Updated README
Added Python implementation
Made some changes to the Jai implementation.
A cipher of my own creation that works by rearanging the letters based on the pattern they would be on a circle if following a certain pattern.
You can see the various implementations by looking in the src
or by clicking here
It takes in an input, for example this: Hello Sailor
And you place the characters on a circle, for example like this:
'r' 'H' 'l'
'l' 'o'
'a' 'S'
' ' 'i'
'l' 'e' 'o'
Then you just take the letters one by one in the clockwise direction, and you now have your output.
For example: HloSioel alr
And to extract the hidden message, you just take one letter at a time following the pattern rather than just going along the circle taking one letter at a time.