the code consistent and readable. Those will be installed as dependencies.
-### pre-commit
-This project uses `pre-commit` to run above listed code formatting tools.
-For more information see: https://pre-commit.com/